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Revolution-Europe's Top 50 Nintendo Games of all Time(VOTING CLOSED!)


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I consider myself to be a 'vintage' gamer as I have witnessed the birth of videogames with Pong and Space Invaders, and I am still today an avid fan of console games. I've owned almost any console that was ever made, from the humble SNES, the heavily undervalued Saturn and Dreamcast, the rare Neo Geo, to the wonderful Gamecube. However, Nintendo has always offered that little something extra, something that distinguishes it from other game makers, and will therefore always remain my favourite. So here goes :

1. Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (SNES) : it might not have 3D-graphics and analog controls, but THIS is the greatest Zelda game ever ! :yay:

2. Super Mario All Stars (SNES)

3. Super Mario 64 (N64)

4. Goldeneye 64 (N64)

5. Metroid Prime (Gamecube)

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1: Majora's Mask (N64)

Why? It is darker, it has improvements over Ocarina and was a much more orginal story. It really made me feel sad. And the levels where much nicer! To short though...


2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)

I prefer this over any Mario game. It is my favorite replay games. And "Touch Fizzy get Dizzy" I love and keep playing it! And still have not made world to 6-7 100


3: Super Mario 64 (N64)

When I saw this I could not believe video games where ever going to be nicer and better then this. And flying around in the game was the best 3D experience ever.


4: Pilot Wings (N64)

One of the most relaxing games ever. Well balanced and missed on the Cube. Can not imagine that this game will not be released on the Revo, with that controller!


5: Mario Kart 64 (N64)

Forget Mario Party. This is the only real multi player party game. All versions are excellent but the N64 version has the best battle mode. We played this forever!


But we also should do best "memories" of games. because that would be a different top 5....

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1) Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (NINTENDO 64)

2) Donkey Kong Country 2 (SUPER NES)

3) Metroid Prime (GAMECUBE)

4) Yoshi's Island (SUPER NES)

5) Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GAMECUBE)


Thanks and Happy New Year to everyone from Athens, Greece.

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1- Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask,


Reason: When i first heard the music for the last 6 hours before the moon would fall i realised that no matter how much you help the citizens of clock town unless someone stops the Skull Kid everyone would die. In perticular the woman in the inn waiting for her loved one to return but whom never came unless you went out and found him.


2- Tales of Symphonia ,

3- Chrono Trigger,

4- Eternal Darkness,

5- Golden Sun.

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1. Super Mario 64 - Popped my 3D cherry on this one, spent most of the cold winter of 96 playing it on my Jap N64. A truly innovative masterpiece, the sheer scale of the achievement, in originality, variety and technological might earns it my best game ever, it will always hold a special place in my heart.


2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – I was put under a spell playing this game. It’s a rich, emotive experience that’s been crafted with love. An amazing game. Every videogamer should play this game, your can’t call yourself one unless you do.


3. Super Mario Kart – I am torn between SMK and the MKDS. SMK wins because it gave me a new gaming experience. I must have logged on over 500 hours playing this one. Battle mode is my fav!!


4. Goldeneye – What other game can you kill Robbie Coltrane in a deathmatch, enough said!!!


5. F Zero X – I loved this game, it’s mad fast paced action with awesome tracks, that runs at a smooth 60fps made this a game a must have. Deathrace was nuts too!!!

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1 - Metroid Prime (the first one) : this was the best game on gamecube this generation in my honest opinion, and i cant wait for the third game in the series on revolution

2 - mario 64 : this was the first game from nintendo i really liked!

3 - Legend of zelda, ocarina of time

4 - metroid prime 2 echoes

5 - legend of zelda wind waker

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1:The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (N64) What can i say that has never been said before, nothing. This game was, and still is brilliant, ground breaking and magical. This was the first Zelda game in 3D, which was well worth the delays. I also own the soundtrack to this game, which is also awesome.


2:Goldeneye 007 (N64) This was my first FPS game in 3D, and it was awesome Single player mode rocked, my favourite level was the train and my worst level was Egyptian Temple. Multiplayer mode was great. I still remember using the invincible cheat during multiplayer mode and never dying no matter what was thrown my way.


3:Super Mario 64 (N64) The very first game i played on the N64, and still the best Mario game that i have ever played.


4:Metroid Prime (GC) The best looking game on the GC, and the best FPS on the GC by far.


5:Mario Kart DS (DS) I've played all Mario Kart games, and this one is the best one that Nintendo have created. First, because it is online and second it includes a mixture of new and old tracks from previous Mario Kart titles

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I say..



1. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) I love my other top 4 favorites but they don't come close to OOT.


2. Chrono Trigger (SNES) The only RPG I've really, really liked. Great story, gameplay, music.


3. Pikmin (GC) Very close to Chrono in my top 5. A very different game but very well done.


4. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) Lots of sidequests, very good game.


5. Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) One of my favorites, took the first SMB and added lots of great additions -- powerups, worlds, music, story, etc.

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1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

2. Resident Evil 4

3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

4. Tales of Symphonia

5. Super Smash Bros.


I would have some Old School favs...but with the technology of today's games, I'm sad to say that even games like Super Mario Bros. can be beaten in a second.

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1. The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time : I dont remember waiting for a game for as long as I did for oot. There is no doubt that to this date this game is the best ever made.

2. The Legend of Zelda : Majora´s Mask : I have to say that I like the mood in Majora´s Mask better than in OOT. It is alot darker, and solving the puzzles with different kinds of mask was just awesome :)

3. Super Mario 64 : The game that changed 3-d gaming.

4. Super Mario 3 : The best of the 2-d Mario platformers.

5. Metroid Prime : Everything about it is fantastic, the ost, the mood, the visuals, also does a fantastic job of having you wanting to read everything that comes across in this game, gotta scan em all! o,o

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1- Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64)-

Simply the best no doubt... Great Storyline, Great Gameplay, I could not stop playing this game even when I finish it.


2- Goldeneye 64 (N64)-

The first FPS I played and still play it today... I have for hours.. not many games can do that today...


3- Super Mario World (Snes/GBA)-

One the best 2D sidescolling games ever made... what more can i say?


4- Resident Evil 4 (GC)-

When I first encoutered the chainsaw guy I tried to runaway... I hid in the house... my heart was beating... and next thing i see my head getting chopped off... Pure Genius... Superb Graphics, Sound, Atmosphere and Story...


5- Mario Kart 64 (N64)-

Another great mulitplayer game which lasted for hours... with people shouting in agony... and some laughing suspicously... this game had hooked me and mates for hours and still play this game today.

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1) Super mario 64-The first and best 3-d platformer I ever played, its so great! the great bowser battles, brilliant level designs and music make it not just the best nintendo game of all time but the best game ever...IMO.

2) Banjo Kazooi - close rival to super mario 64, the cool bear and bird are the best double act in video games!

3) Donkey kong country 2 - WOW! this game was and still is absoloutly brilliant! Diddy and Dixie sure did well with this great game, the great water, fair ground and swamp levels were brilliant!

4) Donkey kong 64 - what a great sequel to a great 2-d platformer, all the great DK caracters are here, with cranky, diddy, funky kong and more along with new people such as chunky kong! From the brilliant beggining all the way through to the boxing match its an unfogettable game!

5) Diddy kong racing - the best racer ive played, brilliant levels, characters and more!


theyre my top 5 and I feel bad for not putting any GC games on there, SSBM was almost no.5 but not quite, so was windwaker and Ocarina of Time, it was a hard decision! So many great games :(

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1. Ocarina of Time The first Zelda game I ever played, and one that could have so easily passed me by. For some reason, I didn't like the sound of it from reviews, but I borrowed it off a friend, and got completly hooked. The graphics, the puzzles, the story, the length, the interactivity... There was so much to do, and it never got boring. I don't think any game will ever surpass the feeling I had whilst playing this.


2. Metroid Prime

3. Super Mario 64

4. Super Mario World

5. Super Smash Bros. Mêlée


Unoriginal, ain't I? :p

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1. ocarina of time: it's ridiculous but i love it after you complete the game and link and zelda look at each other and u dont know whether they know each other or not :)


2. goldeneye: crazy betage for multiplayer


3. pokemon red/blue: 100s hours of madness


4. diddy kong racing: spent a whole summer beating rares times. cant forget that :)


5. banjo kazooie: there was a smile on my face throughout this game. the music was so good


i notice there are 2 nintendo games and 3 rare games

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