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3DS Console Discussion


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I don't think I've ever used the cradle! I don't even get the point of it..surely it's the SAME as just charging the 3DS the regular way? Or am I missing something?


And yeah, totally thought I was the only one who had to press the power button more than once. Such a rushed console, looking forward to the dual analogue revision :heh:

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David Dakota calls the 3DS "Nintendo's worst-designed product ever". I say it's the best. :hehe:


I lied actually. I forgot about the Pokemon Mini.


In all seriousness, the 3DS has some great design ideas (the cradle, the circle pad, the depth slider, of course the 3D screen) but it just seems so shoddily made, it looks and feels embarrassingly cheap. Hardware design has moved on in the past 5 years... This is so hard to admit because I am absolutely a Nintendo fanboy.


Of course, while I lay masses of criticism on the hardware, this is Nintendo and they will deliver outstanding content and that's the reason I go the machine (although, lesson learnt - if its Nintendo and it feels expensive, I will wait).


@Pit\-Jr: You'll be happy, the Vita gets a rather classy cradle. You'll have to buy it separately though.


I don't know what connectors are involved, but straight away, Vita's cradle to me seems to me rather fiddly: it seems that you force the hardware onto a power connector and have to force it back out (which was an arse when I was using the Motorola Atrix and its dock). It lacks that simple lay down action of the 3DS.


Regardless, both the 3DS and Vita should be using wireless charging.

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Well, when I opened my 3DS today the fault was back - the top screen is very dark (not totally black), although if I close it slightly it seems to light up again, but it's not in a playable position. So that's back to Nintendo tomorrow. :weep: They'd better not wipe the memory or send me a new machine...


So since March, I've had to send two 3DSes and a Wii in to be fixed. It's just not my year!

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Well, when I opened my 3DS today the fault was back - the top screen is very dark (not totally black), although if I close it slightly it seems to light up again, but it's not in a playable position. So that's back to Nintendo tomorrow. :weep: They'd better not wipe the memory or send me a new machine...


So since March, I've had to send two 3DSes and a Wii in to be fixed. It's just not my year!


Sounds like a loose wire or something. Just make sure to leave a note with your 3DS asking them to transfer everything.

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Nothing about the 3DS seems shoddy or cheap to me...


Come on now son, it's not the worst but it's definitely shoddy. If it wasn't, we wouldn't having these hinge, screen scratching and power button problems. Plus, what were they thinking keeping to the the sort of three layer cake design? No wonder people find the thing uncomfortable!


As for the cheapness perception, I think it feels that way for me purely because of the nice feel to the DSi.

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Guys, you need to remember the reason why it's been considered such a bad launch is that it's ONLY selling that well because of a price drop, the same price drop which has resulted in EVERY system sold being sold at a loss. As far as I know, this is the first time they've ever produced a system only to sell it at a loss. Hell, the GC sold shit but they made a truckload of money off it.


Wasn't it publically announced as well that Iwata and all the other senior staff had to take massive paycuts to minimise the damage it was causing as well? Seriously, get off the 'the sales are awesome' bandwagon and actually realise this is far from the ideal situation for Nintendo. The 3DS is the followup to the most successful handheld console of all time, they must be massively disappointed that they are having the sell it at a loss.

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Guys, you need to remember the reason why it's been considered such a bad launch is that it's ONLY selling that well because of a price drop, the same price drop which has resulted in EVERY system sold being sold at a loss. As far as I know, this is the first time they've ever produced a system only to sell it at a loss. Hell, the GC sold shit but they made a truckload of money off it.


Wasn't it publically announced as well that Iwata and all the other senior staff had to take massive paycuts to minimise the damage it was causing as well? Seriously, get off the 'the sales are awesome' bandwagon and actually realise this is far from the ideal situation for Nintendo. The 3DS is the followup to the most successful handheld console of all time, they must be massively disappointed that they are having the sell it at a loss.

Sales are sales. Doesn't matter if they're making a loss in the long run. Before too long at all, the cost of the components within the 3DS will drop and it'll become profitable.


In addition to that, as Nintendo is also a video game creator and publisher and as such, the 3DS selling well is brilliant as it means the software they release is more likely to sell, plus they get money from the third parties making games.


Stop trying to be negative. Yes, in the short term, this is a loss...however the factor is longterm. This is why you don't run a business

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Sales are sales. Doesn't matter if they're making a loss in the long run. Before too long at all, the cost of the components within the 3DS will drop and it'll become profitable.


In addition to that, as Nintendo is also a video game creator and publisher and as such, the 3DS selling well is brilliant as it means the software they release is more likely to sell, plus they get money from the third parties making games.


Stop trying to be negative. Yes, in the short term, this is a loss...however the factor is longterm. This is why you don't run a business


Ideally you want to have maximum sales whilst taking the most amount of profit per unit sold. The thing will sell loads at christmas due to games like Mario Kart and Super Mario Land and they will still be making a loss on each one sold, it's not like they can pump the price back up once it starts selling well. This is why they are disappointed with it, it's costing them a fair bit of money.


I'm not trying to be negative, I'm trying to be honest and call it down the middle. Unfortunately it's pretty hard to have a proper discussion when you basically have your ass up Nintendo's ass. Half of your post actually was pretty reasonable but you just had to ruin it with the 'this is why you don't run a business' line. Like, seriously? Are you actually resorting to a line like that on a NINTENDO forum?

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Ideally you want to have maximum sales whilst taking the most amount of profit per unit sold. The thing will sell loads at christmas due to games like Mario Kart and Super Mario Land and they will still be making a loss on each one sold, it's not like they can pump the price back up once it starts selling well. This is why they are disappointed with it, it's costing them a fair bit of money.


I'm not trying to be negative, I'm trying to be honest and call it down the middle. Unfortunately it's pretty hard to have a proper discussion when you basically have your ass up Nintendo's ass. Half of your post actually was pretty reasonable but you just had to ruin it with the 'this is why you don't run a business' line. Like, seriously? Are you actually resorting to a line like that on a NINTENDO forum?

I run a business. I have studied business. Just because I can see the longterm doesn't mean I have my "ass in Nintendo's ass". Your post was just like the investors posts, demanding gratification in the short term, not within the longterm. I'm not saying this situation is ideal, what my post was indicating was the error on all the articles saying that sales of the 3DS dropped considerably after the price drop.

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I run a business. I have studied business. Just because I can see the longterm doesn't mean I have my "ass in Nintendo's ass". Your post was just like the investors posts, demanding gratification in the short term, not within the longterm. I'm not saying this situation is ideal, what my post was indicating was the error on all the articles saying that sales of the 3DS dropped considerably after the price drop.


Yeah but I never said that, I was just saying that your attitude over the previous pages seemed very 'oh the 3DS launch has been perfect' and you seemed to come down hard on anyone who had any negativity. I agree that the situation isn't ideal, that was my whole point. Obviously in the long term the thing will sell loads, it will do that by virtue of the software alone. I was merely saying that they must be really disappointed that they've had to drop the price of the system so that they next 10-15 million units or so are all gonna cost them more money than expected, whereas with the DS they were taking in a killer.

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In hindsight, the 3D was a huge mistake. It must have added a fortune to the production cost, in many different ways:


1) Huge amount of processing power needed to render the image twice.

2) Cost of parallax barrier.

3) Two lenses for the 3D camera.


In a game like DOA Dimensions, when you turn the 3D on and see the framerate halve, it's really jarring. So, it's ended up as a 2D machine for me. A good one, but not an exceptional one.


When you look at things like the iPad, it's clear how much things have moved on since the original DS was launched. Having two screens, one of them a touchscreen, one of them a 3" widescreen really does seem puny compared to the iPad's 10" touchscreen. Sony has realised the importance of this and at least met it halfway, with a 5" touchscreen.


Although I still think the 3DS is an essential buy, for Zelda, Mario etc, there is just no reason to want to play the games on it rather than the Vita. They're Nintendo exclusives, so they will be on the 3DS, but there's nothing better about it than the Vita.

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Goron is making the most amount of sense here. You can argue that "oh yeah well they make some money back on software sales". Do you see many 3DS games hitting any of the Top 10 charts around the world? All I've seen is Street Fighter and Legend of Zelda thus far. Nintendo relies of third party success to get some decent licensing revenue coming in, but that just doesn't seem to be happening.


Also, what's up with the witch hunt for those with negative opinions? No wonder the internet has moved onto the word 'Nintendrones' lately.

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The 3DS is ''slightly'' underperforming. Given the obscene fortune Nintendo has amassed in the last decade, they can easily absorb a not-so-stellar product launch.



I can bitch about Nintendo's hardware design choices, franchise milking, and lack of online presence until im blue in the face (and often do!) but ill never underestimate their ability to run a business, horde cash, and keep their employees employed.

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