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you disappoint me scg! What happened to it being number freakin 1!!


Oh it still is, truth be told I kind of go through phases with chilli but pepper still is and always will be the number - freakin - 1 accompaniment to food. :wink:


It's nice to see more people cooking on here, I'll have to get back into cooking more and taking pictures, but for now... keep up the good work. :)

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We are similar in so many ways, even in our salad making (Lettuce + Yellow Peppers) is how pro's do it. The rest of it was very impressive also (certainly more than I've ever done beyond salad) :p.




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Poêlée de Saumon et Pommes de terre Dauphinoise




Dulce De Leche Brownies




Tomorrows meal will hopefully be the best meal I've ever cooked. Its not exactly saying much because I've hardly cooked any meals from scratch...but still. The salmon was very nice, just a shame the fillet wasn't bigger. Bigger next time for more deliciousness.


The brownies are okay/good but to be honest, the last recipe we used FAR exceeds the quality of this one. The white chocolate chunks are severely missed.

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Every time I come home to visit my mother's partner always jokingly says I never cook for him. Was planning to last time but I ended up ill. Thinking of doing it tomorrow and making a caramalised onion, roasted peppers and feta tart with some new potatoes and bit of salad. Found one or two recipes but if anyone has tried anything similar and succeeded let me know :)

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Last night I made home made pizza, from scratch... flour and everything, for only 630 calories. omn nom.







I've just put these in the oven, some white rolls. Again homemade. 824 calories total, so about 100 each.




They're both based on a very similar recipe.... and so simple to make!!

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Tried the tart (oh yeah!) and it turned out...okay.


Some problems and issues but it was edible. Live and learn eh?


How'd you make it/recipe type ingredients? Peppers are pretty epic. The king of vegetables I think.




Check out my hilarious and cool video - cooking with ReZ. (Not the name).


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Last night I made home made pizza, from scratch... flour and everything, for only 630 calories. omn nom.






That pizza looks amazing :love:


I used to make my own pizza all the time but I haven't done it for ages, I'll have to try it again soon!

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