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All right, half a day.....which isn't over yet.


My day started off fine, but in the afternoon I had to get to work digging a 5(at least I think more actually) foot deep hole for an outside waterpump. Well, luckly despite flooding the ground the night before only the first 1-2" were frozen like concrete(unlunkly the first 1-2" are peagravel with dirt). I manage to break through that after a little bit of effort.


The dirt below is soft enough to kick around with my boot,so plenty pliable with a shovel. As my hole gets a little deeper than a foot I have to stand very akwardly to dig, the pumphouse is only approx. 2.5x2.5 feet. and a full length shovel is a bit of hassel. I have to stand with a foot on each side of the hole and squat down(knees bending slightly inward) to get dirt out of the hole, which is all well and fine done it plenty of times.


BAM! My left kneecap goes left popping out of the socket, my leg immeadiately gives out and in doing so my knee pops back in. The first (and many subsequent times after) word out of my mouth was "OW"! as I crawled out of the hole and leaned on the dirt pile.


I must say, while not overly painful, (it's like a dull pain as if someone punched you and their is a residual numbess thats fading it just doesn't fade) your knee dislocating and relocating is a very very weird feeling that you may or may not experience.


Well after a few minutes I went back to digging, which was extra hard I used my legs a bit, but I could feel my knee trying to do it again, do instead I more or less sat on the edge and used just my hand to get hte dirt out of the hole. when it started getting to deep for me to reach I propped my left leg up against the door frame and used my right leg to push the shovel in the dirt for a scoop, then use my foot and right hand to lift the load straight up out of the hole and dump it out the door.


I actually managed to dig about another 3 feet like that while my knee was trying to decide if it wanted to behave.


Now I'm waiting on my brother-in-law and were going to go finish the hole.

How do you mix the post reply button, to pressing back and clicking new thread >_<


EDIT: Though shit, that sounds quite painful :(


Err what?


It wasn't really painful though, it's a dull ache and kinda sore is all.

How do you mix the post reply button, to pressing back and clicking new thread >_<


EDIT: Though shit, that sounds quite painful :(


Err what?


It wasn't really painful though, it's a dull ache and kinda sore is all.


I think he meant this could have gone in the "How was your day" thread.

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