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Ju-On: The Grudge (Fright Sim, AQ Interactive)


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  • 3 weeks later...
^ Isn't Fatal Frame 4 coming though? called Zero: A Japanese Ghost Story.


They even did ads on it, and it's listed in physical stores through europe.


Apparently so. Didn't they say June for it as well? June is close... still heard nothing official :(

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XSEED Games today announced that JU-ON: The Grudge is in development for Wii and scheduled for release in North America in October, 2009. The title is inspired by the Japanese classic horror movie, “JU-ON”, on which the American release of the hit horror film “The Grudge” was based upon. JU-ON: The Grudge for Wii is a “Haunted House Simulator” where accessibility and instant scares are given priority over all other game aspects, with the original creator of the movie, Takashi Shimizu, serving as a creative consultant to game development.



It is said that when a person dies with a deep and burning grudge, a curse is born. When an average housewife in Nerima, Japan, was murdered in a grisly fashion, it gave rise to a curse so powerful that it threatens to kill at a pace thought unimaginable before.



The curse manifests on those who encounter the curse by any means, such as entering the house or being in contact with somebody who was already cursed. Once Erika Yamada is exposed to the curse while searching for her dog in an abandoned warehouse, the entire Yamada family is put in grave danger as soon as she reunites with them at home. They must now face their individual challenges alone, and only by overcoming the curse together will their family truly be free again.



”Ever since I first heard about this unique concept, this is a game that I’ve been looking forward to,” said Jun Iwasaki, President of XSEED Games. “JU-ON: The Grudge makes quick scares accessible to anyone with a Wii, players can even hand the Wii Remote to their mother and enjoy watching her play and get scared.”



Using the Wii Remote as a flashlight, JU-ON: The Grudge has players move forward with the touch of a button and explore haunted areas such as an abandoned warehouse, a dimly-lit hospital, and a mannequin factory. Much like a haunted house, the player must proceed forward even after being frightened and running away from the initial threat. As much fun as it is to get scared, sometimes it’s even more fun to watch others play to observe their reactions. For instant gratification, grab a second Wii Remote and push buttons to make in-game events happen immediately to make the player jump and hate you forever.

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  • 3 weeks later...
According to an updated release schedule of Rising Star Games 2009 releases posted on their forums, the current expected release date for JU-ON: The Grudge is October 2009.


It'll be halloween won't it? I've gotta decide between this, dead space and Silent Hill! At the moment, this is on top followed by silent hill...i loved the look of dead space but at the end of the day it's a on-rails shooter again and i want something a bit different.

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I've gotta decide between this, dead space and Silent Hill! At the moment, this is on top followed by silent hill...i loved the look of dead space but at the end of the day it's a on-rails shooter again and i want something a bit different.

I'll probably wait for a price drop on Dead Space, while it looks good on-rails shooters usually have short length and not many replay value (when your like me, that plays mostly SP), and I doubt EA won't charge full price for it.


As for the other two, JU-ON: The Grudge looks like a peculiar game, it seems more like a haunted house experience mixed with a first person adventure game, I'm curious to see more and I'll probably buy it on day one because I usually have a lot of trouble finding most of Rising Star Games releases not long after release (it seems they are turning into Europe's equivalent to US's Atlus in more ways that we thought... :)).


Regarding Silent Hill, my past experience with the series is quite minimal, I was never what you would call a fan, but I must admit I liked what I've seen of the game. I particularly like the concept of reliving past events during a conversation with a psychiatrist, in which things change based on your actions. It's like re-living the same events through the perspective of different people, where while there may be similarities, their version of the events ends up being quite different from each other.

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  • 2 months later...

I actually find it a pretty intelligent marketing decision, tbh.

I mean, its much more likely for a parent to buy it to have some fun than if it was a boxart like the Resident Evil ones :D

With the boxart, you'l have a different mentality if you don't know anything about it.

And that will help the game sell better.

Let's see if "better" gets to "good", though.

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