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A Nightmare on N-Europe Street


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I looked at Freddy as he gave me a stare along with a smile that could kill.

"Fuck. You!" I screamed and jumped towards him.

"Me and you, I'm not afraid!" I said to him. I wasn't sure whether I was saying that because it's true or to reassure myself.

He laughed. "Brave!" he said to me. "I admire your courage to step up to me but all you'll EVER be is a scared little girl!"

I looked at him, why isn't he coming toward me? Instead he went to the trampoline beside him. There's something up, maybe I should think...



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So, where next?



B) 2 (LEFT)

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"Well well well" he said to me and looked at me. "Who would have thought that the little girl would be so brave to take me on?" he rhetorically asked.

I looked at him, both with anger and fear.

"So, you sure you can get away from me, little piggy? I seriously doubt it!" he said. He jumped closer to me, he was right beside me. Shit, what am I going to do?


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Can I play or no??????? Oh ya if I can tell me my character


Unfortunately I only need five teenagers BUT if you will, I will put you on the subs list. So if anyone disappears for three days or wants to quit for good, then the person from the list will take over

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I looked at the creep and he had a smile on my face. I smiled back, trying to not give him any satisfaction that I was scared.

I jumped to the next trampoline and the trampoline instantly grabbed my feet.

"What...the..." I said, as I struggled to free myself. The bottom of the trampoline became solid like the floor. I screamed.

"What's wrong, Jo?" he said and smiled as he jumped forward so he was next to me.

"SHIT! SOMEONE, HELP ME!" he smiled.


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I'm going to die, I could feel death breathing down my neck. It was laughing at me, mocking me.

"Come to Freddy" the man said as he jumped on my trampoline.


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He grabbed my throat with the hand with the knives on. I could feel the heat coming from the blades. It was burning my skin. I tried not to scream in pain.

"Your boyfriend won't be your boyfriend soon, Jo" he told me with a smile.

"If you hurt him, I'll---"

"You'll what? Scream like some brat I've killed a million times?" he asked me.

"Go fuck yourself." I said to him.

"Likewise!" he said with a smile as he began to cut my throat.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I screamed and then I realised I was sitting upright in my bed.

I touched my neck and saw blood on my fingertips. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and turned the light on. Luckily, it was a minor cut, nothing big.




Unfortunately, you never reached the end of the nightmare. Don't worry though, two more lives left.



Dyson is up next :)


EDIT: My mistake, it's actually Ellmeister...sorry

Edited by Animal
Automerged Doublepost
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I woke up and sat upright, the room started spinning around. My head full of thoughts and questions I knew I couldn't answer right away. Who was that man? Why was he after me and Nick? Why have I started to have these dreams all of a sudden? I had to warn everyone, I just had to. I'll meet them at school and tell them everything.






I stood outside the school gates to wait for everyone. No-one turned up except for one person, the one I shouldn't be trusted alone with.

"Hey" she said to me, looking down at her feet.

"Hey Jo." I replied back, knowing that she could probably never look me in the eye again.

"Listen, about last--" I started saying but she started to cry.

Tears started flooding her face, she covered her face with her hands. I tried to pry them off.

"What's the matter, babe?" I said without realising I shouldn't have said that last word.

She looked at me like I was something from underneath her shoe.

"At a time like this, you decide to pretend, in this fantasy world, me and you meant something? It meant nothing Adam! NOTHING! We were drunk--" she screamed.

"OK, OK." I interrupted before anyone could hear.

"There was this man following me to school and the rooms were full of blood and some of the students were hanging from the trampolines..."

I looked at her, wondering what she was taking.

"I'm not crazy. There's this guy in my dream, he wore a glove with knives on it and he could flick fire from it out of nowhere." She started to sound crazier and crazier by the minute.

"OK, calm down!" I said. "It's probably nothing!"

"Calm down? Calm down! I've been dreaming about some killer who could ACTUALLY kill me in real life and you're telling me to calm down? He got Nick. He cut his arms! Now he's after me too, I am NOT stepping foot in that school!" She screamed again and ran off into the distance.

Women, eh?




I ran to Jo's house to see if she was alright. That bastard Nicholai would probably be there giving her the 'best time of her life'...yeah right! She's going loopy because of him! I still wanted to know whether she's alright.

"Jo!" I said loudly in front of her window. I grabbed a stick and threw it at her window. "JO!"

I heard a scream and then I saw her window open. "CAN'T YOU SEE WERE FUCKING BUSY!" shouted a dark deep voice. I could hear Joanna inside.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked.

"...your worst nightmare." he said and smiled.

I ran towards Joanna's door, trying to open it. I booted it God knows how many times, it just wouldn't open.

"Don't worry Jo!" I shouted to her.

The door started to burst out blood. I tried breaking a window but the window never even shattered when I threw a massive stone at it.

"JO! JO!" I screamed for her.

I couldn't hear her no more. Oh my God! What happened?

I got my mobile phone out and saw the guy from the window on my screen.

"You know, Adam, she's such a whore. Why do you bother? If she cheated with you, then you know she can cheat with someone else" he said.

"Fuck you!" I screamed at the phone. I bet I looked crazy.

He started to laugh and then his face become serious. "Don't mess with me, little boy, your parents got to me so now they have to pay the price...starting with you!"

His face disappeared from the screen and then, a message appeared:




"Grab my crucifix?" I wondered to myself. "I wonder..."




A) "I could go to the Church...that's what he might want though...I'll go anyway"

B) "Jo could be gone, I need to warn Nicholai"

C) "JO! YOU OK?"

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"I could go to the Church...that's what he might want though...I'll go anyway." I said to myself.

I wasn't in the least bit religious but there's something at that church that I need otherwise why would the text come through?

I ran as fast as I could, eager to know what was waiting there for me. The church was covered in snow, it looked beautiful and peaceful. Nowhere else was snowy, just the church. I opened the church's massive doors and went inside.

I looked around and saw the massive cross with three little crosses. I grabbed one of them and put it in my pocket, maybe I would need to use this. I turned around to walk back out the door when the door slammed itself shut and flames grew so I couldn't go out.

I looked at the windows and tried to escape through that way. I grabbed a chair and threw it at the window. The window never broke but erupted in flames, all of them did. There was no way of escaping.

"5, 6, grab a crucifix...they're no good towards me. I. Am. God!" the deep voice laughed.

He's burned, horribly burned. He creeped me out.

"Freddy's home." he said and laughed.

I stared at him, that was when I noticed what he had on his right hand properly. A glove with knives? Who was this guy ripping off, I wonder.

"Stay away from me!" I said, holding the cross up.

"What do you think I am? A vampire?" he asked me and vanished from my sight.

I looked around, where could he have gone?

"You're wrong if you thought that! I'm much worse." he smiled and ran towards me.


What should I do?


A) "Move bitch, get out the way, get out the way bitch, get out the way"


C) "Let us pray"

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The guy named Freddy started to run towards me. I looked at him running, I grabbed the crucifix in my pocket.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY, BITCH!" I screamed and ran towards him. He raised his knivehand, ready to claw at me. I raised my crucifix and stabbed him in the head.

He let out a scream to which I smiled.

"You're MY bitch!" I smiled. But then the scream started to sound weird. It almost sounded like he was laughing.

He looked up and me and he was smiling, crucifix still in his head. I looked, shocked at how he could be laughing when I blatantly stabbed him in his head. He should be dead!

"Welcome to my world!" he smiled and took the crucifix out of his head.

"Oh shit!" I said quietly to myself. How did this happen?

"Nowhere left to run, little piggy!" he said to me.

I looked left and right, flames still rising up to the church and I was stuck in the middle. He was right, nowhere to run. Why does he want to hurt me?


What should I say?


A) Fuck you, asshole!

B) Why are you so burned?

C) I give up

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"Why are you burned?" I asked him, wondering why.

He laughed in my face. "Really? You don't know?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me and gave me an evil smile. He vanished again, where did he go?

"You and I, we could make a good team...all I need you to do is send me a little message. Tell the parents of Springwood Freddy's back!" he smiled.

I woke up, sweat pouring from my head. I couldn't believe it. I could feel the heat of the fire even now, I could smell it. I looked in my hand and I saw the cross, the bottom of it was bloody. I checked my body for any cuts but couldn't find none.


I'm awake now and he wants me to deliver his message? Should I? (Think...)


A) Yes

B) No

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I jumped out of my bed and I got dressed, making sure I remembered what he said. I had to warn them, I just had to. They were in danger, what else could I do?

I ran downstairs and I went into the kitchen where I saw my parents sitting around the table eating their cereal. Both of them smiled and greeted me but then their warm welcome was soon shot with an upset and worried look on their faces aimed at me.

"Are you OK, son?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, you look ill. Anything bothering you." Mom said.

I looked at them, I didn't want this but I'm seriously worried. At least they'd be warned.

"I'm...not OK." I grabbed a chair and I sat down.

"I'm being followed by some maniac. He won't leave me alone." I told them. "He said he knows you!"

My parents stood up and crowded around me to offer support.

"Who is he?" My dad asked.

"F-Freddy. That's all he told me. He told me to tell you he's back. To tell every parent in Springwood he's back."

My mom started to cry and my dad looked at me in disgust.

"Is this some sick fucking joke?! Freddy's dead!" My dad started shouting at me. "I'm not finding this funny. That man is a fucking animal, how dare you make shit like this up!" he raised his voice to me.

"I'm not, I swear!" I said to him.

"ENOUGH! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" He screamed at me.

I ran upstairs and got some clothes out and started to pack my backpack. I ran downstairs.

"I'm going to school!" I said.

I didn't get anything but I heard my mother sobbing. I just walked out the door. I needed to tell the others. Let's hope they believe me.


So, the teenager survived the dream...only four more left...




NOTE: The game will still be running but when it comes to November 1st, it might not carry on for a month since I am participating in NaNoWriMo. I will still try to do it but if you don't hear from this game for so long, you know why.

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  • 1 month later...

I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that I will not be continuing with this game as I have lost it (like, I saved over it by an accident and I didn't copy it :(). The good news is I'm creating another game: Saw II.


Full details in the Saw II thread. Thank you people here for taking part and I'm very sorry to be shutting it down :(

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