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Pokémon Black & White


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Well, the thing with distribution nowadays is that they don't need anything special. They get sent a distribution cart which they can plug into any DS which then sends the wireless signal out for the games to pick up.


I have heard that we ARE getting it though


Oh, and incidentally, it seems that pre-orders of Black & White are reaching 4 million in the US. A friend of mine at GAME in Bournemouth also says that they are receiving buttloads of pre-orders there (she's also pimping out my site with it, god bless her)


Our friends at the Official Nintendo Magazine of UK has posted footage of the first Gym Battle in the english games which add a few confirmations of names. First is a Pokémon name; Lillipup (in Japan; Yooterii). However, notably they have confirmed the Gym Leaders of the first City as well as the name, Sanyou City is now known as Striaton City. The Gym Leaders vary based on your starter and are as follows; Clian is already revealed due to the anime. Poddo will be known in English as Chili and Koon will be known in English as Cress and the badge you get in Striation City is the Trio Badge. Finally, it confirmed that the move Cheer Up is now Work Up.



Are we getting Celebii over genral wifi though? Cause I really dont want to/cant get time off work to travel anywhere =/


I dont want to watch footage cause I dont want to spoil it, think I'll keep it a supprise.


I wouldnt know how many preorders we have got for black and white cause I refuse to work downstairs cause of my anxiety :( I mentioned about the Pokemon DSi's yesterday and nobody knew anything ¬_¬

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Are we getting Celebii over genral wifi though? Cause I really dont want to/cant get time off work to travel anywhere =/


I dont want to watch footage cause I dont want to spoil it, think I'll keep it a supprise.


I wouldnt know how many preorders we have got for black and white cause I refuse to work downstairs cause of my anxiety :( I mentioned about the Pokemon DSi's yesterday and nobody knew anything ¬_¬


Unfortunately, I believe it's not WiFi but instore. Got to wait for the announcement though


I just learned today that B/W has more than 600 Pokemons >_> I always thought they had a round number this generation.


649 total. 150 in the pre-E4 Unova Dex (151 if you count Victini which is #000)

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No, you're going to get another Shaymin event and fucking like it.





Seriously though they need to stop it. I've got about 4.


4 Shaymins? You have more than one game then? I have just one and it isn't even mine...

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No, you're going to get another Shaymin event and fucking like it.





Seriously though they need to stop it. I've got about 4.


Funny story, I was paralysed in bed and couldnt move when the Shaymin event was at THE GAME STORE I WORK AT on EASTER SUNDAY. So I had to get the boyfriend to go get them for me.

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I've only really started to get WiFi event pokemon since the back half of last year, and that's only in Soul Silver.


fucking gutted when I check back on your site and see how many I missed in 2010.




Okay... Complete stupid question. I have Pokemon Channel on Cube. Can I Really get Jirachi from this onto Ruby / Sapphire. If so how do you get said Jirachi?


I mean I played Channel yonks ago when I bought it, but can't say I remember, It's only since I've been googling rare Pokemon that are obtainable via different games I came across it (I'm also gutted that Ranger handed out a few Pokemon I never picked up on :( )

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