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Feeling retro...any suggestions?


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So, recently I've been feeling a bit of an urge to go back and play something old school, and was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions? I'm thinking N64 or older, any system suggestions really, though something Nintendo-y takes my fancy. I've been considering laying into the DKCs, as I never really owned or got into them growing up, I've been playing through the GBA remake of the first one recently. But yeah, anyone got any suggestions? I keep wanting to play OoT or MM again, but decided to look for something else first...

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The DKC series is definitely worth it.

The gameplay is more enjoyable on the SNES, but the GBA versions help you a lil' more on the sidequests (namely, listing if there're any bonus rooms you forgot to visit in a certain level).

Except for DKC 3. That one is 100% better on the SNES, definitely.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Whilst I often get the urge to go back and play some of my older titles, I've also noticed that if the title is too long, my interest tends to wane sooner rather than later. So I always find it best to pick up on the shorter titles or ones where the main story arch can be done relatively quickly even if there is a copious amount of side quests.


One title that never disappoints in this regard is Blast Corps on the N64. There was nothing like it before, and there's been nothing like it since. I remember going to the opening of the Special Reserve Nottingham store (are they still going?) and using the last of my birthday money to get it.


It's a great game that still looks pretty good thanks to the zoomed out view and decent texture work. You've got the great carrier levels (shame there's so few), and lots of bonus missions if your interest holds. It certainly is a blast (groan...) to play.


If you've got it, go find it.

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Yeah go for the DKC's on either the Snes or the VC with the classic controller. What about some 2D Mario or Wario action...?


Oh right, if you're in the mood for GBC games, Wario Land 3 is awesome. Wario land 1 is cool, too. I never played Wario land 2 properly, though.

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I never really have it that I focus on one console all the time and occasionally nip back to play some retro games.. all my consoles are ready to hook up so I am constantly moving between Wii/ N64/ SNES/ GC/ Dreamcast/ PS1/ GBA/ DS.. it's all good :heh:


The N64 is still my favorite console and I honestly can't ever see that changing.. so with that in mind, I would recommend going back for some 1080 Snowboarding, Lylat Wars, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Diddy Kong Racing, Wave Race 64, F-Zero X.. all of these games can be put on for a quick play without having to invest hours into them at any one time :smile:


If you wanna go back further to the SNES, I agree with the DKC suggestion (particularly the first game) and perhaps some Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World or Super Mario Allstars..


There's plenty of good stuff to go back to :yay:

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I get it from time to time, I hit up a retro game with a good caning. I've done SMW too many times(possibly one of my favourite games ever tbh), and SMB2 and SMB3 too recently. Funny though, alot of the suggestions are the ones I've done! Whilst I like Lylat Wars(got it on my VC) doesn't keep my interest as well as it should, and I played alot of DKR and Blast Corps back in the beginning of the year(I had an N64 procrastin-out), Super Mario RPG I have on my VC but I can't fall back into it so easily atm, dunno why. I might go back to one of those I think, all cracking suggestions, I don't want this to seem like it's just me making lots of excuses for not playing what's been suggested!

I never really played the Wario Lands however, so now I'm going to look to procure me one or two through the wonders of ebay, or some slightly more shady methods depending. For now, I'm gonna continue me on with some more DKC!

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Rummy, I recommend Landstalker on the Mega Drive. As long as you don't mind the isometric graphics and controls (never bothered me at the time), you'll be in for one of the most atmospheric 16-bit adventures they made. The whole game's set on one island with numerous villages and caves.


Other than that, have you tried Super Metroid, Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion? The last two aren't older than N64, but they feel 16-bit (in all the good ways).

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I get it from time to time, I hit up a retro game with a good caning. I've done SMW too many times


If you like Super Mario World, then you should find some ROM hacks. Oh my god, there are a LOT of really, really awesome, yet really, REALLY, hard ROM hacks.


For one of the most famous rom hack videos, check out Asshole Mario: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=r86NLwCYXfk


It's in several parts (one per level). Pure torture, enjoy!

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If you like Super Mario World, then you should find some ROM hacks. Oh my god, there are a LOT of really, really awesome, yet really, REALLY, hard ROM hacks.


For one of the most famous rom hack videos, check out Asshole Mario: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=r86NLwCYXfk


It's in several parts (one per level). Pure torture, enjoy!


Fuck thats impossible!!

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Haha wow, those are some pretty brutal hacks. Reminds me of this 'impossible' SMB hack, video was about 20 minutes long of this guy just trying to do one stage, in the end he's just like 'fuck it' and gives up. Wasn't edited at all though, all just continous run. I actually thought he might do it, how foolish I was, though I found it an amusing ending. I'd look into hacks and stuff, but I dunno, if I could get a 'harder' version of the already existing SMW(cos I know it fairly inside out now) then maybe. Also, maybe going a bit more off topic and into less than allowed territory(im not sure, but it should be fine) for anyone who DOES fancy playing around with SMW, there's an excellent excellent easy to use level editor out there called Lunar Magic, but a guy called FuSoYa that I played around with a bit myself. Got alot of scope on it too!

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Guest Captain Falcon
Easy, aladdin on sega mega drive or ducktales on pc. :):heh:


Everybody knows that Capcom's DuckTales on the NES is the definitive DT game.

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