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Bits Or No Bits?


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from Tesco

A 1 litre carton of Tropicana Original with juicy bits (because it's a sin to drink it without


I can't stand for this shit. Bits don't belong in Yoghurt (unless its a Corner....then you control the flow/digestive chunks don't count as "bits) or juice. If I wanted bits I'd eat the fruit itself.


I hate the feeling of crappy straggling bits down your throat. (awaits misquotation)


But seriously though, they don't add to flavour....they effect the drink negatively in texture terms...what could anyone like about this?

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I kid you not brother, I was considering the same course of action in making this topic.


But I concur, bits are awful. Drinks are meant to be smooth and pure liquid, not with weird soggy bits flapping around like dead insects.


ON A SIDE NOTE! Soup I can accept, because you see the massive chunks of chewy chicken [i don't eat any other soup] await to be nibbled on. Bits in juice swim around like pale ghosts, serving no purpose but to brush past your gums and make you feel weird.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I'm a no pulp kinda guy myself and I certainly don't have yogurts that have the bits in either - it has to be smooth as and you don't get that with bits in.


Plus bits are likely to get in your teeth and that really annoys me.

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I think you're wrong. I think bits, especially in juice, do add to the 'experience' and enhance the flavour. It creates an uneven texture that feels better on the palate, for me anyway. I can easily drink both kinds but I just prefer to have it with bits because I enjoy it as such.


And plus, the bits come as a result of squashing and by not putting them in a drink it's a waste as they still contain vitamins and such that are useful to ingest.


It really just comes down to preference but as I've said, I prefer to drink it with bits but I also like to drink it without. I'm a big fruit juice drinker (said carton of tropicana will last less than 30 minutes in my possession) so I mix drinking bits and no bits. Just depends one what I can get. But as far as Tropicana goes, Sanquinello is godsend and one of the best.

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I don't like the bits either. But what about slush puppies? They are awesome and a bit "unsmooth"


They fall into the subcategory of frozen drinks so are allowable.


However, FCB (frozen carbonated beverage) > Slushs. They are a lot smoother and the flavour is more evenly distributed, and it goes down easier.

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Fuck no! Munch Bunch would never be the same again.


Although they seem to have ruined the franchise with this Munch the Cow, I feel we should petition to bring back Andy Apricot and Rozzy Raspberry et al.




WHAT THE FUCK IS MUNCH THE COW?! I don't understand how they can do this. It is CALLED Munch Bunch. MUNCH FUCKING BUNCH. What kind of relevance does that have to the Yogurt if the mascots have been replaced by a bitchy little irritating cow?!




PS all you bit lovers are worse than the devil IMO.

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WHAT THE FUCK IS MUNCH THE COW?! I don't understand how they can do this. It is CALLED Munch Bunch. MUNCH FUCKING BUNCH. What kind of relevance does that have to the Yogurt if the mascots have been replaced by a bitchy little irritating cow?!




PS all you bit lovers are worse than the devil IMO.

I also believe they didn't think the current advertising through fully.


"Let's colour me in!"


Says a character which is predominantly white.


To a large group of children.

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Personally, I don't mind bits in my juice. Extra nutriants, and all that - but I'm not a big can of yoghurts as it is, and the bits in those tend to feel... well the texture is all wrong. I feel like I'm squeltching on a miniature human's internal organs.

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Fully agree with the Much Bunch arguement, I used to insist on getting those yoghurts when I was little purely because of the characters. Although I am now wondering why the orange was Mexican.


Michael Inpong, Marketing Director at Munch Bunch said: “Munch Bunch has gone back to its storytelling roots of creating a relationship with children based on fun and friendly characters. Munch the Cow is a great new addition to the Munch Bunch family and we feel strongly that the new packaging visuals support the key natural ingredients of milk and fruit. We’re also very conscious that parents are increasingly worried about the ingredients in foods for their children so we’ve made it easier for them to access all the key nutritional information about our products on-pack.â€




As for bits, I love bits. Having bits is like the bonus extra feature of juice. The hidden detail in your favourite drink placed just for the fanboys. The special guest cameo appearance of your favourite actor....in your drink. The hidden unlockable weapon......

Ok, I'll stop the tenuous metaphors now.

Edited by weeyellowbloke
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