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3DS Console Discussion


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I'd give a shit if they actually got around to bringing Terry's Wonderland 3DS to the west, but almost a year on and there's no sign - won't be holding out anything of this remake for us. DWM was such a banging game, and I'd LOVE the remake - but it's just so not a thing here :(

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One man's Gimmick is another man's treasure.


Kokoris is stereoblind, unable to perceive depth. Both of his eyes function but he is slightly cross-eyed, leaving his lines of sight to diverge about a foot away from his face; as he puts it himself, "I have double vision all the time."


George Kokoris:

"[T]here I was, holding this little chunk of plastic and silicon in my hands, tears streaming down my face because I had never known it was possible for reality to look this way—for things to look as solid as they feel. I couldn't look away. I got a 3DS of my own the next day, and later replaced it with an XL. I revisited Hyrule in Ocarina of Time 3D, stopping and staring at every piece of architecture. I still spend more time running aimlessly through Super Mario 3D Land's gorgeous environments than I do trying to beat the game.


Wouldn't anyone, if it were the only place where things had volume?"



Certainly is a lovely article.

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So my Peach 3ds turned up today. I say turned up, I more got it myself.

Very long story. All to do with dog shit Royal Mail.


Anyway. I absolutely love love love it. :love: And not just because it's Princess Peach stylee. But because it has made me realise how the original model totally and utterly owns the XL.

I love my XL, don't get me wrong. But the minute I got the Peach one in my hands and fired it up I knew I couldn't go back to an XL.


The screens on the XL are obviously a huge draw, but seeing the difference in sharpness when they were side by side was pretty startling. I can only imagine the difference it makes on games like NSMB 2 etc. Will test that later.


I know we all discussed this when the XL first got released and I remember commenting on how disappointed I was with the finish of the XL.

Part of my thinks I got lucky with this Peach 3DS though as it is totally unused.

When I turned it on, it hadn't had a system update for about a year and a half I'm guessing. I closed the lid and opened it again and it took 5 seconds or so before the screen fired up. As soon as I updated the system though (took about 10 mins!) it was running just as quick as XL. It shows these updates clearly go a long way haha!


Another thing I've noticed with the original design is the buttons are a lot more responsive with a satisfying 'click'. Now I understand that not every 3DS is the same, and I don't remember the buttons on my original one being so nice to press :D but it certainly wins again over my XL's - which in comparison feel a bit mushy. :hmm:


The last thing I wanted to comment on was the screen colour. Most people know that Nintendo's handhelds often get built with a screen that gives off a yellow tinge. My original 3DS was crisp and white (almost bluey!) and I had a Mario 3d Land bundle with the Ice White 3ds to replace that when it came out a few years ago. The ice white model had the yellowest screen ever - it was awful.

My XL is decent enough - no yellow tinge, but not quite brilliant white.

More good news with the Peach one as it is just like my original and is crisp white!


Anyway, I am looking at transferring all my data over from my XL to the Peach 3DS. Never done this before so I have a few questions.

I understand all downloaded games will go over. Will all my saves go with that too?

Will I need to swap the memory cards over? The XL comes with a 4gb memory card over the originals 2gb so I was going to swap them anyway!

Also, I'm guessing my friend code will change?


What about activity history? Anyone know if that goes over too?


Any help would be appreciated before I do the transfer!


Thanks y'all.

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My Red XL had a Yellow & White screen, my Japanese XL was White & Slightly Yellow-ish and my Fire Emblem XL is White/Blue & White/Red, it's really weird.


Anyway, I am looking at transferring all my data over from my XL to the Peach 3DS. Never done this before so I have a few questions.

I understand all downloaded games will go over. Will all my saves go with that too?

Will I need to swap the memory cards over? The XL comes with a 4gb memory card over the originals 2gb so I was going to swap them anyway!

Also, I'm guessing my friend code will change?


What about activity history? Anyone know if that goes over too?


Any help would be appreciated before I do the transfer!


Thanks y'all.


Everything transfers, saves, friend codes, activity log, the lot. If you have DSiWare games it'll ask to copy them the SD card, say yes.


You swap the SD card (put your 2GB in the Peach 3DS) after the main transfer (after the Pikmin animation), it'll tell you when to do it, it'll then copy your DSiWare games back.


After this copy the contents of your 2GB onto your PC and then paste them into the 4GB to upgrade the SD card.

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Thanks @Ike that's really helpful.


What about friend code?


Also, I have no DSiWare stuff so will I need to do anything differently?


I just had a thought - I have a lot of full games downloaded onto my 3ds XL and my 4gb is virtually running out. I still haven't got round to buying an upgraded memory card...


As the Peach 3ds has a 2gb I'm guessing it won't all be transferrable unless there's a memory card with enough capacity? :hmm:


Think I should buy my new memory card, whack it into the Peach 3ds and then do transfer instead?

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Thanks @Ike that's really helpful.


What about friend code?


Also, I have no DSiWare stuff so will I need to do anything differently?


I just had a thought - I have a lot of full games downloaded onto my 3ds XL and my 4gb is virtually running out. I still haven't got round to buying an upgraded memory card...


As the Peach 3ds has a 2gb I'm guessing it won't all be transferrable unless there's a memory card with enough capacity? :hmm:


Think I should buy my new memory card, whack it into the Peach 3ds and then do transfer instead?


Yes, even the friend code.


Probably will just skip the DSiWare step with transferring, it should still tell you when to swap cards although I'm not 100% sure on that since I do have DSiWare stuff.


Also it doesn't transfer your actual data (maybe just internal memory stuff, not sure but not much gets saved there I think), just the licences so you don't need a bigger SD card, that's why you need to swap them during the transfer it just lets the new one read the old SD card.


I recommend getting a 32GB card though. ;)

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This might be a better place for this. Where's the best place to get a 3DS? Bundles and such. I really want Luigi's Mansion.


Also, am I thinking the XL is a much better choice than the standard size?

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GAME are selling the original model + Luigi's Mansion for £164.99. Or with the XL for £199.99. However it's probably cheaper to buy the XL and game separate as Amazon are selling the XL's for £149.99 on their own.


GAME are selling the White XL with Mario Land/Mario Kart 7 (preloaded digital version) or £160 with a code though.


You can get the Monster Hunter/Fire Emblem bundles for around £190 if you wanted to that route.


The orginal version has sharper screens, but I find it's too small, much prefer the XL version myself.

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I love my original 3DS (aqua blue one), the XL always seems too big for a handheld when I've tried it in shops. Plus I really like the shininess of the original model.


My only complaint is that it can get uncomfortable to hold when playing Kid Icarus, I don't know if the XL improves on that or not?


Remember too that Nintendo are silly and don't include the charger in the XL packs. You have to buy separately.

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I'm with the above comment. Original model feels much more premium. The XL has a great screen but you do lose some sharpness due to the size but no increase in ratio / pixel etc.


I also love the shiny-ness of the original. :P


I think the XL feels slightly cheap but you don't get fingerprints and smudge marks on the XL like you do the original.


If you're used to a Vita screen though you're gonna want the XL!


It's the same charger as the DS, right?


Yup it is. :)

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Also, am I thinking the XL is a much better choice than the standard size?


The screens on the original 3DS are more crisp but that's probably all it has over the XL.


I prefer the XL because:

  • The matte finish prevents finger prints and smudging effects.
  • The hinge is a LOT stronger and sturdier than the original. You'll also find that the screen will hardly ever wobble (button mashing, motion controls etc.)
  • The screens are larger and even though some games can look a bit more 'rough' I found that it really helped the 3D effect in games like 3D Land, Kid Icarus & Luigi's Mansion.
  • The 3D Slider is better as it can be switched off completely as opposed to the original 3DS.
  • A lot of people complained about the positioning of the stylus on the original model but that has been shifted back to the right side of the console.
  • The battery life is also better. 3-5 hrs for the 3DS vs 3.5-6.5 hrs on the XL. Not much of a difference, but it's certainly an improvement.

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Is the D-Pad any better on the XL version? I don't really like it on the standard model and am finding it difficult to use.


I like the small size of the 3DS, not much bigger than a DSL, and I certainly have no need for bigger screens as I find the pixels quite big already (and the idea of having them bigger could annoy me) but the prospect of a better D-pad, nicer face buttons, and bigger none clicky shoulder buttons seems more appealing by the day. Then again, I hear that using the D-Pad and the Left shoulder button can be a stretch for smaller hands, such as mine.


I've been playing Super Mario Bros and Zelda on the VC recently and I was just finding the entire experience really uncomfortable to the point of it being off putting as my hands ached. The Start button made Zelda a particular chore.


Even the GC pad had a more comfortable D-pad than the 3DS and that's saying something.

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I have quite small hands (well, I guess they're more 'not big' lol) and I find the original 3ds comfortable to use.


The XL is also very comfortable as there is less cramping going on, but I still find my right hand aching after every single Mario Kart race and holding down the A button. So it's not a case of bigger equals more comfortable for me.

I will see if it is any different tonight when I use my Peach one for the league.


You're definitely correct in saying that there is a stretch with the D-Pad and left shoulder button though as I had the exact same experience, so if you haven't had a hands on with an XL model I would recommend it if you can to see if it'd be a real problem.


All I will say though, is that in my opinion there is quite a difference in screen resolution with the XL. Some games look great on the bigger XL screen (Mario Kart especially due to how crazy it can get!), but others don't look so good stretched out.

I personally like the bigger screen but there are more plus points of the original over the XL for me.

You've also got to be mindful of the dreaded yellow tinged screen in newer models.

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Elaborate, plz.


Basically the DS and 3DS line (as production moves on from launch) seemed to have suffered from a yellow tinge to the screens.

So the top screen in launch models tend to have a bright white crsip screen but as newer colours are released, some seem to be fitted with a screen that has a yellow tinge to it.


I noticed it when I bought an Ice White 3ds and compared it to Mike1988UK's original launch model. His was bright white and mine was a very dull yellow. Messing with the brightness settings didn't really change anything with it either.


When I bought my XL, the screen was white but not as bluey white as Mikes in comparrison so didn't appear as bright.


It's a bit of a mixed bag. I know that some people were put off upgrading their 3DS to an XL for fear of getting one with a yellow screen as it is not quite as nice...


If you have no other 3ds to compare it to though it probably wont / shouldn't bother you!

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Is the D-Pad any better on the XL version? I don't really like it on the standard model and am finding it difficult to use.


Thanks for reminding me. The 3DS had perhaps the worst D-Pad I've ever used. Not only was it inaccurate at times but it was squeaky. Almost every movement had this uncomfortable squeaky noise coming from it. The shoulder buttons were fine on my 3DS but it fell down once and the L button lost most of it's click, turned spongy and started squeaking too.


I find the D-Pad on the XL to be better than the original 3DS D-Pad some people may say that it's still not the best but at least they've improved it. Physically though I think it's still the same size as the 3DS's D-Pad and it no longer has that smooth/painted/plastic feel to it either.


The Shoulder buttons were a huge improvement in my opinion. The buttons are now shorter but wider than its predecessor, they also cover a larger area and bend with the curve of the console. It's very responsive whether you press it from the edge or the centre of the button. This time around they're also less clicky.

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Thanks for reminding me. The 3DS had perhaps the worst D-Pad I've ever used. Not only was it inaccurate at times but it was squeaky. Almost every movement had this uncomfortable squeaky noise coming from it. The shoulder buttons were fine on my 3DS but it fell down once and the L button lost most of it's click, turned spongy and started squeaking too.


I find the D-Pad on the XL to be better than the original 3DS D-Pad some people may say that it's still not the best but at least they've improved it. Physically though I think it's still the same size as the 3DS's D-Pad and it no longer has that smooth/painted/plastic feel to it either.


The Shoulder buttons were a huge improvement in my opinion. The buttons are now shorter but wider than its predecessor, they also cover a larger area and bend with the curve of the console. It's very responsive whether you press it from the edge or the centre of the button. This time around they're also less clicky.


Yeah, the D-pad is squeaky/creaky and again, too clicky for my tastes. I prefer somthing smoother I can roll my thumb across without needing to apply extra pressure.


The shoulders look a bit nicer thanks to their bigger size. It's the "layer cake" design that forces them to be so tiny on the original which I don't like and as you've probably guessed, I don't like their clicky nature. The DSL ones were in another league compared to these things, as was the D-Pad which still could have used a bit of work.


I prefer the visual appearance of the regular 3DS over the XL but when it comes to actually playing the thing, I can't help but think I might find it more enjoyable, even if I do have to make a sacrifice with the screen.


Definitely something I'll be giving some thought too.

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My new Fire Emblem one doesn't have a yellow screen. Top screen is blue/white while the bottom screen is red/white (like top screen of the original 3DS in that pic).


Japanese unit is a little yellow on the bottom screen but it's not as bad as that picture.


Thinks it's down to luck at this point.

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