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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Ren of Heavens

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I was pleasantly surprised by this, especially by the graphics (whore!). I love the feeling of isolation, and the twisted things that happen. Don't want to bring out the clichés, but it beats Homecoming hands down. Still, when it comes to suspense ans scares, SH2 remains King.


The only thing that I miss, is the feeling of dread when eg. opening a door. The suspense of possible horrors lurking behind it is lost. But what atmosphere! And you really come to fear the nightmare-sections, partly for the unbeatable horrors that hunt you down, partly by the at times tedious trails-and-error.


I already know I'm going to play through thise atleast twice, just to see the differences.

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Contains potential spoilers.


Wii/PS2 comparison video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3npcgujs5EY


Ice-world comparison - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj9ZR6G1zk4


Ice-world transition comparison - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFADEne_wfU


its comparable to the difference of re4 on the gamecube vs the ps2 version.


but i think that they can get more out of the wii. if you look at the processor power of the ps2 (~300 mhz) compare that to the gamecube(~500 mhz) and compare that to the wii (~750mhz) you can clearly see that the gap is even bigger than the ps2 and gamecube. So i would suspect that you can atleast let it not look gamecube like(not that those graphics are bad). It lets you see that you could get lots more effects out of the hardware.

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I really want to to play through this a second time round right now but am putting it off just a little while longer in case I start playing and leave it half way through to focus on another game.


This game deserves my full attention when played.


It's amazing how Climax managed to take a franchise that was so special and precious to so many people, put their own take on it and still managed to keep the same fanbase that Konami had when Silent Hill was an in-house developed game.

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Despite the best efforts of Konami, GAME, Zavvi, Royal Mail, etc... to stop me getting this, :heh: my copy finally showed up today.


Just had a quick go to see what it's like, going to save playing it properly until later on tonight though. ;)


The visuals are really good, especially the texture detail, which is stunning! I love how it's possible to clearly read the various posters/signs that in most games would just become a blurred mess upon closer inspection. But the fine detail in this is fantastic.

Can't wait to get into it. :yay:

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finished the game for my 1st playthrough shorter than expected but really enjoyed it. Damn the ending was a surprise, still trying to figure out what it means, haha.


I just played the game as normal and didn't try to force or avoid anything in how the game was profiling me and...


After curious being curious on the various endings I checked it out to see which one I got and I guess I got the "good guy" ending, haha, I was apparently focused on my goal and am a reliable person according to the game... can't remember the full thing



Going right into a 2nd playthrough to see if anything changes. I'm again gonna play as normal and not try to force a particular ending but I am gonna take different routes from what I took 1st time. Like 1st time I went into the dinner so this time I went into the bar...


The cop is wearing different clothes, 1st time it was a green jacket with shirt and tie. This time she's all sexy like with clevage showing :heh:


Dialogue with the couple at the house was a little different too


The change of clothes Harry gets after the Bridge/Sinking car are different, 1st time it was a brown hooded jacket, now its a darker brown jacket with pink top.


The nurse crashed an ambulance on first play, this time it was a car.


Not entirely sure what it all means, but that's as far as I am on 2nd play so far


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Bad news guys, Shattered memories bombed at retail in europe:red: i only sold 4,871 copies on wii but is still outselling the ps2(2000 copies) and psp(1000 copies) ports in europe.


See Konami this is what you get if you change the release date too many times. First it was february 6th than you changed in to march 4th and than changed it back to february 26th without even releasing the new date to the press.


And also not putting the game in many stores, I was litterly searching the whole afternoon going from store to store to find this game.


Lets see if the vague releasedate is the cause of the weak first sales, we will find that out next week.

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Only started playing this last night, so forgive me for overlooking some previous comments, but I don't want any spoilers.


This game is evil. It wants me to die. It's seriously fucked up. I'm only about 50 minutes in... just after my first Nightmare sequence. I knew it'd be pretty intense from looking at the videos from last year's E3, but they really don't do it justice. Turn down the lights, turn up the volume, and it really is an experience rarely seen in video games.


Already my favourite game of the year so far; easily the best horror game I've played in years.

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That it sold more than its ports and didn't have a great first week is expected. We should leave it a couple more weeks to judge its sales.


But yes. Bad Konami.


Bad news guys, Shattered memories bombed at retail in europe:red: i only sold 4,871 copies on wii but is still outselling the ps2(2000 copies) and psp(1000 copies) ports in europe.


See Konami this is what you get if you change the release date too many times. First it was february 6th than you changed in to march 4th and than changed it back to february 26th without even releasing the new date to the press.


And also not putting the game in many stores, I was litterly searching the whole afternoon going from store to store to find this game.


Lets see if the vague releasedate is the cause of the weak first sales, we will find that out next week.


That it sold more than its ports and didn't have a great first week is expected. We should leave it a couple more weeks to judge its sales.


But yes. Bad Konami.


Already my favourite game of the year so far; easily the best horror game I've played in years.


100% agreed. Let the nightmares roll on. :wink:

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That it sold more than its ports and didn't have a great first week is expected. We should leave it a couple more weeks to judge its sales.


But yes. Bad Konami.




That it sold more than its ports and didn't have a great first week is expected. We should leave it a couple more weeks to judge its sales.


But yes. Bad Konami.




100% agreed. Let the nightmares roll on. :wink:


Its pretty save to say that if shattered memories isn’t hitting the 250 000/300 000 mark (slightly more that homecoming, but this is getting a Japanese release) in 25 weeks (that’s the end of may). And either Red steel 2 or Monster hunter 3 isn’t selling like hotcakes, than how sad it may sound the core market for 3rd parties is gone. It wouldn’t surprise me that if either red steel 2 or monster hunter 3 isn’t selling like 400 000 by the time e3 begins, We are not going to see any more of those great 3rd party games in the wii’s lifespan with a view exceptions here and there.


Shattered memories is already at the 148 000 from the launch of December 6th in the US and the first week of Europe. So there of to a good start, I could easily get 100 000 in its first week for Japan (the very first silent hill sold that well in its first week on play station 1). Also its the first console silent hill sins Silent hill 4: The room in 2004, on the handheld market it was silent hill origins in 2007.

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Monster Hunter 3 has already sold well over 1.1 million copies in Japan alone. It's done well as is :)


yea thats true, but for exemple the game is selling like 4000 copies in in launch week in both US and EU/AUS. That would be concidered a failure in my eyes, bacause monster hunter had always sold like hotcakes in japan. But if both those game flop considderibly in the west it would be the final nail to the "hardcore wii games" coffin, if thats true that would make me a sad sad panda.


Also is it just me or are less and less retailers even stocking good games? whats up with that? its almost alway the 3rd party 3rd rate cheap ass shovelware. It almost looks like the wall of shame (from another thread). 4 years later and we still get this crap eventhough the wii is the market leader at this point.


If someone told me 4 years ago that the Wii would be market leader in 2008,2009,2010 and it would still get less good games than either the 360 or ps3, I would call that person insane. But the sad truth is that’s a fact in 2010.

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A pain in the arse that this game isn't selling as well as it could be. The release date saga was a fiasco. I pre-ordered it and still didn't know when it was coming out. My amazon order didn't even dispatch until the day after (due to stock issues)and the Gamestation I asked in also said that they wouldn't be getting in the game until the day after it was scheduled to be released...


Tonight, however it Silent Night for me. I've had this on my table for a few days, waiting to be played. I'm going to hit the gym tonight, then play this when I get back. So excited. :)

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Ended up playing this until around 1:30 last night/this morning :heh: Absolutely amazing! The atmosphere in this game is through the roof! :o And the adrenaline rush you get during the nightmare parts is immense.


I'm up to the school part now, loving how the psychiatry sections and the decisions you make in them, effects various aspects of the game.

There's certainly going to be quite a bit of re-play value to be had with this one. :cool:


Massive shame that it appears to be bombing at retail though, this is one title that certainly doesn't deserve that. :shakehead

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Ended up playing this until around 1:30 last night/this morning[..]

That's probably the time I'll start tonight ;). I own this game now for a little bit more than 2 hours. The Wii's been in the living room for some time now, so it's only available when my parents go to bed. I'm going to watch Dexter anyway. Had some "pre-fun" by reading the manual, which must be the thinnest I've ever seen. Anyway, can't wait, I'm so excited!

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That's probably the time I'll start tonight ;). I own this game now for a little bit more than 2 hours. The Wii's been in the living room for some time now, so it's only available when my parents go to bed. I'm going to watch Dexter anyway. Had some "pre-fun" by reading the manual, which must be the thinnest I've ever seen. Anyway, can't wait, I'm so excited!


It's really the best way to play. Lights off, volume up... At times, it's so soothing... atmospheric. You want to suck in the world. It's so real. Then before you know it, you're running, just running. So scared. It's what you don't see as much as what you see. Always running. Breathless.


I think I may be forming an obsession with this game.

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It's really the best way to play. Lights off, volume up... At times, it's so soothing... atmospheric. You want to suck in the world. It's so real. Then before you know it, you're running, just running. So scared. It's what you don't see as much as what you see. Always running. Breathless.


I think I may be forming an obsession with this game.

Well, yes, allthough that's how I play all my games ;) (and watch my movies), but since it's still dark early I technically don't have to wait 'till midnight, I could just move my Wii back to my room and and go play ;). But as I said, I want to watch Dexter as well, and my brother is there watching Lost right now. Kicking him out would be cruel ;). I couldn't wait 'till tomorrow to get it, but I can wait a few hours ;).


And yeah, I can understand the obsession, my instinct rarely lets me down, so I have a pretty good idea of which games I'll like or even love. Having yet to play, I'm already pretty sure it's top 10 material, though I withhold final judgement 'till after playing/finishing. I'll post my comments when I have. When it was announced, I'm sure some people where going "WTF?" at the notion of "no combat, just running". I however went "ah, obvious".

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Last night, I turned the lights off in the living room, and even asked my Mum in the other room to turn out the overly bright lamp that she was using as it was blinding me in the other room. She was happy to, as she was watching a tense film on telly, so it worked out well for her, too.


This game is horrible. It's horrible in the best possible way that anything can be horrible. The soundtrack which causes you to clench your bum-cheeks in anxiety is horrible. The screams that the nightmare creatures make are horrible. The way that they move, the way they look at you, and the fact that you can even look over your shoulder to see them coming after you, and all you can do is run, run and run is horrible. Picking up a flare and keeping some at bay with that is a stroke of genius.


Brilliant game.


Is the way that the camera is used to show the "hidden reality" and, underratedly, the way that the speaker on the remote gets louder and louder when you're approaching a secret. The text messages and voicemails are brilliant. This is such a great format for storytelling.



So far, it is very confusing. I feel lost, but you're meant to feel that way. Clearly a lot of effort has gone into this. I played this until about 3:30 last night.


When you're at the school, and you have to take photos of certain locations, whilst the nightmare creatures are about...I could have cried! I found that difficult and my heart was racing so fast. Such a great game.


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Finished my 2nd playthrough already.


Got the same ending as my 1st, took different routes to my first play and some things had changed as mentioned before but I guess not enough I'm still "dependable" and a good guy all round I guess, haha, "always willing to help others.... if they want it or not" :heh:


I guess I am just really a good guy :)


Gonna go right into a 3rd play through and try force a different ending this time, mwahahaha


Also on my 2nd play I found more collectable items than one my first plus a few new "ghost" pictures too... still think I missed some.


And noticed something new in the nurses apartment


1st play didn't notice this, when she mentioned the TV I got distracted and turned it on and tried to see if I could change channels.... on my 2nd playthough I didn't and noticed you can watch Lisa get undressed, haha.... she gets pissed at ya though if you do look.



Oh and for a laugh if nobody found this you can use the phone to call Konami Customer Support, haha, you'll have to find the number for it yourself, I won't tell ye for a laugh... I only noticed it on my 2nd play while messing round with the options (that's a "Hint")

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So, what exactly do you have to do to get different endings or different experiences? Is it all to do when you are being profiled? Or, is there more to it than that?


Spoiler tag eet. I haven't finished the game yet, but just wondering for my repeated playthroughs.

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So, what exactly do you have to do to get different endings or different experiences? Is it all to do when you are being profiled? Or, is there more to it than that?


Spoiler tag eet. I haven't finished the game yet, but just wondering for my repeated playthroughs.


Hhmmm from what I can figure out...


If you keep answering all the questions the Doc asks as if he was asking you and your answering truthfully chances are if you did that every playthrough your endings would be the same.


My advise just play the game as normal your first time and don't worry about it, the is no "bad" or "best" ending just different endings


Then see what happens if you do things different.


Looking at things in the game will effect changes and possiblly your ending.

Easiest example, if you stare at all sexy women posters you find somethings will change, like the clothes the cop wears.


Similarly the more you stare at drink bottles the more the game will think you are an alcholic.


If during cut scene moments that are first person and you can look around (like with the doctor) if you look at the persons face the game will think your interested in what their saying and things may change accordingly. In other characters if they are talking about a problem it'll think your concerned, likewise if you don't look at them at all it'll think you are uninterested/unfriendly


To be able to enter the bar at the start you have to say True to the 1st question, the bar changes name/theme depening on your answer to the drinking to relax question.


Or if someone asks you get something and you bring back something else you can be sure the game will think you are a very unfriendly character




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