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How Much Is Spent On You At Xmas?


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I like it when a lot thought goes into a present. I don't forget those.


My sister got me a wall clock she quite obviously grabbed from work. That was so lame. Bless her. :heh:


I know what you mean about thought - spoke to my Dad yesterday and he said, despite it being silly, he really would like a headlamp for when he's doing DIY around the house. So now, the ultimate challenge is to find him the ultimate headlamp! It could be like a TV series:


Pookiablo will return in the next exciting episode of "Pookiablo Returns"

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Thank you, squire.


As for gifts: a mate bought me a fish-shaped xylophone last year for my birthday. Basically, in the first year of Uni, I was in the shop with her, and mentioned how coool it was, and how one day it would be mine.


Two years later, I was unwrapping it as a gift. That's a gift! It didn't cost the world, but the price wasn't relevant. The memory was attached to it, and I treasure that more than almost everything.


That's the kind of stuff I appreciate too, I'll never forget the Mullet wig and Pat Sharp t-shirt my friend got me last year. Epic Christmas.

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I should point out that I normally only get about £50 of stuff from my 'rents and about £75 in cheques from other family.


This year is different as:

  • My dad has just got a new job which pays twice as much
  • My mum now has a second job
  • I'm now at Uni, so I cost them much, much less
  • My sister lives at home again, but is working, and is earning enough to actually pay enough in semi-rent to make my parents a profit
  • We didn't have a summer holiday this year, so much money was saved there - the only holidays have been a short one for my 'rents at my dad's birthday to Scotland which my mum paid for, and a trip to for the two of them to Paris for their anniversary me and my sister put most of the money in for


As such, my parents have announced they're going to give me around £400 and a stocking this year, which, to be honest, is what I really want.

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I know what you mean about thought - spoke to my Dad yesterday and he said, despite it being silly, he really would like a headlamp for when he's doing DIY around the house. So now, the ultimate challenge is to find him the ultimate headlamp! It could be like a TV series:


Pookiablo will return in the next exciting episode of "Pookiablo Returns"


The year before I got a yodeling goat. Not sure if that was better or worse. :heh:

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This year I've told my 'rents to not get me a stocking at all because it's overly expensive and they can't afford it.

My gf and I have set ourselves a £50 limit to spend on each other on silly/fun presents.


As cheesy as it sounds, in my eyes Christmas is not about how much people are spending on you but on the people you spend it with.


EDIT: Oh GOD did I really just say that....

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I usually get about £100 from my parents and then a dvd/cd from my brother and sister. Get some random little stuff in a stocking each year as well which always seems to include a toothbrush, calender (I've still got the calender from Christmas '06 up on my wall so it's rather out of date :heh:) and a chocolate orange!


Like some others have said though I don't really mind how much is spent on me, it seems to be the one day of the year where we all get some good family time and that is much more important to me than the presents.

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Rok..how about no. Does it matter if someone gets lots spent on them? Does that make them a spoiled brat? No. If they're obviously ungrateful for it, then yes it does but otherwise that was a pointless comment that seemed to intend to cause an arguement.

Thanks, and i do appreciate ALL gifts. My mum used to have literally no money but she always got me a little something. I still have all the gifts she bought me, now she has more money she likes to buy us nicer things.

This thread isn't anymore "show off" than the "post the last shitty thing you bought" or "brag about some shit that happened today in your life".




About a £100-£150 I should think. :)


I'm very grateful for it.

Thats what i thought, the post your purchases and similer threads are specially for it.

Doesn't make fuck all difference to me how much who gets spent on what.

But for someone to start a thread saying they get £600 for Christmas acting like it's the norm, then they are spoilt, most people don't get anywhere near that, and they know it.


And for the record I'm not having a penny spent on me at Christmas.

It doesn't bother me how much things cost, i like the feeling you get on christmas day opening, and seeing others opening, presents.

I don't get told how much, I don't want to know either. I've spent over a £100 on the people I love and I'd happily if I had the money spend ten times as much.


It's always about the thought of thinking about somebody at a potientally really nice time, rather than giving a present and leaving!

I dont usually get told, but you know how much things are so you know roughly even if you don't care.

He assumed it was the norm, and then discovered it reeeeeealy isn't. To be fair, that is hardly his fault, and that hardly makes him a "spoilt brat".
Thanks again.


The blame has to go with his parents to be fair.
The cost is spread out really, so thats the main reason it is high.

I live with my grandparents who are/were excelent at saving. My dad lives with his partner, and my mum with hers.


Rok's got a pretty good point.


In parts of the world £600 is more than most people make in their lifetime.


There is a difference with someone being grateful for something and actually realising how significant a sum of money is relative to different people.


Shame I'm being hypocritical. It's hard not to be but I'm trying to change.

£100 is also a lot in some places,

Hang on, lets be fair now.


Look back at the first post:




Let's R-R-R-Rewind. He says ALOT more than most people do.


So, he isn't making a thread to brag. My theory is that he chatted to someone at work, realised he received a lot more than them, and was curious about if he was the only one to receive that huge amount in gifts and money, or if there were others, too. What is the norm? There is no norm.

I didn't mean it to be a show off thread, it was supposed to be to find out what other people got.



Also i didn't mean to make people feel bad, and if this thread has your the ones who care about the prices of things.


Long post, excuse my mistakes lol.

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Last year I was working so I spent a lot on people. Got family members gifts of say £20 each and then my girlfriend... well, I never worked it all out. Because I fear what it was.


This year, I'm a student. So £50 limit for my girlfriend and family is like £10 at most.

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Feck how much gets spent on you, how much do you spend on others? I would say I spend far more than I receive. Average around £20-25 per person, but I probably only get about 8 presents.


I spent enough after being paid to leave me on £30 for the last two weeks. :shakehead


I've definitely spent over £100, but this is for about 6 people. Typically £20-£30 on each.

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I spent enough after being paid to leave me on £30 for the last two weeks. :shakehead


I've definitely spent over £100, but this is for about 6 people. Typically £20-£30 on each.


hahaha sounds familiar.


I've spend about £50 on my parents (each). Planned to do the same with my sister but found out that she wanted some GHD's. So I got her them (£120) Better getting her something she will actually use rather than a whole bunch of crap she won't, I figures. And I love my sister.


Spent a lot on other people too.


Credit card bill will be fierce in January, o well! ^^


Probably between £400 and £500 this year.

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He assumed it was the norm, and then discovered it reeeeeealy isn't. To be fair, that is hardly his fault, and that hardly makes him a "spoilt brat".


Assuming that is the norm is what makes him a spoiled brat in my eyes, its obviously not.

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A funny question to ask, one might even say a little self-centred :heh: a "how much do you spend on others?" might have been a little bit more in the spirit of Christmas...


to answer the question, nowhere near £600! This year I'm thinking about £150 including my birthday just a couple of weeks ago. And a lot of that is just money funelled into my account to pay off things like car insurance.... So far I have spent... more than that.

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