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Killzone 2


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Well i am with Shopto but i have arrangements so someone should be able to sign. Thena gain frequently i end up having to go to the post office or depot on my way home...


See Post Depot is no where near my route home and needs driving to really and I don't drive so thats not an option will stick with GAME,not worth the risk...

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Yeah thats the safe route especially as its still pre order period.


Cant wait for everyone to dig in and play. :)


I cant stop talking about how good the beta was and this is from a heavy pc gamer. Its a shame its not a great time for pc fps but thankfully KZ2 is really adding to the genre. Did nto really get the PS3 for fps but this is a pleasant surprise.

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Actually PC FPSs are doing decently. Crysis has many mods (since alone it ain't much) stalker clear sky is phenominal. Cryostasis has an interesting look too. Plus there are the non-exclusives that well.


I'd prolly type more but the Wii browser is limited and exhausting.

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Play.com preorders update:


STATUS Packing: 23/02/2009


What does ‘Packing’ mean?

Payment for your order has been successfully processed.

Your order is now being prepared for dispatch.


Just send the damn thing already! :p







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Dont worry play.com take ages to deliver (i hope :weep: ).


My shopto is still preordered...



Actually PC FPSs are doing decently. Crysis has many mods (since alone it ain't much) stalker clear sky is phenominal. Cryostasis has an interesting look too. Plus there are the non-exclusives that well.


I'd prolly type more but the Wii browser is limited and exhausting.


Get the official wireless keypad for the PS3. Wii browser is very limiting.


Crysis and Stalker have big issues as well though that put many off and mods are nice but alot of hassle. But outside of that there is no excitement. Nothing to look forward to. PC fps are being scaled back. None of the American companies are focusing on PC anymore.


I hope idiotic companies realise they are messing up by focusing only consoles. There is alot of appetite for good pc games that is not being met. Companies like EA are making huge mistakes here.


New genre pushing games like KZ2 and MAG should be on PC :p We have not had a 128 player Battlefield yet...


BTW i am sure many of you will love the killzone.com updates for stats and tracking.

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I'm thinking of leaving a message on my front door saying something like:



If you are delivering a recorded package I'd greatly appreciate it if you could sign for it yourself. I will save me 50p and a trip to the post office.


That would be sweet if it came on Wednesday.

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Killzone.com updated! Battle replays!


Go check out our new home! http://www.killzone.com


We'll be putting up info on the new site and its functionality soon.


Some of the new functionality:



Battle Replays:




You will be able to watch games as they unfolded, watch the troop movements and see who killed who and how. We'll expand on this as time goes by. Right now you should be able to view a couple of Battle Replays created by internal testing of the site. Battle Replays are saved and displayed if at least 2 people played and completed a round and will for now remain on the site for two weeks.



Clans: You will be able to create and administer your clans from the page so you don't have to be on your PS3 to see who wants to be in your clan or what the latest is on any upcoming games.


Tournaments: You will be able to set up clans from the site, just like in-game, but will be able to see the results and how they played out on the tournament wheel too.


Challenges: This offers the same functionality as the in-game, but of course lets you set up your battles remotely.


STATS!: We all love stats! And if the stats recorded in-game are not enough for you, we show even more here! Including match performance, a weapons cloud to show what weapons are used most and preferred faction.


Leaderboards: Same as in-game! See where you are from work!


And much much more.





Battle replays are amazing. This wasnt in the beta. This should be useful for tactics and clans.

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Not to start an argument but I love it how you, Choze, see this as furthering the FPS genre. Quite laughable really. Control-wise it's taken quite a step back. But as I said, I'm not here to argue about the credentials of the game, at least until I have the final product in my hands but I'm not sure when that'll be because Halo Wars is taking my money on friday as I'm just more interested in it at the moment compared to another FPS, a genre which I've had quite a lot of playtime in so far this year. If my money can stretch a little, then I may pick this up as well but it'll have to wait.

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I wouldn't say the controls have taken a step back, I just think they are different.


Strangely enough I haven't played a FPS for quite a long time. Except for Left4Dead, and Halo 3 for a couple nights last month, but I guess that would be the antithesis of KZ2.

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Not to start an argument but I love it how you, Choze, see this as furthering the FPS genre. Quite laughable really. Control-wise it's taken quite a step back. But as I said, I'm not here to argue about the credentials of the game, at least until I have the final product in my hands but I'm not sure when that'll be because Halo Wars is taking my money on friday as I'm just more interested in it at the moment compared to another FPS, a genre which I've had quite a lot of playtime in so far this year. If my money can stretch a little, then I may pick this up as well but it'll have to wait.


You do not know what you are talking about. I suggest you wait for the game.



Even the tiny demo i feel gives you an idea of afew elements such as immersion and the actual gun play. Its not just graphics or sound. Wait till you see the full product. I dont want to spoil every single thing gameplay mechanics wise :heh:

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Well all FPS games have their own style and atmosphere, so while K2 does not change a whole lot to the formula it can still feel fresh.


Multiplayer modes are vastly different between FPS games, good maps, different techniques and tactics make each on very unique. This one uniquely awesome.


Controls I feel are a bit iffy but hey, haven't played enough of it to comment.

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I think the website is also worth a highlight they are coming up with nice ideas like the battle Replay feature. You can use it to show how you outsmarted someone in a match.


Shopto update:

Hi Guys,


We should receive the stock Tomorrow, if arrive later afternoon then we will work overnight and send them Wednesday!


Tomorrow we will start charge your cards so if any problems you guys will have time to resolve them with our support team or with your bank


Thank you guys for your orders

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I think the website is also worth a highlight they are coming up with nice ideas like the battle Replay feature. You can use it to show how you outsmarted someone in a match.


Shopto update:


Sigh, decided to not take anytime off work as people at work love to talk behind another's back despite their 'holier than though' attitude so probably wont be able to sit down with this game properly till the weekend. As well, let's at least hope that this thing arrives on wednesday. If it does, I will pledge (fledging) allegiance to shopto for future orders.

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Yeah shopto.net should be sending the stuff today so it should arrive tomorrow lunchtime, or thursday at the latest. AH crap. Looks like they only have the vanilla version in at the moment. Hopefully the steel book case should arrive soon. Come on shopto! You have not let me down yet! (apart from when I ordered Okami and the post man stole it, after which you had run out of stock and on my very first order from them I may add.)

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