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Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story


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Does it really say 'the best RPG-style Mario adventure ever made' :o

How can a game go wrong with fawful in it though......

To me, Superstar saga and Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door are the absolute best and then they state this.....



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A much as I love this serie, I will NOT watch these epic vids. I want everything to be fresh and new to me. I saw too much of Partners in Time so,.......no spoilers for me, even if they are as small as this one.


@Retro Link


We've seen him in pictures, but not in vids I recall. Would be pretty awesome if he actually is another huge Koopa.

Now all that is left is for Ward, Bowser and this Pig-Koopa thing (and Fawful if he'll make it) to star in another sequel to take mario down!


Every game in this series are, up untill now, stand alone adventures. I'm hoping for an open ending in the new one :D

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I'll just give you my vital opinion. TTYD - insanely good. PM pretty cool but I played it after TTYD so it was basically a bit too familiar. Glad I played the GC game first really.

As for the others in the series, I haven't played Mario RPG although that's supposed to be the best of the 'series' (I can't envisage that but I'll hold judgement).


Neither have I played Superstar Saga, however I did play Partners in Time and that game sucked balls. I got to the last boss and got pissed off with it after messing up the timing once or twice, but basically the story was woeful and generally a lame experience. Not sure how this game could renew my perception because it looks very similar, maybe they've focused on refreshing it.

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I've played all the mario RPG's:


-Super Mario RPG


-Paper Mario

-Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door (Best Mario RPG ever IMO)

-Super Paper Mario (Not quite the RPG...:laughing: but EPIC story)


-Mario&Luigi: Superstar Saga (Story almost better than TTYD, with this one having multiple plottwists, which I like:D)

-Mario&Luigi: Partners in Time (not as good as SS, but I did really like the story and plottwists. Wasn't too hard though, but very enjoyable IMO)


Now if a site goes around saying that Bowser's Inside Story is the best MARIO RPG yet, then this has made me very curious. I'm a fan of the mario RPG's and will always buy them no matter what. Still, you ought to buy them for the plumber humour alone and a game can't go wrong with fawful in it!:laughing:

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Guest Captain Falcon

As awesome as Superstar Saga is, everything that I saw from Partners of Time did absolutely nothing for me.


Looking at those videos, this looks to be far more interesting and could be worth a purchase.


Though whilst the claims of this being the best Mario RPG ever are grand indeed, that they've come from Nintendo Power leads me to take them with a pinch of salt.

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9.5 from IGN!


Closing Comments

The Mario & Luigi series has already established itself as a fantastic RPG franchise, and the third game does not disappoint. I have no problem classifying it as the best of the bunch, thanks to an excellent and appropriately surreal script, epic oversized battles, and the fact that Bowser is a playable character and gets most of the gameplay time. Let's hope that this is a jumping-off point for Bowser – this guy really needed a top-billing production!

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He's only one of the funniest and yet craziest/bad-ass villians ever created!


Here are his most awesome quotes:



And this would be him in his Superstar Saga glorie!



I love his sneakiness, his use of grammar and vocabulary and I must say his speeches have been translated excellent!

He is one of a kind and not even Doopliss(Paper Mario: TTYD), Booster(Super Mario RPG) or the Great Cackletta (Superstar Saga) can ever get near his status. It even gets better when you consider that he survives Superstar Saga, lives an underground life in Partners in Time, and now TOTALLY TRIES TO GET EVEN!


I'm praying he'll survive yet another Mario & Luigi game :D



Those brothers of badness! My brain aches at their overalls! I have fury AND headache now! Fawful would be here, reigning over all and laughing at you! ...But no.


Stupid mustaches! Hairs like the dirty tail of a horse in a barn built by a farmer who is crazy!


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Completed it in 23 hours and thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish, although the final boss was much easier than the previous two games IMHO and I've got no desire to go back and get the final ranks for levelling up or get a-ranks in the special attack challenges.

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Tomorrow I'll be buying it :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Finally another proper Mario RPG since Partners in Time, because, let's be honest, Super Paper Mario wasn't quite the same caliber as Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door.




(I'm so happy :cry:)

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