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Anyone have any idea what causes this? I've never seen it on a PS3/PSP/360 game case, so it seems like it's exclusive to Nintendo games.


Had that on Metroid Prime Pinball and I never had any idea why. I'm quite "pleased" to see it's a known problem, actually, rather than my one just being damaged.

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Question that I should know, but don't.


Do saved games go on the game card or on the system? So if I use my Resident Evil Revelations card on another system, will I have to start again?


All 3DS games save on the card itself.

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I know a few Wii and DS games of mine had this problem with the score on the side and it always annoyed me. So much so that I always sent them back for a new copy. :D


Anyone have any idea what causes this? I've never seen it on a PS3/PSP/360 game case, so it seems like it's exclusive to Nintendo games.


I have a few cases with those marks on myself. Since they only appear on my Nintendo published games, I always assumed it was something to do with how they apply the plastic wrapper with the Nintendo seal around the middle.


The seal doesn't appear bang in line with the mark but the distance is consistent to suggest that they do get caught by something in the process if they aren't perfectly in line.


Is just Nintendo games you've returned or have you had it happen to third party titles too?

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Joined this discussion late but... would this not restrict you to Japanese only games? I thought 3DS was region locked?


But that's the point, there are many Japanese games that wont get localised so thanks to the region locking, a JP console is an incredibly appealing investment.

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But that's the point, there are many Japanese games that wont get localised so thanks to the region locking, a JP console is an incredibly appealing investment.


ordered from amazon japan dude. Even with shipping from Tenso it still works out cheaper then going through play-asia.


3DS dirt cheap in Japan with the exchange rate.


I have ordered Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigina Orb also. Looking forward to that and the Japanese eshop. :)

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Just had a look at Play-Asia and holy mother of god that is one hell of a mark up.


Looks like I'll be using Tenso when I go back home. I'd rather wait a little longer for games and stuff than pay that much.


yeah thats why I was surprised when you said how cheap you got it for as I presumed you were in the UK using play-asia or yesasia and the prices for hardware dont match what you were saying.


I never even thought about using amazon japan.

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Oh right, I know you speak Japanese Debug but I guess the rest do too?


I dont! I have Japanese GC and a Japanese Wii also.


Will get a Japanese Wii U in the future no doubt!


As I dont speak japanese I tend to leave the RPG's as even with a walkthtrough it can be real hard work.


I just like to have the ability to buy games which will never see a western release or games which wont dont get localized for 3 months+.


Sometimes I want the game ASAP and dont want to wait for the local version.


big fan of Taiko no Tatsujin so have to have that game on 3DS.


Plus having access the japanese eshop a must have.. :)

Edited by khilafah
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Oh right, I know you speak Japanese Debug but I guess the rest do too?


Now that you mention it, there are quite a lot of people playing Japanese games without a scooby about the language.


I know the SNES days had a lot of people doing the same and sitting with giant kanji books in their laps, does any one here do this for RPG's?

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Now that you mention it, there are quite a lot of people playing Japanese games without a scooby about the language.


I know the SNES days had a lot of people doing the same and sitting with giant kanji books in their laps, does any one here do this for RPG's?


I never seen the appeal of this when it comes to RPGs. You usually play them type of games largely for the story and if you can't understand a word of it then what's the point?

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I never seen the appeal of this when it comes to RPGs. You usually play them type of games largely for the story and if you can't understand a word of it then what's the point?


Very true for traditional RPG's. I agree with you on that. But there are RPG's that are appealing mainly for their gameplay, but most of these are party RPG's in my opinion (God Eater, Monster Hunter, Phantasy Star) which didn't actually exist back in those days. Then again, there were a few mutliplayer capable RPG's on the SNES I've heard about that I can't remember the names of for the life of me.

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Very true for traditional RPG's. I agree with you on that. But there are RPG's that are appealing mainly for their gameplay, but most of these are party RPG's in my opinion (God Eater, Monster Hunter, Phantasy Star) which didn't actually exist back in those days. Then again, there were a few mutliplayer capable RPG's on the SNES I've heard about that I can't remember the names of for the life of me.


That's a very valid point. I myself have imported 2 Monster Hunter games on the PSP in the past. I never played MH for the story, due to it being wafer thin, but more for the loot and gameplay.


Is just Nintendo games you've returned or have you had it happen to third party titles too?


The ones I returned were Kirby Mass Attack, Chrono Trigger and Pokepark on the Wii.

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Now that you mention it, there are quite a lot of people playing Japanese games without a scooby about the language.


I know the SNES days had a lot of people doing the same and sitting with giant kanji books in their laps, does any one here do this for RPG's?


I got a friend of mine to buy me Okamiden in Japan, and I guess I could figure it out the texts and such with jisho.org and my electronic dictionary, but that would take a great deal of time. Still, I think I might give it a crack sooner rather than later, for it will benefit me greatly in my study I reckon. Games taught me English, so they should be able to teach me Japanese as well!

I'm having trouble which games I'd like to get in Japanese and which ones in English. Price obviously plays a role, but I guess it would be reasonable to go for Japan only games first.

Then of course there's that little problem called region-locking which would mean I'd have to get me a Japanese 3DS as well....


I think I'm just going to take it slow untill I get a steady income.:laughing:

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Oooh, it arrived this morning. Thank you scheduled delivery!


First thing I did? Set up streetpass etc and then straight on to the shop and my god, the JP eShop has barrels of content. Downloaded demos of Monster Hunter, EX Troopers and Bravely Default just to get a feel before I start up the main game.


Monster Hunter performs surprisingly well, the frame rate is pretty damn good and of course, I died in no time against what presumably was a boss if the drastic change in music was the hint. My god I am shit at this series haha.


EX Troopers also performs very well and looks pretty good, the 3D appears very weird to me but lately I'm struggling to see much 3D, therefore hardly use it. I can definitely see why it performed so abysmally in sales though, if the demo is anything to go by, the gameplay is fucking terrible. All you basically do is lock onto enemies and swirl around shooting at them to avoid their fire too. This is just my opinion from the demo though, god knows how the full game is like gameplay wise but I'm certainly not going to buy it unless the price comes crashing down.


Bravely Default is absolutely gorgeous. I exited the building to the town and the design of the town makes it look like a platformer until you get into the world and you get a very good FF III/IV remake feel from it. Poisonous monsters every where though. I also had one of those moments where you're like "Oh fuck, I'm in the wrong side of the hood" when I'm dealing 1 damage each attack to these little creatures who end up battering the living shit out of my characters. Definitely nostalgia'd to many Final Fantasy games in the past were I made those mistakes heh.


As for the console itself, fucking love the feel for it. Glad I decided to invest just a little bit more into an LL over the original model (which is now sub-£100 on Amazon Japan). It feels a lot better, definitely heavier but that's a good thing for what is designed to be a larger model and the stylus placement THANK FUCKING GOD. I assumed the LL had it in the same position as the original 3DS, glad to find out I was wrong.


2 nit picks though, one of which can't really be helped and that's the volume. Still far too quiet for my liking, but with such small speakers with very little depth available to boost it in any way without the awful cracking noises you get on stuff like smart phones I guess it's for the best. Second is, despite the fact they are formed of buttons this time round compared to the original 3DS, the Start, Select and Home buttons feel strangely less like actual buttons. It's hard to describe it, but with very little push to operate them and the lack of a 'click', they feel strangely artificial.


Also watched a video for Fantasy Life, my god that game looks good.


EDIT: Add Fantasy Life to your watch list for the next sales figures. That game seems to be going the way of Animal Crossing

Edited by Debug Mode
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Oooh, it arrived this morning. Thank you scheduled delivery!


First thing I did? Set up streetpass etc and then straight on to the shop and my god, the JP eShop has barrels of content. Downloaded demos of Monster Hunter, EX Troopers and Bravely Default just to get a feel before I start up the main game.


Monster Hunter performs surprisingly well, the frame rate is pretty damn good and of course, I died in no time against what presumably was a boss if the drastic change in music was the hint. My god I am shit at this series haha.


EX Troopers also performs very well and looks pretty good, the 3D appears very weird to me but lately I'm struggling to see much 3D, therefore hardly use it. I can definitely see why it performed so abysmally in sales though, if the demo is anything to go by, the gameplay is fucking terrible. All you basically do is lock onto enemies and swirl around shooting at them to avoid their fire too. This is just my opinion from the demo though, god knows how the full game is like gameplay wise but I'm certainly not going to buy it unless the price comes crashing down.


Bravely Default is absolutely gorgeous. I exited the building to the town and the design of the town makes it look like a platformer until you get into the world and you get a very good FF III/IV remake feel from it. Poisonous monsters every where though. I also had one of those moments where you're like "Oh fuck, I'm in the wrong side of the hood" when I'm dealing 1 damage each attack to these little creatures who end up battering the living shit out of my characters. Definitely nostalgia'd to many Final Fantasy games in the past were I made those mistakes heh.


As for the console itself, fucking love the feel for it. Glad I decided to invest just a little bit more into an LL over the original model (which is now sub-£100 on Amazon Japan). It feels a lot better, definitely heavier but that's a good thing for what is designed to be a larger model and the stylus placement THANK FUCKING GOD. I assumed the LL had it in the same position as the original 3DS, glad to find out I was wrong.


2 nit picks though, one of which can't really be helped and that's the volume. Still far too quiet for my liking, but with such small speakers with very little depth available to boost it in any way without the awful cracking noises you get on stuff like smart phones I guess it's for the best. Second is, despite the fact they are formed of buttons this time round compared to the original 3DS, the Start, Select and Home buttons feel strangely less like actual buttons. It's hard to describe it, but with very little push to operate them and the lack of a 'click', they feel strangely artificial.


Also watched a video for Fantasy Life, my god that game looks good.


EDIT: Add Fantasy Life to your watch list for the next sales figures. That game seems to be going the way of Animal Crossing


nice impressions dude.


shame you dont like EX Troopers much. Its got good impressions over the web though so I think I still gonna keep my order.


It was either that or Project X Zone for me. I am not sure if Project X Zone is playable for non japanese speakers so didnt wanna order it till someone tells me it is okay to get though.

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So the XL.....is it obvious/distracting playing games that look "de-scaled" or lost crispness?


At first I thought that, but I got an XL again for Christmas and I much much prefer it to the original.


It's the perfect size.


Just be wary of the yellow tinge some of the XL models can have which I personally hate. :sad:

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Bravely Default is absolutely gorgeous. I exited the building to the town and the design of the town makes it look like a platformer until you get into the world and you get a very good FF III/IV remake feel from it. Poisonous monsters every where though. I also had one of those moments where you're like "Oh fuck, I'm in the wrong side of the hood" when I'm dealing 1 damage each attack to these little creatures who end up battering the living shit out of my characters. Definitely nostalgia'd to many Final Fantasy games in the past were I made those mistakes heh.


This has certainly made me want it even more.


EDIT: Add Fantasy Life to your watch list for the next sales figures. That game seems to be going the way of Animal Crossing


@Fused King will be pleased! If it becomes huge in Japan, I suppose that's a little bit more chance of us getting it over here.


So the XL.....is it obvious/distracting playing games that look "de-scaled" or lost crispness?


There are pros and cons, but on your specific question, no, I've never been distracted in-game at all.

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So the XL.....is it obvious/distracting playing games that look "de-scaled" or lost crispness?


So far I've only noticed the bad scaling in some text and fully scaled DS games. Completely fine in my opinion. The scaling for the normal 3DS game graphics is absolutely spot on, some of the things I've played have made it feel like I'm playing a completely different console.


This has certainly made me want it even more.


@Fused King will be pleased! If it becomes huge in Japan, I suppose that's a little bit more chance of us getting it over here.


My god, the AR scene when you scan the AR tag on the back of the manual is fucking amazing. Best use of augmented reality yet that doesn't revolve a full game based on it. Though it makes me wonder, if they can get a character model that good to work in AR mode which is incredibly resource intensive, why sport the chibi look for the main game?


As for Fantasy Life, it's sold out on Amazon (but the market place sellers are rigging up the price as per usual) and in the 2 local game stores nearby. Amazon's predicting a 1 to 2 month waiting period for people ordering from them. Question is, another special cartridge? Or has Level 5 completely underestimated its potential?

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Level 5 usually overship their games, so having it sell out is obviously a good sign :)


I reckon it might be using the same cartridge as Animal Crossing (as I'd expect Nintendo to want to transition to the faster flash Game Cards for all games, so it might be sharing a production line with AC - which would be eating up most of the cards I'd imagine)


Hopefully Nintendo can share more of their own cards, or open up an additional line to get the FL cards out faster!)

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