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Post a Picture of Your Christmas Tree


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I have the best tree in the universe - its a Star Wars themed tree (strictly eps 4-6 only) covered in tiny model tie fighters and xwings all flying around different coloured planets (baubles). It was conceived in a moment of genius by my dad, and is now the focal point of our room in spite of the fact its only 3ft tall. Naturally, the Death Star is at the top of the tree.


Oh, it also has little Lego Star Wars figures on it, A Kubrick Ewok and Jawa and a couple of Burger King figures of Leia and an Xwing with R2 attached.


Unfortunately I dont have a picture on this PC so that will have to follow later.


Henry Ford Centennial Library Picture

Edited by Johelian
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I have the best tree in the universe - its a Star Wars themed tree (strictly eps 4-6 only) covered in tiny model tie fighters and xwings all flying around different coloured planets (baubles). It was conceived in a moment of genius by my dad, and is now the focal point of our room in spite of the fact its only 3ft tall. Naturally, the Death Star is at the top of the tree.


Oh, it also has little Lego Star Wars figures on it, A Kubrick Ewok and Jawa and a couple of Burger King figures of Leia and an Xwing with R2 attached.


Unfortunately I dont have a picture on this PC so that will have to follow later.


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Thanks santa that is my christmastree.....:cry:




No more christmes for me this year! Thanks dirty thiefs!! :cry:


owch mate, you got burgled.


I feel ya, i did a few year back took everything its horrible.


and also i feel shit cause what happend was.


Everynite i used to hear my gate in the back yard creaking and moving and i used to go and check it. But for once i thought fuck it it wont be anything major i allways check when i know its fine really. the noise was a bit diffrent that time but i still thought itll be nothing.


i went downstaries the next moring at 6 and saw 2 cops. be4 anyone said out i said "we have havnt we, i heard them"


when i think back to i was awake it really sarces me...:(

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I hope this is a warning to all the gamers here! Please secure your home! atspecialy in this time of year! burglars love this time of year! so write down all your games and serial numbers of your consoles!! take pictures if you can!!


I hope every one will put up a nice christmas tree here but please remember mine!! So please dont let it hapen to you to!!


Merry christmas every one and god bless every one!

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Right, got some crappy quality pics of my tree - its only approx 2.5ft tall and cost 2.97 from Tescos;




However, upon closer inspection...




Wow! A Jawa and an Xwing! And a tie fighter, and C3PO, and the Death Star...




Its a bit hard to see, but theres Chewbacca, an Ewok, an AT-AT, Leia,, the Jawa ship, the Millenium Falcon, some other Imperial ship, R2-D2 and a Storm Trooper (from left to right, top to bottom).


Missing in action in the pictures are Darth Vader, an AT-ST and Darths ship from ep4. Oh, and a speeder bike.


Finally, for a sense of scale;



1937 ford

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