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How Much Is Spent On You At Xmas?


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A funny question to ask, one might even say a little self-centred :heh: a "how much do you spend on others?" might have been a little bit more in the spirit of Christmas...



Too right.

I've spent so far about £75 on others, will be an extra £85 to add to that by Monday.

Some people care more about the recieving than the giving though.

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hmm.. to be fair i KNOW im spoiled.. being an only child ... miracle child at that :D:D

dads got me a pair of boots that were 35 quid for christmas and he was meant to be getting me a ds but everywhere seems to be sold out of the silver one :( ... i dont really need anything else and i would be perfectly happy just to receive them.. cause i actually need them. normally i would have got lots more spent on me but dad does spend a lot on me during the year so i think ill give him christmas off :P


(and last year he did buy me half a laptop and for my birthday i got a tv :D:D)


he is a legend like. and i know hes trying to make up for the crapfest this year has been


so far i have spent 81 pounds on pressies... not including my dad, aunt, other aunt, cousin, granny and granda.


frak. so glad im getting paid on friday

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i think its unfair to say that 'cos people have a lot spent on them it makes them a spoilt brat.


i know i had a lot spent on my as a kid at xmas and bdays. but then i never got poket money, and we didnt ever really go on holiday. my parents were also better off at the time, it wasnt a huge amount of money to them then.


it dosen't make some one a spoilt brat just because there parents have alot of money. hey, they can be spoilt and appreciate it. they arnt a brat then. i intend to spoil my kids/the woman in my life at christmas and birthdays when they come around, in relation to my income.




what i didnt like was 2 years ago, my parents got me a wii. id said they didnt need to cos i was at uni and costing them enough any way. they said they got my sister a television for her house and felt bad they didnt spend enough on me. as if id be bothered my sister got more

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These days I get about £50 - £80 spent on me I guess at Christmas? £50 from my parents, I've allready had that actually, as it was cash and so I decided to get a digital camera with it as I found one for half price (£50 down from £100) and has been saying I would get one for ages lol so seemed sensible. :)


The other £30 ish will be from the few close relatives I now have left and my brothers, I think I've actually spent about £80 on presents this year lol so I guess it kinda balances out. :heh:


Seriously though I have pretty much all I want atm (not in a spoilt way or anything either, just contented with what I have really) so I am happy. ^^

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My mother did indeed confirm she has little money and will get me something and then more when she gets paid again (post-xmas) bless her. So all I've asked for is an £8 scarf, the rest can be a suprise.


Anyway as far as spending on others. Being broke this year not as much in the past, and cut down the amount of people too. Most people have been under £10 (but considerate gifts...except my dad who never likes anything so he got stock gifts). Still need to get my mother something and I want to get her something nice but have no idea what. Housemate is winning so far (spent about £18).

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So, 10% of your incomings.

How kind of you.

Does it really matter how much? I always got told its the thought that counts, and its the first year i can actually afford to buy things. Things are more expensive than i expected...

Jesus, why the hate? You obviously over reacted in the first place but then just call out how much he's spent. He did say so far you know.

Not done even yet :s

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Im just getting a £15 book for Christmas... I'm spending about £120 on others. Bad deal! I also have to spend Christmas with a teenager who has ADHD and an emo/goth/black haired creature who my mum has invited around for Christmas, despite them not being related to us. Absolutely dreading it...

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Well I've just spent £120 on various nonsense. Probably going to have to reserve another £20 or so for bits n' bobs to even things out, then another £20 at least for the obligatory xmas drinks-for-presents for the mates not cool enough for a big present. I predict my 'return' will be approximately... £60 spendage? I don't mind. Family seem to be getting better at getting presents for me as I get older!

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i have no idea what anyone spends on me at christmas ... my mum just gave me £30 for a pair of boots as i was buying them at the till ~ and other than that i'm not expecting anything more than trinkets.. :smile:


*sigh* no christmas spirit for becky. just feels like a day off for me... u__u

on the flip-side!!

i spent about £50 on my mum, £10 on my nanna, £10 on john (a good friend of the family) aaaaand my auntie is doing her usual bah-humbug routine and insisting nobody buys anything for her. there're only 4 people in my family...

£10 on jamba's mum... (still panicking about the rest of his family..)


...and i've probably accidentally spent way too much on jamba :yay:

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[Majorly off-topic]


So are you back in the UK now then bluey?


oh!! yeah .....long story :smile:

back in blighty and setting the ball rolling on pursuing the career in graphic design that i put on hold so i could go gallivanting around asia...

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Know this, bluey: Some of us here are probably very jealous (I know I am) that you actually set foot in Japan. Even if you didn't have the best of times there, just know that you're the envy of some by simply being able to go there. :smile:







To keep on-topic: I don't know.

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Good to see you in good spirits regardless of where you are Bluey.


Do you still plan to live with your mother or are you moving in with Jambatron?


Also, avatar stealage :p

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Pffft... I bust my ass trying to make Christmas special for this family... I go out of my way to suprise whilst I get my ass into debt which usually lingers on through to spring. Just once I would like an epic surprise from anyone... But not once have I got one. :(


Its basically "what do you want?", "How much is it?"... "I can't spend that amount on presents"... "I'll give you the money"...*sigh* Just once in my life...

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I'm more interested in the family side of things really. But I never see anybody that I don't see throughout the year. Not like we have aunts and uncles visiting once a year and that's it.


As for presents, I really don't know what is spent on me. My girlfriend buys me a few things, so do my parents. But not too much. Most stuff I want, I tend to buy myself. Though with the recession, I've had a bit less to spend this year.


To all those complaining about someone getting £600 for Christmas, so what? If somebody works and saves hard all year to have a lavish Christmas, then that's their prerogative. I don't think he was showing off. And it doesn't make them spoiled either.

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Well I have a visual on some presentz now! :D Shorty and nami gave me a few wee bits and... ooooh I couldn't resist a little prod/shake and a smidgen of blind man's x-ray, too. My mum's got three mounds of gifts laid out for me, sister and brother in law. I can tell already that I'm getting a chocolate selection and socks for sure, without even touching them yet.


About a quarter of the presents I ordered for my family have arrived so far... Worrying my face off!

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