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So its now September, which means only two months left until NaNoWriMo. Whose participating this year?


For those who don't know the basic concept is during the month of November you write 50,000 words. Which is, I believe, a short book. Its one hell of an undertaking but I think it could be, in a completely masochistic way, fun.


I think I will finally do it this year. I shouldn't have a job. I've got people saying they're doing it too and we could force each other into progressing...

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NiSuTe Europe helps people getting education or jobs in video game writing columns, interviews, articles, and more. (we just don't do news and p-reviews) It is always great fun to write. we can even help you out when you have a good video game story. we can show people the right way to keep it safe from others to steal.


ps here at n-Europe and at nisute we are always looking for more writers. n-Europe Nintendo related only and nisute is multi format

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I'd love to do this. But 50,000 words! :o I give up on stories long LONG before then. :p because I take ages to think how to create just one sentence.


If I did it I'd have to switch off that annoying part of the brain of mine that wants everything perfect!


The most I've ever written I think is 9000-10,000 words. :D

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Ah fair enough. I just thought you misintepreted it about just writing in general (articles etc).


And to those saying its way too much to write ever done the math? Its 1,667 words a day. Im sure some people write more than that on here a day :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think i'll give this a bash.


i have several half started idea that I should actually get done, and this might help me get it sorted and provide a bit of an incentive.


The longest thing I have written previously was about 15,000 words (written in about 2 weeks), but that could have been easily expanded to over 20,000. This'll be a big step up though.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, it's been over a month since this thread was anywhere near alive; the start date is creeping up on us.


We want to average something like 1,667 words a day, which is truly not that much. I think the emphasis is on the number of words rather than the content because, as Ashley said; December is for editing.


I, too, have 10,000 words to write for uni, but what is excellent is that my creative writing supervisor loves the idea of NaNoWriMo, and loves the idea of reading my 50k at the end of it. I seriously don't think I'll write 50k but hopefully it will be a good experience anyway. My 'story' will be rather shoddy, most likely starting in teh middle first.


So judging this thread, it's just me ashley and tom that promised to do it? I wonder even if all three of us will :P

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I do plan to start. Either later today (been out all day) or tomorrow. But with reading week I can do more than average. Still not sure what im doing. Going to try and find some way of tying in all the various (contrasting) ideas I've had. Could be...something.

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I've not really spent much time on it today; I've got 394 words. One of my mates has 0 and the other has 592 words, despite telling me at 200 words "I give up, this sucks".


Ash - buddy-me-urp.


Not really sure what you want me to do so take one of the following options:


1) You can do it. Keep going. It'll be great.

2) Quit your fucking whining and do some fucking work!

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