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Pokémon Black & White


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Hmm, still unsure whether to get round to pre-ordering this and joining in the Pokémon fun. Was considering Black, since it's black, but White looked nicer scenery and not so tech advanced. Hearing it getting shipped at first doesn't help. Just don't want a repeat of everything and I think the games haven't went down since Gold/Silver.


I guess I best read some impressions on it.

They're the best Pokémon games ever

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They're the best Pokémon games ever


Of course you're going to say that :p


I seem to be getting hyped for these now which isn't something I generally do considering that the Pokemon games, at least the modern ones, seem to only take my attention for a month or so and then that's it.


Still undecided on whether I'll be getting Black or White on Friday (probably just wing it and buy which ever I pick up first) but I am sure that I'll be starting with Oshawott. I tend to always pick the water starter these days as they seem to be better suited for getting you through the gyms. Always easy enough to find suitable grass pokemon aside from the grass starter (I hope so at least, although I've never really had a need for them in my teams) and fire always seems to have it rough out of the gate.

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I never finished Emerald - as in, got to the E4 - despite playing A LOT of Ruby (my favourite generation). It was with Diamond though that I decided I'd come to my natural parting of the ways with the Pokémon games. I didn't even reach the Elite Four in it despite being pretty addicted to the game when it first released - I remember doing some online battles and trades with some guys here and really enjoying it. Being pwned by Coolness Bears Miltank will forever live in my memory. One day, I somehow just stopped playing it and never picked it up again.


I'm feeling the slight pangs of hype from reading this thread and other stuff on the net. I shall be keeping tabs on your progress but won't be buying Black or White this weekend... though I won't rule it out. :heh:

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Of course you're going to say that :p


I seem to be getting hyped for these now which isn't something I generally do considering that the Pokemon games, at least the modern ones, seem to only take my attention for a month or so and then that's it.


Still undecided on whether I'll be getting Black or White on Friday (probably just wing it and buy which ever I pick up first) but I am sure that I'll be starting with Oshawott. I tend to always pick the water starter these days as they seem to be better suited for getting you through the gyms. Always easy enough to find suitable grass pokemon aside from the grass starter (I hope so at least, although I've never really had a need for them in my teams) and fire always seems to have it rough out of the gate.

If they sucked, I'd say they suck. I say RSE sucks quite often. I'm very vocal about my hatred for the Dungeon games also.

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I've been playing HeartGold most of the day (shockingly never finished Kanto), getting pretty hyped.


I've been playing Platinum for the past week and a half, actualy got all the legendaries this time and finally done the post game. Slowly building up my pokedex as well, not many to go!


Hopefully I can get the dex finished before starting again with Black and White!

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I never finished Platinum, but I got it/was given it too soon after a MASSIVE diamond binge I had, so I was Sinnoh'd out I think. I might play some tonight. I can't remember what I was meant to be doing. I love my team though.




My thing is creating a team of jokes you never see, like in the cartoon or manga. Poignantly NOT catching 'em all, and only getting selects. Come on Wormadam. Torterra technically ruins the feel. Second play-through/post-game I go back and try and catch 'em all obvs. (Plus I basically have most/all Pokemon on my Diamond file (except the event ones and stuff) )

Edited by Paj!
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I am really excited about this game.

Have been playing leaf green on my Micro (bought off ebay with fire red, both for £30, boxed in great condition) - up to Elite 4 and have loved it.


As sad as it may sound, i'm that excited that i have the day off on friday :bouncy:


I am gettin the console bundle so will take some pictures of it if anyone is interested. :)

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If they sucked, I'd say they suck. I say RSE sucks quite often. I'm very vocal about my hatred for the Dungeon games also.


the amount of times over the last week i have been trying to tell children





also I've made vocal my hatred for most the new pokemon.

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I didn't think Ruby was that bad (the only one I played and I bought it after Platinum had come out). My main gripe was how hard it was to level up before the Elite 4. Managed it through the gyms easy enough but quickly found it was ridiculously hard to level any Pokemon up for the Elite 4 because all the wild pokemon were too low and same with trainers. Never did go beyond the gyms.




Anyway, my team building has remained the same since I got back into Pokemon with Diamond: Water, Flying, Electric, Fire, Grass and Dragon. Did change look at changing it slightly with HeartGold by bringing in Espeon in place of my Hypno and a Scizor but by the time they were levelled and ready, I was over the game really.


I'm hoping that I'll get more chance to experiment with types in Black and White (can't really remember many of the pokemon after seeing them all months ago)

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I just pick the Pokemon I think looks cool. Only rule I have is none of the same type. I might not pick some Pokemon because certain someones posted them in this thread and it kinda ruins the surprise and fun of catching a Pokemon I have never seen before.

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I never finished Platinum, but I got it/was given it too soon after a MASSIVE diamond binge I had, so I was Sinnoh'd out I think. I might play some tonight. I can't remember what I was meant to be doing. I love my team though.




My thing is creating a team of jokes you never see, like in the cartoon or manga. Poignantly NOT catching 'em all, and only getting selects. Come on Wormadam. Torterra technically ruins the feel. Second play-through/post-game I go back and try and catch 'em all obvs. (Plus I basically have most/all Pokemon on my Diamond file (except the event ones and stuff) )


I do that but I don't find your team hilarious enough. :p


Wormadam is good though. SOLID CHOICE.


Torterra and Machamp ruin the feel. If it was Machoke/chop it would be fine. I once spent several hours (more than I want to admit) trying to get a shiny Dunsparce. :D

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I really disagree. Ok it lacked the day/ night system of Gold but that was it, wasn't it? It expanded on the breeding system, added berries... it added more than I care to remember.


I enjoyed the underwater exploration, I didn't hate all the new Pokémon as it was cool to do, I liked the new towns and areas, the music - the route where you can encounter Absol's with its epic tune and rain is one of my favourite areas in any Pokémon game!


I've great memories of Ruby... including some mass Eevee breeding! :bouncy:


Ruby is my favourite game in the series.


The massive jump from Gold to this, ......AWESOME!!!!


There was so much to do, and I really loved the story:D


Me and you both, Fusedy.


I started a new file on Ruby yesterday. Had to delete my old file. My team of varied Dragon pokemon. I still feel like I betrayed them a little. :(


You are a traitor but restarting it is a great idea. Enjoy! :grin:


I put the most amount of hours into Ruby, 486 to be precise. It wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.


Immense. I didn't put in those kind of hours but the reason I didn't get into Emerald was a) because I picked the water starter and missed burning everything and b) due to the sheer amount of time and energy I put into Ruby before it.


I do that but I don't find your team hilarious enough. :p


Needs moar Miltank?




Am I allowed to post something thats not hypetastic? T-Frog isn't loving B/W:


I decided to dig into Pokémon Black last week so I’d be able to talk about it for podcasts or whatever, but I think I’m throwing in my hat after about five hours. I enjoyed Pokémon Pearl a few years ago, and I spent more time with HeartGold last year than I care to admit, but for some reason this latest version feels like an arduous chore. Well, not “some reason.” The problem is that I played this exact game a few years ago and spent more time with it last year than I care to admit. The breaking point was when I walked into a cave and encountered a bat. It wasn’t called “zubat” this time, and it had a fuzzy face, but it was still evasive and used confusion attacks and was basically annoying in all the same ways that zubats are annoying. I looked at my party of reskinned vendor trash and my elemental-themed starter and realized that I just don’t have the patience to retrace these particular steps all over again.


The weird thing is that, despite being almost exactly identical to every other Pokémon game to date, Black and White feature a lot of changes and additions. But Game Freak’s philosophy for developing sequels isn’t to change the essentials but rather the peripheral elements, to recreate (or rehash) the basics while piling new features on the post- and meta-game. It’s a weird approach, and I guess it’s not a bad approach. The people who are into the high-level game presumably blitz their way through the boring main slog in order to get to the new stuff. I don’t play efficiently and ruthlessly as that… plus, I’m not into the high-level game. Or the basic game, for that matter.


Anyway, all of this prompted me to return to my copy of Dragon Quest IX and start digging into that high-level game instead. I finally made it to the 15th floor of Masayuki’s map, and it was pretty intense. I guess the lesson here is that if I’m gonna subject myself to a tedious, time-consuming grind, it has to be one that I really enjoy. Either that, or I’d rather fight slimes than fake zubats.


Care to retaliate Serebii? Anyone...?

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Yeah Hoenn had its good parts, but nothing really jumps out that made that game special.


Alot of people still dont care about using the battle mechanics propperly with berrys and stuf, cause I've never bothered going into EV training to beat the game. PVE is easy, only really need to get into ev training for PVP.


I'm so ill right now I have no idea what I'm saying

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