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Pokémon Black & White


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Is white THE version most people are getting, like Diamond? Looking at the Finnish preorders, seems so...Kind of weird. I'd prefer White, symbolises purity, light, hope etc :) But thus also Reshiram, which is...in the Black version :o Interesting mixup...well, there's always trade.


White or Black, why?

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Is white THE version most people are getting, like Diamond? Looking at the Finnish preorders, seems so...Kind of weird. I'd prefer White, symbolises purity, light, hope etc :) But thus also Reshiram, which is...in the Black version :o Interesting mixup...well, there's always trade.


White or Black, why?


White. :grin:


Decided on White as i have gone for the DSi bundle - and i think the white DSi looks better than the black.




Plus I am buying black separately once I have finished White anyway for trade purposes etc.

Saying this, even if I wasn't getting the DSi bundle, then I would still go for White.

Not really sure why...?

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Is white THE version most people are getting, like Diamond? Looking at the Finnish preorders, seems so...Kind of weird. I'd prefer White, symbolises purity, light, hope etc :) But thus also Reshiram, which is...in the Black version :o Interesting mixup...well, there's always trade.


White or Black, why?


If I was only getting one - it'd be Black. For the name. Black is cool, white is lame. Apart from on Space Marines.

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In case you didnt notice, Black & White also continue the Red/Blue motif brought with all the games



Gold/Silver (Ho-Oh is Red, Lugia is Blue)

Ruby/Sapphire (Obvious)

Diamond/Pearl (Inverted. Incidentally though, they were originally listed as Pokémon Pearl and Pokémon Diamond when they showed up on Nintendo's site in '04. Not entirely sure why and when they switched, I guess Diamond and Pearl flows better than Pearl and Diamond)

Black/White (Reshiram's tail exerts red flames, Zekrom's tail churns out blue electricity)

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My Pokemon game history -


Red. This was my Pokemon game. My uncle then picked me up Yellow from the US. I loved. I got Blue a few years later by trading some shitty warhammer for it. But EFFECTIVELY I had Red.

Then I only got Crystal of Gen II.

I got none from Gen III, except a fake/faulty Sapphire 2 years ago. :(

Diamond and Platinum from Gen IV.


So I've had 2 of the "first" games, and two of the "Remix" games.


I could buck the trend and get White, since white is such a stunning colour and more uo my alley, but I remember checking the differences between the two, and Black had the cooler things in comparison. :/

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I look through to see which have the legendaries and exclusive pokemon I like the most.


I had Blue, Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, Soul Silver.

I don't really care about the motif or whichever is first, which sounds weird as a reason anyway.

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