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Caster Semenya has a vajayjay but should it be a peepee?


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Firstly, it's shameful how this came out, it's disrespectful and must be highly distressing for her.


So, the point being is that perhaps she has a chromosome make-up more similar to a male than "regular" females. If this is true though, what will even happen? "Sorry, we have to take these medals off of you because you're not a full lady. You can try running in the male races; but you'll have no chance because you're not actually a man."


By the way, the thread title sucks.

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Well she may well have a hormone imbalance. The IAAF have handled this pretty badly by making it all so public, which will cause Semenya a lot of embarressment if she is found to be genuine.


It's just a shame that as athletics started to bring itself out of the mire, there is yet another controversy that threatens to damage the sport.


Oh and Wesley, apparently the IAAF ruling states that if Semenya has a hormone imbalance or if she has undergone a sex change due to a genuine gender disorder then she will be cleared of all suspicion. However if she has undergone a sex change purely to gain an advantage then she will not be allowed to compete in any female events in future, her medal won't be taken off her whatever the outcome though.


How they come to the decision that she had a genuine gender disorder however is a whole other saga.

Edited by killthenet
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It sounds like a case of bad losers. Oh she won, she won so well, she must have a cock.


As soon as I heard about this last weekish it sounded fucking stupid. I'm surprised it's lasted this long.


this is pretty much what my mum said when we were watching it on tv... If it was someone that fell out earlier in the comp it wouldn't have been such a big deal..


I feel sorry for Caster - she must be suffering a lot, pretty sad really. :sad:


It's wonderful the support that her country is giving her.

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If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.


It is more muscular than me, but so are the Williams sisters. I think its natural for black women to look masculine (I personally find that type of build revolting), just like how East Asian men look very feminine compared to us.

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It is more muscular than me, but so are the Williams sisters. I think its natural for black women to look masculine (I personally find that type of build revolting), just like how East Asian men look very feminine compared to us.


EH? If you mean we show more definition, it's generally because black people have a higher muscle mass generally (or so a friend who did biology tells me). If you mean they look more like men...you're more than slightly wrong there.

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Seems to be a very hard thing to ascertain the gender of a person. I mean, they could ask her to drop trou - but maybe she's a hermaphrodite, or had an op. Then maybe carry out gene testing, to find the XX or XY chromosones but apparently that doesn't confirm gender. Gender is a physical, medical, psychological and personal thing that can't be labeled one or the other.


I mean COME ON!! She's either a man or a woman ffs. She does look very masculine, even in comparison to some very muscular female athletes.


My hunch is she's a man.

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They let her race. And she won. It wasn't like she started the race with a petite girly frame and long flowing blonde hair, and finished looking like she does now.


It's their fault for not inquiring into this before the race.


It's like how in shops, if they price something wrong, they have to charge that price to the customer. They didn't bother to investigate before the race, too late.


I think exceptions to this rule are fine for drug testing post-race, but again...just do it beforehand.

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So having entered, ran and won a world title as a woman she should be allowed to keep the medal even if it's proven she's a man??


Yeah cause that's fair.


If she's a man she cheated fellow competitors, her sport and even the sponsors, global audience and her own country's athletics board.


(IF, I suppose)

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How is it ridiculous?


Some people are born differently. How do you define male and female?



Man has willy, girl has no willy.




Girl used to have willy, now legally girl but no running with other girls. No pulling their hair as well.


Girl used to have minge, now has funny thing, looks a bit like willy, but not willy, legally man, but no drinking beer and fighting.

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So having entered, ran and won a world title as a woman she should be allowed to keep the medal even if it's proven she's a man??


Yeah cause that's fair.


If she's a man she cheated fellow competitors, her sport and even the sponsors, global audience and her own country's athletics board.


(IF, I suppose)


Me and Ine were looking at this news yesterday. If it does turn out that she has been honest and is a female, then I think this has all been an embarrassing mess for her to have to deal with. But, it is good that her family and country have stuck up for her.


You are right, though. If she is found out to be a "fraud", then she has cheated the sport and her competitors. But, honestly, I believe that this woman is a female, and at the moment I do feel sympathy for her. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt for now.


Man has willy, girl has no willy.




Girl used to have willy, now legally girl but no running with other girls. No pulling their hair as well.


Girl used to have minge, now has funny thing, looks a bit like willy, but not willy, legally man, but no drinking beer and fighting.


Haha, I chuckled to myself at this.


What do we call human with willy and vajayjay? Living the dream!


Excellent thread title to whoever changed it. I think it may have been Jayseven? VaJayJayseven.


Well if she hadn't have won then it wouldn't have affected the competition. So nobody would have bothered.


What if she had come second or third, though? She's still taking the place of somebody else who could have been there instead.


It could just be that this woman is...freakishly fast and great at running. I have known this to happen.

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What if she had come second or third, though? She's still taking the place of somebody else who could have been there instead.


It could just be that this woman is...freakishly fast and great at running. I have known this to happen.


Well then yes it is still a problem. But whether or not it would have come to light is a different matter altogether.

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It could just be that this woman is...freakishly fast and great at running. I have known this to happen.


With 3x the amount of testosterone in her body than a normal woman? Hell, she'll be lightning fast...


Wonder if she'll be disqualified on the basis of that - may just be a condition/genetic deformity that she has..

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