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3DS Console Discussion


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Mine does work, but I don't get them often. I guess I don't go into crowded areas etc too much though either. Was in town for about half hour/an hour yesterday and got one streetpass, but I've been out before for much longer and not gotten any!

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Seems Nintendo is rebranding their "network service", at least for 3DS games. This Theatrythm Final Fantasy... thing is supposed to have paid DLC and someone discovered a new logo on the box, saying "Nintendo network".




The name sounds good as it is. Now Nintendo only has to build a network that deserves that name instead of different networks for each console, every one various kinds of useless. Stuff like actual persistent user accounts to tie purchases to would be a start. It's Nintendo though, might be just a new label to signal an online mode or DLC etc.. :heh:

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Was it already named "Nintendo Network" back then? I can only remember Iwata vaguely stating in an investor's Q&A that they're going to expand their online services. The only specific point I can remember is that he said they'd eventually introduce a way to purchase download software from the browser.


Which leads me to believe that Nintendo might introduce user accounts after all. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they made you type in your 3DS' friend code when purchasing stuff through a browser instead of introducing console-independent accounts. :heh:

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I wonder if there's going to be anything like Dragon Quest IX that you can spend 500, 800 hours on!! :heh:


Dragon Quest XI :heh:


I don't know what will be my first 100 hour game, if nothing surprises me with the new games that come out now then...Monster Hunter 3G will be the my first :heh:

Edited by killer kirby
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And the award for my first 100+ hour 3DS game goes to?...




Surprise surprise! :heh:


That's quite impressive, especially as the game hasn't been out 2 months yet!


My first 100+ hour award goes to :-




I'm sure my playtime on Mario Kart 7, Revelations and Zen Pinball will exceed the 100 hours mark eventually aswell.

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Bloody hell. How do you find the time?! Unbelievable!!


My highest 3DS game is Nintendogs with about 28 hours and that was only because my girlfriend played it as well. Then mario kart at 25.


100 hours... Staggering. Reckon mario Kart will daily reach AT LEAST 200 though!!

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I suddenly got a present when I booted my 3DS today. "Nintendo Letter Box"-ish. Had to download it from the eShop but I don't know what it is.


Alright, had a go with it now. It's a letter program for the 3DS, where you can write and draw things which can be sent via SpotPass or will be traded through StreetPass. It's a bit like the DS-drawings.

Edited by MindFreak
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