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Killzone 2


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I'm gonna play again and do that cos kinda dismissed them. I had the sensitivity turned up quite high but gonna go higher for next run through...


Start lower. Makes adjusting easier. I use about 70% now but bear in mind i played the beta and started normal for the first few hours. Same goes for any fps really pc or console.


Good luck getting practice in the short demo :p

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Can you unlock elite if you have fast finish times? I will have to try. I recall it being mentioned that elite is an unlockable in the demo.


Around 7 minutes 15 seconds I think. Annoyingly I have a feeling to unlock elite you need to break the 7 minute mark.


Shouldn't be too hard to be honest.

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Start lower. Makes adjusting easier. I use about 70% now but bear in mind i played the beta and started normal for the first few hours. Same goes for any fps really pc or console.


Good luck getting practice in the short demo :p


I prefer it high though...anyway just had a quick run through of it, with the sensitivity up to the next to top notch, top is too fast... first thing I did when I got home and found it easier this time round with standard controls. I think one problem I had before was how I was using the cover system. You either have a choice of how to come out of cover, push the left stick up or fire and that brings you out, when pressing the left stick forward I get too confused and end up pressing the wrong stick in to aim, but if I just fire whilst I may waste a few bullets unzoomed at least I get there.


I dunno it does control different to shooters but when your getting there and its working it feels great....


I really love how visceral the game is and think it is one of the best what I would call finesse shooters out there. When I say finesse I mean the way the gunplay plays out, a real art to it and real sense of skilled soldiers fighting it out against one another. its not just like you a walking turret. One thing I also really love for some reason is the way the character jumps over objects, seems like its half way between the usual floaty jump of FPS and the more fully realised Mirror's Edge.

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Yeah above is true, I also noticed how the colleague that helps you onto a ledge says something different every time. Don't know why they've done that but maybe there's multiple parts where you have to pull people up etc.



I like how if you drop off he pulls "you" up. Nice touch.


I've been playing with the sensitivity cranked up to full on the default setting, It's never gonna beat Wii or PC controls but it's still solid enough to forget about after awhile.


Really looking forward to this and I'm not a big FPS fan.

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I like how your partner comments on how you're doing.


I really hope they patch co-op into it. It would be nice to go back to it with a human team mate just to see how the AI reacts.


Also, like flameboy said, I love how fighting the Hellghast fells solid. Every fight feels like a mini deathmatch.

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Edge magazine have given this a 7/10 apparently. Haven't seen the review so can't post what was said about the game. Personally, regardless of the scores it's getting, I was getting it anyway as I enjoyed the demo, even though for a 2 hour+ download time it wasn't entirely worth the wait.

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Edge magazine have given this a 7/10 apparently. Haven't seen the review so can't post what was said about the game. Personally, regardless of the scores it's getting, I was getting it anyway as I enjoyed the demo, even though for a 2 hour+ download time it wasn't entirely worth the wait.


Forget Edge. They dont deserve any special attention.

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Forget Edge. They dont deserve any special attention.


"Thanks largely to its online play, Killzone 2 should find itself a fanbase no one can overlook. In singleplayer, it's a testament to craft and imagination, if only because one is so immaculate while the other barely exists. It fights a great battle, it's just a shame about the war."


"The attention to minute detail is unlike anything you've seen before. You'll almost certainly play it twice, if only to test the AI and take another look."


Just finished reading Edge's review of this, they liked the gunplay, the story 'stinks', the Helghast provide some of the best enemy AI seen yet, FEAR is name checked along with Stalker and COD4, the levels could be played in any order and still have no effect on the plot, multiplayer is good and probably bolsters the score of 7/10
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I like how the soldiers curse in KZ2. Too bad its nowhere near as harsh as real life soldiers. :p


Edit: Yeah Sony suck at getting over hyperbolic reviews for their games unlike MS or Nintendo from major websites and publications(PD0 reviewing better), but i think the quality of the game will speak for itself based on my experience. As you can see the basic mechanics are great. Wait till you actually get the game.

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But Edge can't review games at all, they probably have the worst comparison scores you can get because they like to make a statement for the sake of it.


wut? So because they mess up the average review score they suck at reviewing? Metacritic and gamerankings really have ruined the internets.


Forget Edge. They dont deserve any special attention.


sigh, Choze you don't deserve any special attention.


They gave Fear 2 8/10 and I can tell from the demo that Killzone is much better. Pretty much every reviewer has rated Killzone 2 higher anyway.


A demo isn't the full game how can you really tell? Apart from the millions of pounds worth of PR behind the Killzone hype wave?


Also are you saying that EDGE are wrong because they didn't rate it the same? Even though IGN's 7 is EDGE's 5? And this is of course not reading EDGE's actual review, you know the most important bit.


I wonder when someone is going to remove that incredibly large stick from Edge's arse.




Yeah Sony suck at getting over hyperbolic reviews for their games unlike MS or Nintendo from major websites and publications, but I think the quality of the game will speak for itself based on my experience.


Killzone seems to be getting get a few hyperbolic reviews...




lol Let's Tap > Killzone 2

This is almost as bad as neogafz.

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I stopped reading Edge a while ago. I very rarely see eye to eye with them. They might be spot on with their KillZone 2 review and since they've actually played it they're in a much better position to judge than I am.


My comment was a general Edge one, less related to KZ2. I just don't think much of their reviews. For all my enthusiasm for the game, it could turn out distinctly uneventful and I'm more than open to that possibility.


Whatever happens, it can't be as bad as Mirror's Edge. Funnily enough I agreed with Edge on that one.

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At the end of the day, a review is just another opinion. So what if they rated F.E.A.R 2 higher than KZ2? That's just thier opinion. I personally prefered the F.E.A.R 2 demo to the KZ2 one, though I have to admit KZ2 was bloody good!


Don't like what they say? Fine, that's fair enough, but there's no need to argue or rant about a review score for a game that'll probably sell boat-loads, due to it's huge hype and massive advertising campaign.

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I just cant wait. Want my shotgun and drones back :(


I noticed they have killzone.com right in the main menu. Brilliant idea as your stats will be linked much like Halo.


They are suppossed to relaunch it but no idea when.


My example page: http://www.killzone.com/kz/mykillzone.psml?kz_user_id=Tegg


you can upload your own avatar here. Though the one in the beta was much nicer. All your stats, awards and unlocks on display.



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once again I'm amazed 7/10 is considered poor. That's a perfectly decent mark outside of the IGN circle of totally fucking bullshit scores. Wake up!


QFT Dan Dare.

Choze & Daft not read the review but i have post parts of the review which make the reviewer like the game.

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