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i'm going to be listing a LOAD of books, manga, graphic novels, DS games, music CDs and some toys over the next few weeks...


i thought i'd list all the things i'm going to be putting up for auction on here so you all can have a sneak peak :smile:


things that are live on ebay are in bold. you can search "niftylite" in ebay sellers to bid ^___^


Umbrella academy – gerrard way & Gabriel ba


Abundance of katherines – john green


The push man and other stories – yoshihiro tatsumi


Blankets – craig Thompson


The Tokyo look book – Philomena keet


Goodbye chunky rice – craig Thompson


Flight volume 4 – various


dance of the gods – sinfest v. 3


my neighbors the yamadas ghibli art book


spirited away ghibli art book


stencil graffiti – Tristan manco.


deleter tone set E manga tone set


ghibli museum film book - **NAME?**


cardcaptor sakura art book


pistolwhip – Jason hall


hello kitty – ken belson and brian bremner


both – tom gaud & simone lia


angelic layer character/battle book


ray horses – hope larson


cha cha cymbal wind up toy


chobits bilingual book 1 eng/jap + OST CD w/ 2x books


chobits volumes 1-8 complete set


fruits basket v.1 – natsuki takaya


naruto v.1 – masashi kishimoto


tsubasa volumes 1,2,3 – clamp


tsubasa 4


tsubasa 5


tsubasa 6


tsubasa 7


tsubasa 9


tsubasa 10


muzz vol. 1 + zeet – foo swee chin


loveless volumes 1-5 – yun kouga


battle royale - koushun takami


the accidental sorcerer – k.e. mills


godspeaker book 1 and 2 – Karen miller


kafka on the shore – haruki murakami


japanese women don’t get old or fat – Naomi moriyama & William doyle


nice cup of tea and a sit down – nicey and wifey


fluffy books 1 – 4 complete – simone lia


gorillaz: rise of the ogre


superflat – takashi murakami


takashi murakami- the meaning of the nonsense of the meaning – Amanda



nodame cantabile ds game + piano ds bag


nodame cantabile OST


coldplay parachutes, X&Y and rush of blood to the head


curse of monkey island pc game


jeff buckley grace


modest mouse – dead before the ship even sank


castle in the sky OST – joe hisaishi ghibli


oasis d’yu know what I mean cd single


ds Japanese dictionary game **NAME??**


parappa the rapper PS1


electroplankton Japanese ds game w/ earphones


nightmares and fairy tales – foo swee chin


haruki murakami – after dark


egg story – j marc Schmidt


lost at sea – bryan lee o’malley


the god of small things – arundhati roy


the new meditation handbook – geshe kelsang gyatso


cute Japanese kid’s book – see you anytime I want


tsubasa official fanbook Japanese


my neighbor totoro volume 1 manga


salamander dream – hope larson


you can play – Rachel ortas art book


ds game holder case (holds 12, from GAME)


Macbook AC charger (old style - not magsafe version)




let me know if you're interested in anything you see!!

ask questions, sing songs, etc.

What sort of condition are the Murakami books in? And are they the Vintage paperback editions?


yes they're the vintage pb editions. they're in pretty awesome condition. there's only a very small tear on the back lower side of the "superflat" book.

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