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Weight Loss 2009


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I've been getting fit for joining the RAF by just following an exercise program on their website, which consists of:

  • A couple of runs a week
  • Some low impact aerobic exercise
  • Exercises (Tricep Dips, Sit Ups, Press Ups, Dorsal Raises & Step Ups)

The programs start off small and work up and would be good for anyone looking to exercise without going to the gym. They only last 6 weeks, but once you've finished you can carry on by just increasing the reps as you feel comfortable.


I've been a little bit lax with them over the past week or 2, but i play a few hours of football each week and do weights as well. so not too bad.

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Thought i would post in here coz i feel rather pleased with myself. I have been a rather large guy for a few years now but beginning of feb i decided it was time to change that.


Beginning of Feb i weighed 20.02 stone... (i'm 6 foot 1 in height) I weigh myself every Wednesday morning and i now weigh 18.02 stone! :grin:


All i have done so far is changed my eating, what i eat/when i eat/how much etc


I intend to carry on with what i'm doing and i will prob have to start some kind of exercise if i want to carry on losing.


Nice one!


It's definately a good idea to start excercising too. I started by just eating different and I lost some, but I think I lost some muscle as well as fat. I've now started excercising again to try and build up mucle whilst burning calories.


Although I haven't put much thought into the whole thing, I just try to use more calories than I take in. Either through excercise or just taking in less.

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Seems like everyone is trying to loose weight, and I'm trying to gain weight. I'm 9st nothing and 6'4 in height. I visited the doctors recently to get a blood test to make sure nothing was wrong, but my blood test results came back normal. I eat but I guess just not enough, and normally skip breakfast in favour of arriving at work on time. Since I work shifts my eating pattern is totally out of wack-I'm just hoping that once I'm settled in my new CC apartment (3 weeks to go) then I'II be able to eat a lot better and try and gain some weight. :angry:

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Seems like everyone is trying to loose weight, and I'm trying to gain weight. I'm 9st nothing and 6'4 in height. I visited the doctors recently to get a blood test to make sure nothing was wrong, but my blood test results came back normal. I eat but I guess just not enough, and normally skip breakfast in favour of arriving at work on time. Since I work shifts my eating pattern is totally out of wack-I'm just hoping that once I'm settled in my new CC apartment (3 weeks to go) then I'II be able to eat a lot better and try and gain some weight. :angry:


Don't worry, I was just like you, quite tall and nothing of me! Hardgainers like us can gain weight, it just requires a bugger load of eating, and by eating I mean eating well!




- Make sure you get three good meals in you a day - try to eat more each meal, but by that I mean eat more of the good stuff (chicken, fish)

- start a weightlifting routine, focusing primarily on your upper body

- perhaps, although I wouldn't fully recommend it, try a weight gain supplement of some description - the Progain line from Maximuscle is very good, but pricey. There's another type which is make from more natural ingredients, think it's by a company called Reflex, very good but extremely expensive!

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Nice one!


It's definately a good idea to start excercising too. I started by just eating different and I lost some, but I think I lost some muscle as well as fat. I've now started excercising again to try and build up mucle whilst burning calories.


Although I haven't put much thought into the whole thing, I just try to use more calories than I take in. Either through excercise or just taking in less.


Thanks. Well i'm starting a new job next week so i should have some more free time to organise some kind of exercise.


Seems like everyone is trying to loose weight, and I'm trying to gain weight. I'm 9st nothing and 6'4 in height. I visited the doctors recently to get a blood test to make sure nothing was wrong, but my blood test results came back normal. I eat but I guess just not enough, and normally skip breakfast in favour of arriving at work on time. Since I work shifts my eating pattern is totally out of wack-I'm just hoping that once I'm settled in my new CC apartment (3 weeks to go) then I'II be able to eat a lot better and try and gain some weight. :angry:


One of my closest friends is in the same boat as u. He is not as tall as you but needs to put on weight and is having a really hard time in doing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to Wii Fit I'm down to 9st 11lbs this morning which means since mid-January I've lost exactly 2 stone. This pleases me :D Just 10lbs more to go to my target of 9st 1lb (58kg), which hopefully I can achieve in about 5-7 weeks. I lifted weights of 16kg this morning as well to see just how much weight I've lost and I'm shocked at how heavy it is (and I was). I can feel bones again for the 1st time in 5 years hips, ribs, chest, it's bloody great. I'm really starting to feel the health benefits as well now, at uni I have 3 lectures a week on the 4th floor of my building and I can conquer the stairs quicker than all my buddies go in the lift, which is awesome because before I couldn't pass the 1st floor without being out of breath. Onward... destiny.

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I want to start losing weight (said that about 35 times in this thread).


Gym just cuts into my time/ I can't be bothered after school, when all I want to do is go home and curl up into a ball.


I want a rowing machine in my room. I know I'd use it.

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Weighed myself the other evening as my sister was weighing herself. I was 11st 12lbs which was 2lbs down on what I was about two weeks ago the last time I remember weighing myself. I've not been trying to make any effort to lose weight (well I suppose I'm not eating as much cake and stuff in the day time, but I still fill up with biscuits and crisps at night when I'm online here!) and I was happy enough being bang on 12st as it was. So my sister was having a go at me there now as I'd lost weight and she hadn't (as girls are obsessed with weight loss) so I stepped on the scales again. 11st 11lbs!

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Holy cock! I've just been looking back through old pictures of myself and I can actually see a difference. I haven't really seen a change yet, since I see myself everyday and nothing seems to change.


Before (I'm glad I keep my hair shorter nowerdays...):




New years:




Now (ish)






Still an ugly fucker mind...

Edited by Goafer
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I haven't updated my information in this thread for a wee while :heh: ..as I've said before, I started the year 12st 9lbs (a BMI of 26.83) but the last time I checked Wii Fit I had a BMI of 22.52 :smile:


I have kinda relaxed a little now on what I eat but I don't want to start creeping up again (and I could still do with losing weight around my tummy.. everywhere else seems ok :eek:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Good news and bad news on the goafer front.


Good news: I'm now within the average weight bracket for my height (11-12 stone)

Bad news: I think it's due to losing muscle thanks to my wrist preventing me getting my normal excercise. And no, that's not a wanking reference.


Another bit of good news is that I can now fit into medium size clothes without looking like the Michelin Man.

Edited by Goafer
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Good news and bad news on the goafer front.


Good news: I'm now within the average weight bracket for my height (11-12 stone)

Bad news: I think it's due to losing muscle thanks to my wrist preventing me getting my normal excercise. And no, that's not a wanking reference.


Another bit of good news is that I can now fit into medium size clothes without looking like the Michelin Man.


Dude, get a PowerBall! They're amazing for helping bad wrists and they work your whole arm! They're low impact too so it won't hurt your wrist, in fact, it's supposed to help them!

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I'm not sure if this qualifies for being posted in here, but I've joined up with the gym, again. Went there last Summer and now have joined up seeing as I'm back home officially. It's literally about 200 metres away from my house, wohoo! :D


I'm enjoying it. At the moment I'm concerned with improving my stamina, as I tried playing football not too long ago and was shocked at how rubbish I was at keeping up with the pace. (5 a-side, so it was hectic), so I'm working on that. Doing a bit of running on the treadmill, which I've not really enjoyed before but kinda liking it now, and other things here and there.


I know I'll keep this up because it's something I'm quite motivated about. I think I just need to maybe draft up some sort of plan so that I know what to work on the next time I go. :)

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I do wish I had a gym close by. I've always thought that driving/getting public transport to and from a gym would not be in the spirit of things. But the nearest gym to me is only really accessible via public transport/car.

If I were to walk then it'd be the same as working out at the gym... hah.

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I do wish I had a gym close by. I've always thought that driving/getting public transport to and from a gym would not be in the spirit of things. But the nearest gym to me is only really accessible via public transport/car.

If I were to walk then it'd be the same as working out at the gym... hah.


I'm very lucky that one is so close to me. I haven't had a car whilst being at uni, so I never joined a gym then as they were all too far out of the way. Maybe you could get a bike, and that would you've be working out riding whilst going to the gym, and it hopefully won't be too painful getting back.

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It's a bit tricky to work one with a cast on!


I do already have one as well. I'll be using it once the cast comes off to get my wrist used to moving again. 1 week left.


Sorry goaf, didn't realise you'd done that much damage to it! I'm not down with the kids on here anymore you see. Lol, but still good idea on the preplanned recovery stage!

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