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Playstation Move


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The point here is simple: The internet at the moment is buzzing with discussion comparing Kinect, Move and Wii Motion+. What is telling, is although it is highly fashionable to knock the Wii and even ridicule it, if anyone so much as dares to say anything about the PS3 that isn't a glowing endorsement of everything about it, it causes a storm.


Why so defensive? The same people who have been slating the Wii and motion control are now literally peeing their pants over the prospect of Sony trying to get in on the act. Slightly hypocritical.


All I have done is posted up sales figures and compared them with the figures of Wii Sports Resort, which let's all face facts is essentially what Sports Champions hopes to emulate.


You know what, when Kinect comes out, people will - get ready for this - compare its launch, sales and games to the Move's and to Wii Sports Resort and Motion+.

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What exactly is there to discuss? In two different and incomparable circumstances, Sport Champion didn't sell as well as Wii Sports Resort... Oh no, one inane casual titles that is there simply to show off the technology (Sorry, an amended Wii Motion+ controller) of their respective motion controllers outsells the other.


People aren't 'buzzing' on the internet about Move because they can play this crap, they're buzzing because it actually works as well as it was promised it would.


Point is Move works worlds better than the Wii, and in more ways too. The games are coming. Also, if you haven't noticed, the PS3 had a controller before Move and it supports a horrendous number of brilliant games - Move isn't necessary to enjoy the PS3 and this is both its greatest strength and one of its weakness. The bottom line is, consumers have a choice.


Honestly, only fanboys care that much about sales.


No one is being defensive. We just really don't like you. You are the butt of many jokes.

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He's not said anything off though. It's fair to compare the two really, they do offer similar experiences.

In the same way that eating an apple or an orange offers a similar experience.


The crux of the matter is we all know why Zechs came in this thread to post those figures, and it wasn't to start a discussion. It's the intent that's the issue, not the information.


However, if you'd honestly like to know why Move hasn't done numbers comparable to WSR:

  • There's been bugger all advertising.
  • It launched without a 'killer app', more a collection of party titles and tech demos.
  • Brick-and-mortar stores will have pushed people to buy needlessly bloated/expensive bundles; the Navigation Controller isn't really needed.
  • It's primarily aimed at an audience that doesn't yet own a PS3, pushing the barrier to entry up to around £250+.
  • Again, no advertising.


Frankly I'm tired of any talk about sales. I swear there was a time when people actually liked games, but now it's all about who sold the most units, or which version has the barely perceptible technical advantage. That sort of information should be interesting sideline reading, but instead it's brought to the fore by people who apparently swore a blood oath to their chosen home entertainment system.

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People aren't 'buzzing' on the internet about Move because they can play this crap, they're buzzing because it actually works as well as it was promised it would.


Point is Move works worlds better than the Wii, and in more ways too.

That's certainly not the impression I got from peoples first impressions on here!
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That's certainly not the impression I got from peoples first impressions on here!


It does work. You just need to play Tumble. I think it was really dumb to not package Tumble with the controller but Sony do a lot of dumb things. Like most people have said, the current software is turd for the most part and with things like Table Tennis, it takes a little time to get used to.


Anyone got R.U.S.E? I don't want to buy it but I might rent it to try it out.

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It does work. You just need to play Tumble. I think it was really dumb to not package Tumble with the controller but Sony do a lot of dumb things. Like most people have said, the current software is turd for the most part and with things like Table Tennis, it takes a little time to get used to.
I don't really see Tumble as being a judge of the tech though, because to me it's just a scaled down Boom Blox.


I just don't really understand why Move is out yet, when there's no games to show off what it can do.

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I don't really see Tumble as being a judge of the tech though, because to me it's just a scaled down Boom Blox.


How is it not a perfect demonstration of the tech? You can see the controller move 1:1. It shows it works perfectly. What else would you want to see?

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OK well put it this way, you said...

Point is Move works worlds better than the Wii, and in more ways too.

I fully agree with you the tech is superior... but how is Tumble showing that?... Boom Blox was able to track movement and rotation in exactly the same way wasn't it.

I'd like to see games that show the difference of Move.

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I just don't really understand why Move is out yet, when there's no games to show off what it can do.

I believe the idea is that it's a bit of a soft launch: you get something out now with some family appeal, let word of mouth build a bit and then go on an advertising blow-out closer to Christmas.


Who knows if it'll work for them in the long run, but Sony has explicitly stated that they're expecting a slow start for Move. I imagine you'll see Microsoft take precisely the opposite approach: they're going to sink an insane amount of money into positioning Kinect as the must-have holiday gift, as you can brute force that to an extent.

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The point here is simple: The internet at the moment is buzzing with discussion comparing Kinect, Move and Wii Motion+. What is telling, is although it is highly fashionable to knock the Wii and even ridicule it, if anyone so much as dares to say anything about the PS3 that isn't a glowing endorsement of everything about it, it causes a storm.


I'd hardly say this was a glowing endorsement

I'll give Playstation Move a wide berth until they release some quality games. I want some killer AAA titles. Not some below par Wii wannabe games christ Wii Play is a better game than some of this shite.





I still however think your Wii Sports Resort comparison to PS Move sales was retarded.

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What is telling, is although it is highly fashionable to knock the Wii and even ridicule it, if anyone so much as dares to say anything about the PS3 that isn't a glowing endorsement of everything about it, it causes a storm.

As I've said before, where do you find these people, and why do you care about their opinions? I don't get the concept of it being 'fashionable' to slate a videogame console in real life conversation. You're just magicking people up. That, or you affiliate with some really strange people, which is equally if not more likely, or you only know Internet people.


Also, what storm? You talking about consolediscussionsforcunts.com? Or something like IGN I take it?

When you see a member called 'PS3gr4fixAwsum' and they say 'Wii is shit only gays play mario and it haz bad grafix ha', your blood, Zesty Melon, starts boiling. You're not going to convince any of these 'fanboys' (i.e. fanboys like you, but on the 'opposite team') that the Wii is worth anything, or is a serious competitor, or whatever.


Even if you shove scientific evidence that the Wii has graphically amazing and complex games down the gullets of your dumbass enemies (they are makeshift btw), they won't have changed their opinions, and they'll still piss you off. They'll still piss you off because you give a shit, and so you'll always be a sad, unintelligent twat, trying to keep yourself happy with sales figures (utterly pathetic), and endlessly trying to win a battle against anonymous, equally unintelligent bellends who are just as bad. Almost.


I'm just imagining you having this argument frequently at Primary School, and the bigger kids don't like the Wii, and they shoot you down for it. This has probably caused the psychological problems.


Why so defensive? The same people who have been slating the Wii and motion control are now literally peeing their pants over the prospect of Sony trying to get in on the act. Slightly hypocritical.

I think a lot of people from the Other Consoles board on N-Europe, way back when, said that the controller was great for certain things, but ultimately limited in many regards. That hasn't changed with either of the Move or Kinect revelations, but they're still interesting products worth being intrigued by.


I'm guessing the literal cloth-wetting point is anecdotal.


Hypocritical... Seeing as you're basing your perception of this N-E board on consolediscussionsforcunts.com , there's no point in acknowledging this part of your post. But I will, just to forward my intolerance so members like Kav know what entity I'm dealing with here.


Basically you say it's hypocritical that everyone here at Other Consoles is bumming alternative motion control, but they haven't said this at all. On the contrary, very few people actually realised exactly when the Move was coming out, me included, and the reception has been far from ecstasy. Like Choze, you just make shit up and expect no-one to notice, because it sounds plausible in your own little fucked up world.


All I have done is posted up sales figures and compared them with the figures of Wii Sports Resort

...so that I feel better about my life, and my future prospects, or something.


You know what, when Kinect comes out, people will - get ready for this - compare its launch, sales and games to the Move's and to Wii Sports Resort and Motion+.


Yeah but you're not here for that. What's there to say?


The thing is, I'm not sure why I'm writing all this because if you haven't understood how desperate you are by now, you're not going to have the brains to understand this post either, and realise you should move on.


I forgive you if you're 8 years old. I'm pleading for you to tell me that you are. Otherwise, Zest, seek medical attention immediately.



Sweet, didn't realise that.

I'm guessing you played the demo, so there's no need to inform you that it's shite, even though I just did.


Edit @ Aimless:

Personally, I think originally Move was going to have a later launch, with a more credible game library. When Kinect was announced, Sony probably rushed the product out to avoid the clash. Microsoft would've had a landslide, with their budget.

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I didn't have time to come onto that point - Zing Matron is a blip on N-E. Most people here are civil, have an IQ above 70, and generally fit in. But this kid remains here and I can't ban him, so why can't I try to mould him so that he isn't forever known as a farce? Or at least point out to other people that it isn't a case of 'rivalry', it's just a case study of an absolute idiot that gets away with plaguing discussions, as if he has the right to.

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You seem to have very selective memory dwarf.

Have you not been reading everything I've written?


I wholeheartedly admit I once was a Nintendo fanboy. That was 4 years ago, when I was 13.


The trolling of the Wii forums, mentioned numerous times, was for the joy of Lilt. You deleted that stuff due to embarrassment and lack of humour (at the time).



Posted by me

'It's like me going to the Wii board once every year and posting something akin to: 'was it just me that noticed that the average Nintendo game scored a 6.5/10, whilst first party Sony titles got a 9/10 average?'. Except, get this, without the irony.'

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