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Revolution-Europe's Top 50 Nintendo Games of all Time(VOTING CLOSED!)


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1 - Zelda: Majora Mask (N64, GCN) - Second coming of the Hero of time, (hope for a triology), dark and moody, link's negative view portraiting a chaotic world in decline in the brink of destruction.

2 - Tales Of Phantasia (SNES, PSone) - Awesome RPG, great playability, great soundtrack, breathtaking for it's time, beats the hell out of newer Tales.

3 - Final Fantasy 6 (SNES, PSone) - Awesome, great argument and soundtrack, avoids being cliché, beats the hell out of FF7 and the newer FF's.

4 - Zelda: Link's Awakening(GB, GBC) - Same reasons as MM, the end of a chapter, the relativity of reality, the truth behind the obvious, all that beggins has to end, even heroes.

5 - Chrono Trigger (SNES, PSone) - One of the best RPG's ever, be it in story, action, art realization and attention to detail.


Runner ups... Metroid Prime 1&2 (GCN), Ocarina Of Time (N64, GCN), Wind Waker (GCN), Perfect Dark (N64), Resident Evil 4 (GCN), Banjo Kazooie (N64), Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64, Xbox).

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Tales of symphonia A GREAT RPG!!! I almost cried...*Almost*

Goldeneye N64-awsome shotter

Pokemon red/blue-Such a great RPG!!

mariocart 64-best cart-raceing game!!

prince of persia warrior Within, and sands of time- awsome.. I love doing flips!


I didnt put occarina cuz, I know everyone is ganna put that!


PS. I need to know this!!

I beat POP warrior within, and I ended up killing kaileena, but it says that in the two thrones kaileena goes wiht the prince to the city and the prince gets captured.. kaileena then sacrafices herself and releases the sands of time to save the prince... Im so confused!!! how can this happen if shes already dead!!!! are there multiple endings to warrior within?? Thanks to anyone who replies, this has bothered me for a while.

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1) The legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (masks, transformations, advanced interactions with secondary characters, great scenario, quite hard...in few words: the best Zelda game ever made, and the most original one!)

2) The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (another masterpiece, but less innovative than M'sM; this was the first Zelda game I ever played).

3) The legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (the graphics and battles are the greatest in the whole series, but the game has faults).

4) The legend of Zelda: Link's Awekening (I loved Marin and the Wind Fish).

5) The legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (best 2D dungeons).


Yes, I'm a Zelda-obsessed girl. :D



P.S. I hope the image in my signature isn't too big.

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1. LoZ: Majora's Mask--it's a very dark and surreal game, and it's the most overwhelmingly atmospheric game I ever played. To boot, it's also a Zelda game, which is never a bad thing. That last dungeon was just epic.

2. Fire Emblem

3. LoZ: The Wind Waker

4. Super Smash Bros. Melee

5. SMW2: Yoshi's Island

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1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

- This was the game. I had loved video games since before I could remember, I played and beat all the marios and any other classic game you could name for the NES. I already had a good SNES collection built up; but when I played this game my world changed. From the day I beat it I knew Zelda would always remain my favorite gaming franchise. I've played and beat this game (SNES and GBA) countless times and I could do it everyday if I wanted to. Truthfully if it weren't from Zelda I probably wouldn't play video games very much anymore, and I have this game to thank for it.



2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

3. Metroid Prime

4. Super Mario 64

5. Super Smash Brothers Melee

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1- Pop'n Twinbee (SNES) - it was a tough choice, choosing an all-time favourite game, but this SNES title is the one that I always play first when I dig out my old SNES. The music, the cheerful character design and fun gameplay make it a winner every time, and I wouldn't sell it for the world.


2- Illusion of Time (SNES)


3- Lylat Wars (N64)


4- Terranigma (SNES)


5- Skies of Arcadia Legends (Gamecube)


Boy, it was real hard choosing a top five, but those are the five games out of my collection I'd keep if I had to sell the rest.

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1. Skies of Arcadia Legends - Definitely the best RPG game ever for me. Also, this game gave me the greatest magical experiences ever. The characters are brilliant, the worlds are BEAUTIFUL, and the storyline is aboslutely astonishing. Which RPG gives so much to do? Owning your own battle ship, crews in air. Brilliant land battles.

2. Resident Evil 4

3. Quest 64

4. Goldeneye 64

5. Waverace 64

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1 - Zelda OOT - When you wake up at 7am on a saturday and run downstairs excited to play a game, you know its damn awesome. No game has ever gripped me like this one.


2 - Perfect Dark - Best FPS there is, great strange story, hot main character, great weapons, aims, awesome multiplayer. Yes, its all better than goldeneye, you know it is.


3 - Mario Sunshine - I loved it, "its not Mario 64 blah blah" they all whined, good! I thought it was original and strived to get every shine and blue coin. And i did. Huzzah! Creative level design, inspiring use of the FLUDD, and nigh on perfect platforming precision. Gotta love those tripple jumps.


4 - Banko Kazooie - I loved Rare, and this game was just so fun. Better than Mario 64 it is. Yup. Does Mario have a sidekick bird who fires eggs and flies and shouts abuse at the game characters? Thought not.


5 - Mario Kart 64 - What can i say. Best racer there ever was. And it was the one game i could get my family excited about. We had and still have some great multiplayer mayhem.

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1. Zelda 64 : OOT (N64)

!!! Without any doubt my favourite game ever (on all consoles)... Fantastic gameplay, graphics (in his time) .. Just a game that deserved his 10/10 in a lot of magazines ;) I just enjoyed playing this one and when I got nothing to do .. I re-play it (only game that has such effect on me). I had to wait three years for it (I really did , reading magazines and such) .. I was almost getting insane, if it was delayed .. But really it was worthed, BEST GAME EVER !!!! Go zelda ... MAke us proud on GAMECUBE too !!!


2. Zelda : A link to the PAST (SNES)

!!! Mythic tunes, great graphics, fantastic game play, great quest ... A MUST HAVE for everyone ... I still enjoy playing this old title :) Great 2D !!!


3. Super Mario Bros III (NES)

!!! I go way back in time, .. This was my fifth game for my NES :) And really i enjoyed playing this game ...


4. Goldeneye 64 (N64)

!!! After Zelda64 : OOT was goldeneye THE must-buy game on N64 !! Great gameplay, great graphics, great sound ... (you could even do headshots) ... great multiplayer ... The best bond-game EVER !!!! (one of best FPS ever too on console)..


5. Zelda I (NES)

!!! It all started back in time on the NES !! It was a great game, and it has a great replay, cause when you finished the game, you was able replaying it with other dungeons !!! Just a great game, had a lot of great time with these :) They should take example of it !!!


6. MARIO 64 (N64) !!!

Evolution in the 3d-world, GREAT GAME !!! revolutionary !!!!!!!!!! but yeah .. where are the good times sigh !!!



.... I could go further .. But these are my favourites .. ofcourse you got -> Super mario bros I, bros II & and much more !!!

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Here's my list:


1.Resident Evil 4(GC)->>The best moments in my videogame life!!!

2.The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time(N64)->>You need a reason???

3.Metroid Prime(GC)->>Samus rules the universe!!!

4.Donkey Kong Country(Snes)->>I still enjoy it!!!

5.Mario 64(N64)->>I remember the first time i played it!!!


I wanted to add 100 more but that's life(Sob)!!!

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1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -- My first Action RPG and the one that made me understand how much potential gaming actually has.

2) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -- Saving a world full of people I never knew for no reward was very emotional. This game showed Link as a TRUE hero.

3) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker -- The closest gaming has come to looking like a cartoon. Beautiful.

4) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles -- A welcome return of FF. I loved the GBA connectivity and the new Action RPG plat style was a unique take on the usually turn-based series.

5) Chrono Trigger -- PLEASE Square Enix. Bring this to GBA!!!

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1) The Legend of Zelda:A Link to the Past (SNES)

2) Mario 64 (N64)

3) Resident Evil 4 (GC)

4) Chrono Trigger (SNES)(although I played the PSX version, with the cool anime-cutscenes)

5) Punch Out (NES)


But should not this thing wait until the release of Twilight Princess?

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the choices the choices the choices

ermm here goes

1.Goldeneye- when i first put this game in my n64 the intro blew me away the game stunned me further and kiling baron samedi for the last time jus put a smile on my face a perfect end to a perfect game.

2.Perfect Dark- speaking of perfect this game was the reason too own an expansion pak. Killing elvis was also good for a laugh.

3.Skies of arcadia legends- a hidden gem anyone with a gamecube get this in now. This is the ultimate final fantasy beater.

4. golden sun- what an engrossing rpg with a rich story and graphics tht push the gba to its limits with an unforgettable soundtrack this goes right up there with the best.

5. Tales of symphonia- This game has the best story eveer!!!!!! with voiceovers with what i believe is robin from the teen titans as lloyd. Story leaves u guessing until the end(im on the dark temple and i kno who kratos is) with my guesse being spot on. A unique battle system will keep u playing again and again.

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Erm... I registered just to vote in this poll so here it goes..


1. Zelda OoT, I will never forget the feeling of freedom I felt when I had beaten the first boss and went out on Hyrule fields for the first time.

2. Super Mario 64

3. Zelda WW

4. Super Mario Sunshine

5. Paper Mario 2

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1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. It's just the best game I ever played, the feeling it gives you it's just amazing.(When I played it for the first time I was like :bouncy: this is the best game ever)

2. Metroid Prime. It was new, wonderfull and best of all a great playing sensation.

3. Super Smash Bros. Melee. Best multi player game in the whole world.

4. Tales of Symphonia. A great RPG, lots of side quests and good controles.

5. Super Mario 64. First game I played on a console and first 3d mario game.( And how can you have a nintendo top 5 without Mario?)


my top 5 (sorry if I spelled things wrong)

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1.The legend of Zelda : oot - nothing else to say that hasnt been said.

2.Super Smash Brothers Melee - infinite replay value

3.Advance Wars - Black Hole Rising - best gba game ive ever played

4.The Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker - risky graphical style for the zelda series but pulled off well.

5.Timesplitters Future Perfect - awesome fps

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