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Mass Effect 2


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You think that's bad, I accidentally bought the same loyalty skill twice.


That kind of sucks worse, yeah :D Before I'll get a new loyalty skill I'll finish all the loyalty missions. I want to see what the skills are like.


I have arrived at Illium in order to recruit two more members. But there is so much other stuff to do...I can only repeat what others have said: this game is huge (and I probably have seen just a tiny fraction).


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Mordin fucking rules. He's interesting, funny, insightful and tied to the ME 'verse's most compelling moral quandary that leads to some genuinely moving and dramatic character moments. He's by far the most interesting crew member I think.


Shame I can't say the same for Jacob. I was hoping he'd have more to say on the moral issues posed by Cerberus but no: we get daddy issues instead and a weird, immobile jaw.


and finally: Long live Grunt!

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Mordin fucking rules. He's interesting, funny, insightful and tied to the ME 'verse's most compelling moral quandary that leads to some genuinely moving and dramatic character moments. He's by far the most interesting crew member I think.


I took him on almost every mission. He always has great insight into everything.

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I took the renegade decision at the end of the game...you know, the one involving the collector base and the illusive man. Think I might just play that chapter again.


Its ridiculous the ripples you can see from your playthrough of the first game. Can't wait for ME3.

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So I've recruited all but one person and I've just watched a cut scene where someone gave me the choice to build my squad or go somewhere in a sort of "last chance to get the last person" sort of way. Does that mean I'm on or near the last mission? If so, I'm disapointed. The game seems really short main story wise.

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Are you doing the loyalty missions? They're a large chunk of the game. If you've just been going from story mission to story mission you'll gain access to the point of no return — so as not to spoil things all I'll say is "IFF" — before you're really prepared to head to it. Once you do the finale is set in motion; it's a lot like heading to Ilos in the first game, with roughly the same amount of game left as well.


It took me around 30 hours or so first time through, although I only did one or two N7 — anomaly — missions. It's definitely a game worth replaying, though, not just because of the choices but also due to the classes playing differently. Right now I'm going through with my Renegade Adept FemShep imported from ME1, complete with inappropriate make-up:



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Completed it a couple of days ago. The end sequence was pretty awesome!


I'm tempted to do another "speed" run through - take a male Shepherd so I can bed Miranda, do the minimum missions possible and see how many people I can get killed at the end. Wonder if its possible to have only Shepherd left... Probably not, since you're given the option of continuing and doing side quests I'm guessing you can't get any less than 2 allies left. I fully intend on doing at least 2 other proper run throughs anyway, but just as a quick one, probably on Easy...think I will actually.


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Are you doing the loyalty missions? They're a large chunk of the game. If you've just been going from story mission to story mission you'll gain access to the point of no return — so as not to spoil things all I'll say is "IFF" — before you're really prepared to head to it. Once you do the finale is set in motion; it's a lot like heading to Ilos in the first game, with roughly the same amount of game left as well.


I've done all the loyalty missions apart from Grunt, that shifty scientist guys and the character I haven't got yet. I'm going to do them first, but it seems like all the loyalty missions I've done so far are really short so it feels like I haven't got much of the game left. Which is disappointing to be honest.

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I'm on the 'point of no return' bit now


THE STRESS! Fucking 'nora! The vast implications of my actions are ruining my blood pressure. Take heed, Lionhead: If you want people to play along with your morality system then you need an actual compelling narrative to convince them it's worthwhile. Mass Effect 3 seems looming and daunting- a real future where my actions will take solid shape and form.


Thinking back to ME1 I saved Wrex and now


defacto king of the Krogan



What kind of implications will come from my choices now?


Legion is dead. I thought maybe I'd be alright with it but what does this mean for my attempts to forge an alliance with the anti Reaper Geth? For the Quarians?

I may have just sent Grunt to his death- was that worth it? He's a perfect Krogan and such a fate could seal theirs.




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I have a question: when you complete the game and start a new, are all the upgraded loyalty characters still in effect? Or do you literally start all over again, I'm asking because I want to go through on insanity and don't fancy doing all the side missions again.

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You start all over again, albeit at your current level with your weapons unlocked and an initial supply of resources. That said I don't suppose there's any particular reason you need to do the loyalty missions; presumably you'll still get the Achievement for finishing the game, just get a bad ending.

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I hate when that shit happens. Give it a week, or try the other side of the story.


Yeah, really just is beyond annoying. I just blasted through the beginning again to about an hour or so before where I'd got. Had to do it quickly otherwise I'd probably find it hard to come back to.


Should be okay now.


how far are you? It's a brilliant, brilliant game. I'd advise you stick with it


My rage, for the most part, has subsided. However, it's...still really not stand out. It's just not that interesting. I still want to see what happens but...I dunno, my problem with it is that it's probably too epic in terms of scale and this whole Lazarus thing is a bit of a joke.


I find myself selecting all the dialogue options so the whole conversation process just becomes a bit inane, except when I get to make a real obvious good/bad choice.


I dunno. It's just not doing it for me. Obviously, I'll reserve judgement for when I complete it but right now, meh.

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Well, I stayed up 'till 3am completing this. It was hella awesome. Mass Effect 3 can't come fast enough, it really can't.


The only thing that tore me a little was the final boss, I'm not sure if it's totally awesome or slightly retarded -

See, on the one hand, it's basically just a 600ft Terminator you're fighting.


But then, on the other hand, you're fighting a 600ft fucking-Terminator.


Sod it, I take it back. It's amazing.

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I hope Mass Effect 3 is on the next generation of consoles. I love the games but I would like to see it evolve a step beyond the first two.


Namely, I would like to see a more alive Normandy. It was cool and all, but it shared the things that annoy me about Zelda's Hyrule. I wanted it to be a bit more dynamic, feel a bit more real.


Just a few things, like people walking around, people saying "Commander" when you walk in the room (I really expected it when I walked into the crew quarters! But I felt invisible). Maybe people swapping shifts. You could leave the game on next to the people in the mess hall and for hour after hour they would just sit there, not eating, not doing any work :heh:


I know, I know, I'm very picky. I just feel like the final game has to step it up.

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There's no reason you couldn't implement your suggestions on the current consoles; hell, I could conjure up the Normandy you desire in RPG Maker. Well, actually there's two very good reasons: time and money.


At the very least ME2 is much better at producing a sense of atmosphere than its predecessor. If you compare Afterlife to Chora's Den it really is night and day, even though in terms of actual interaction they aren't that different.

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No. Goddamnit, developers have finally found some assonance in their ability to manipulate current hardware, I don't want ME3 to lack the cohesion of the second game as they try to come to terms with technical difficulties. They finally succeeded in making a game where you actually play a role, rather than abiding solely by some numerical arbitration of your proficiency in whatever skill. In fact, I don't want a new hardware generation for a good long while. If they're released on the same hardware, there'll be some canonical aspect I feel, like they're all tied together more cohesively than if theres this huge aesthetic disconnect when you play the third game, and everything just looks and feels entirely different.


I wonder what implications the losses of particular characters will have in the third game...I lost Grunt and Miranda on the final mission, and I recall getting a threatening email from the Krogan shaman about the repercussions of getting Grunt killed lolol. Fuck, I don't want a batallion of Krogans on my ass.

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