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Truth be told, I love a good beach. Sand castles, sunbathing and swimming are all favourite pastimes of mine. I've travelled around Europe, I've swum in the North Sea, Atlantic, Meditteranean and some of the beaches in Europe are stunning. So, I guess the aim of this thread is, what's the best beach you've ever been too? Pictures as well please if possible.


Oh, and one thing I've noticed is that sea water is always freezing cold. Has anyone else noticed that?

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Phi Phi Island, Thailand. The water is clean and also very warm. Absolutely stunning.


It's where they filmed The Beach.


Or somewhere less famous (read: guaranteed to not always have tourists), I've been to more amazing beaches in Greece than I can count.

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Urgh beaches, how dull :p Maybe its because I'm slap bang in the middle but meh. It might be fun if I lived near one and on nice days could go hang out at the beach with friends but as it is beaches just remind me of family holidays where everybody wants to relax while I want to actually do something other than sit/sleep.


Lord knows if I can remember the best (they all kinda become the same) but the last one I went to (excluding the fact one in Birmingham) was on Miyajima island which was...okay. Only really went for the floating shrine.

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I hate sand.


I hate sand too! I'd rather spend the day siting next to a river/stream than lounging around on a beach. But, sand aside (seaside?), beaches can be fun.


The thing I really enjoy about beaches is searching around in rock pools (my mother calls it dogging, I've told her not to) for crabs, starfish and the like. That's always a laugh.


My wife & kids love the beach.

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been in the Atlantic, the pacific and the gulf of Thailand. I like nice quiet beaches with a nice natural backdrop. The south of Thailand and quite a few places in Australia where awesome for this. (Mission beach in Australia probably my favourite) Surfers Paradise was an absolute concrete hole however.

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Went to a beach at the Mediterranean Sea down in Southern France in the holidays. It was very nice (and I almost got sunburnt :heh:), but the water wasn't warmer than the water in the ocean on the west coast of Denmark in the summertime. I was a little surprised, to be honest.


I know! You'd think that the Med is a hot sea, and therefore the water would be warm, but it's not. It's freezing. You have to adjust to that chill.

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I live very near bournmouth beach but further along is sandbanks and that's just lovely. About a 20 min drive from my house, and it's brilliant. Actually the beach stretches all the way from sanbanks, past Bournemouth and on. It's known as the seven miles of golden sand.


Went the other day actually and swam. Yes the sea is indeed always cold but when you have a day as hot as Sunday you welcome a place to cool off :)


I love living near the coast, although I'm sure I'll have to move away eventually :(

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I live very near bournmouth beach but further along is sandbanks and that's just lovely. About a 20 min drive from my house, and it's brilliant. Actually the beach stretches all the way from sanbanks, past Bournemouth and on. It's known as the seven miles of golden sand.


Went the other day actually and swam. Yes the sea is indeed always cold but when you have a day as hot as Sunday you welcome a place to cool off :)


I love living near the coast, although I'm sure I'll have to move away eventually :(

Nonsense. Bournemouth has everything you need.

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As much as I love Bondi, I've got a soft spot for Manly Beach. Both are lovely though only Bondi is often full of backpackers.


There's a place called Manly Beach? That's awesome. All I can picture is the guys from Family Guy who lift the triangular shaped weights.


Or the Top Gun volleyball scene. But it's a rare occasion that it's not on my mind to be honest.

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Well anybody who's been in the Image Gallery will know I just went to the beach this weekend, dug a mahoosive hole and had a bloody fantastical time! We went to Camber Sands, which was my first time there, but the only other beaches I can actually really remember are Broadstairs(went once), Brighton(not a fan of stony beaches) and Margate(been lots and lots of times, was our standard beach for going to as a family).


For that reason I'm kind of biased towards Margate, though most people don't like it who I've spoke to, but I do cos you've got sand and sea, but you also have the boat bit and when the tide goes out you can go crabbing there! That was the one thing that made me sad about Camber Sands :(

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Nonsense. Bournemouth has everything you need.


It also has a lot of things your don't need though. Like millions of tourists, stoners and chavs. Although on the occassion when they're not around (schooldays mostly) it is awesome. I wasn't saying it was rubbish, hells no, but I like sandbanks more :)


Although the gardens and shops of bournemouth are an attraction. You don't get that at sandbanks.

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Brighton Beach is all stones, which is good because you don't get sand everywhere. Beaches are good because the serenity of the view encourages chillaxing and good conversation. Bonfires and bbqs with the sound of the sea! A swim out as far as you dare - for a wee! Ha! Yes. Everyone wees in the sea.

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