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I'm planning on buying a PS3 soon, and I'll probably be hooking it up to my monitor. I have a VGA cable that's compatible with the PS3, but obviously I'll be getting better picture quality with Digital Video. My monitor has a DVI port on it, would it be as simple as connecting a Male HDMI to Male DVI cable with the HDMI in the PS3, and the DVI in the monitor. Or do I need something else? The audio isn't a problem as this will be routed separately through optical. The monitor is HDCP compatible.

Might not need such a confusing set up, it may just require a single adaptor. My 4670 graphics card came with an adaptor like this. One side connected to the dvi port in the back of the gfx card and the other converted it into hdmi.


[ Scratch part about audio ]


Something like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814999009


Basically what I was going to buy was one of these:




Its basically what you linked to with a cable attached, so not any more complicated. But if it works, thats good. My main question was more, in regards to Male DVI to Male HDMI cables working both ways, but at this point it looks like they will, as the video pins are basically the same from what I understand.

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