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Weight Loss 2009


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Do you have that fish game on the rowing machines at your gym? I did it this morning, bloody knackering but a good way of getting you to row at varied paces.


Not sure what weight I'm currently at but I'm trying to eat a bit more healthily and get weight training in more frequently. I feel pretty good lately, albeit a bit sore!


We dont have any games at the gym, im jealous :(


Normally just set it so I'm on for 10 mins and aim to get over 2000m done(I think it's metres anyway) but i've been gonig for a bit longer the past few days.

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Not sure about the weight loss so far, but here's what i've been doing fitness wise:-



Thursday 15th January: Run: 19 mins


Friday 16th January: Run: 18.38 mins


Saturday 17th: Run: 20.57 mins, Sit-Up's: 10


Sunday 18th: Run: 18.22 mins, Sit-Up's: 10


Monday 19th: Run: 23 mins, Sit-Up's: 10, Press-Up's: 10


Tuesday 20th: Run: 25.15 mins, Sit-Up's: 20, Press-Up's: 10


Wednesday 21st: Run: 26 mins, Sit-Up's: 20, Press-Up's: 10

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Not sure about the weight loss so far, but here's what i've been doing fitness wise:-



Thursday 15th January: Run: 19 mins


Friday 16th January: Run: 18.38 mins


Saturday 17th: Run: 20.57 mins, Sit-Up's: 10


Sunday 18th: Run: 18.22 mins, Sit-Up's: 10


Monday 19th: Run: 23 mins, Sit-Up's: 10, Press-Up's: 10


Tuesday 20th: Run: 25.15 mins, Sit-Up's: 20, Press-Up's: 10


Wednesday 21st: Run: 26 mins, Sit-Up's: 20, Press-Up's: 10


How are you finding the pain barrier on the later stages of your run? I am progressing from 15 mins to 20 atm its wierd I dont get affected at the end it hurts the most in the middle.

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How are you finding the pain barrier on the later stages of your run? I am progressing from 15 mins to 20 atm its wierd I dont get affected at the end it hurts the most in the middle.


I've got a bit of a dodgy ankle that flares up towards the end but fitness wise I feel pretty good. I definitely feel like I could go on further when I get to the end.

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..according to Wii Fit, I'm down about 10-11lbs since 3/1/2009 ..roughly a loss of 1lb every couple of days. I'm going pretty well (maybe too well, I don't know what rate of weight loss is too much too soon..) but the thing that frustrates me is that I was quite comfortably in 'Ideal' when Wii Fit was released.. but now, even after all that weight loss at the start of this year, I'm still not quite back in the 'Ideal' section.. but I'm edging closer every day and will hopefully be back in it by the start of February!

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..according to Wii Fit, I'm down about 10-11lbs since 3/1/2009 ..roughly a loss of 1lb every couple of days. I'm going pretty well (maybe too well, I don't know what rate of weight loss is too much too soon..) but the thing that frustrates me is that I was quite comfortably in 'Ideal' when Wii Fit was released.. but now, even after all that weight loss at the start of this year, I'm still not quite back in the 'Ideal' section.. but I'm edging closer every day and will hopefully be back in it by the start of February!


Healthy weight loss is about 2/3 pounds a week. But a lot of people find that they lose a bit more than that at the beginning (suppose its a shock to the system when you change your diet so much) but it should settle into a safe loss within a few weeks


Good going!

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I'm about half way towards the target I set myself at the start of the year.. I know it will get more difficult each week, especially with the stress of my final few months at university.. but that will also provide me with the chance to play football every week!


I'm happy how things are progressing, yet still frustrated that I'm putting in a lot of effort and restraint and still not down to where I was only months earlier! It's a lot easier to put on than take off :heh:

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Started back at the gym, startin off with my old routine, will build up after few weeks.


Warm up: 10 mins on bike, level 8, try to keep it at around 90rpm


Main: 20 mins X trainer, level 8, around the world setting, keep it at 12km/h

1000 metres rowing (this thing fucks me up)

10 mins running on intervals, jogging for 1 min, running for 1 min.




Then i move onto weights, these change each time, concentrate on upper one day, then lower the next.



Finish off with a cool down on the bike again. Whole session lasts about 1.30 hours, maybe 2 if i take me time.


WE should all get some before photos up, and in a month or 2 show were we'r all at. Give a bit of extra incentive.

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hmm... why be ashamed? putting it up here will remind you to change everytime you look at this thread.. thats wt i think anyways lol.


Im not sayin flab out pics ha, just you in a normal pic, then in 3 months, we can compare.

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I'll put one before and after. Unfortunetly the photo of before will have to be two years ago when I was in manchester, but I was effectively the same shape in the ''before'' image.


The focus is the hips generally, I felt too big and I'm glad I'm starting to shrink so I'm a more acceptable shape (in my own mind) hips are brilliant, but having very wide hips is awful, specially when it's all fat.


Joined the gym on wednesday, got the induction this evening. Need to grab some cheap trainers and some bottoms, considering I have neither!

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I'm starting a diet and fitness routine today. I'm 11st 11lbs, when considering I'm only 5"3' it makes me a chunky monkey. My BMI is 28.5, which really shocked me because I never thought I was that big. I do no excerise apart from when I walk my dog for 30-45 minutes everday so I'm going to extend that to an hour and add some hills into the mix. I have some weights and I'm going to eat better, I'll post results when I get time. :)

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I'll put one before and after. Unfortunetly the photo of before will have to be two years ago when I was in manchester, but I was effectively the same shape in the ''before'' image.


The focus is the hips generally, I felt too big and I'm glad I'm starting to shrink so I'm a more acceptable shape (in my own mind) hips are brilliant, but having very wide hips is awful, specially when it's all fat.


Joined the gym on wednesday, got the induction this evening. Need to grab some cheap trainers and some bottoms, considering I have neither!


Oh god, please tell me how you can get them to shrink! I need to know! D:

My hips and bum are the parts of my body I really really don't like, yet I don't seem to be able to get them to shrink. =(

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Oh god, please tell me how you can get them to shrink! I need to know! D:

My hips and bum are the parts of my body I really really don't like, yet I don't seem to be able to get them to shrink. =(


Unfortunetly you cannot just target the one arean, got to lose weight on the whole body. There are exercises that can help at least tone them up for you. But it's all about controlled diet and such really!


Bit nervous about the gym! Don't wnt to go for the induction..eek!

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Unfortunetly you cannot just target the one arean, got to lose weight on the whole body. There are exercises that can help at least tone them up for you. But it's all about controlled diet and such really!


Bit nervous about the gym! Don't wnt to go for the induction..eek!


I did diet and lost quite some weight (at least it seemed like a lot to me), but I never noticed any difference in the size of my hips... They were the last place where the fat would burn off. =(


I should do some exercises, but to be honest I usually don't make the time for them, plus it hurts to do them on my floor... I guess I'll be having these big hips forever and everrrr.

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Unfortunetly you cannot just target the one arean, got to lose weight on the whole body. There are exercises that can help at least tone them up for you. But it's all about controlled diet and such really!


Bit nervous about the gym! Don't wnt to go for the induction..eek!


Yeh first trip to the gym is a bit weird, you feel a bit stupid lol, but then once your in there you realise everyone is there for the same reason, and you stop carin about it all!


Its good in the gym, just put on some music and zone out.

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Yeh first trip to the gym is a bit weird, you feel a bit stupid lol, but then once your in there you realise everyone is there for the same reason, and you stop carin about it all!


Its good in the gym, just put on some music and zone out.


It doesn't help I feel awful in the stuff I'm wearing, I've never been one for jogging bottoms, always jeans..

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Healthy weight loss is about 2/3 pounds a week. But a lot of people find that they lose a bit more than that at the beginning (suppose its a shock to the system when you change your diet so much) but it should settle into a safe loss within a few weeks


Good going!

You lose excess water, known as water weight first. Thats why its such a sharp decline

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I did diet and lost quite some weight (at least it seemed like a lot to me), but I never noticed any difference in the size of my hips... They were the last place where the fat would burn off. =(


I should do some exercises, but to be honest I usually don't make the time for them, plus it hurts to do them on my floor... I guess I'll be having these big hips forever and everrrr.


Its just mother nature preparing you for child birth :( As was said its hard to target that area, good diet and walking are your best bet. If you can manage to fit in excercises, then squats and steps are simple and easy.

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