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Killzone 2


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I finished the game today. Just under 10h.


Most annoying boss fight ever :| Ruined the ending for me.

Without the Multiplayer I give the game an 8/10.

Hope they open the multiplayer servers soon.


Ah, it wasn't annoying, it was just tricky. There's a difference. I loved it personally.


Did you get all the symbols and Intel? Some of those are bastards to find, but i got them all :)


I've heard of people whinging about the previous boss fight too. I mean, whats going on with the anti-bosses? I love bosses, they're the best part of a game.

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Ah, it wasn't annoying, it was just tricky. There's a difference. I loved it personally.


Did you get all the symbols and Intel? Some of those are bastards to find, but i got them all :)


I've heard of people whinging about the previous boss fight too. I mean, whats going on with the anti-bosses? I love bosses, they're the best part of a [Metroid]game.


fixed for clarity :heh:


I'm not a fan of fps bosses, personally. I prefered the way BLACK and Gears 2 ended where you get in to a really climatic, epic battle with loads of enemies. It's more dramatic and fits the rest of the game better.

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Ah, it wasn't annoying, it was just tricky. There's a difference. I loved it personally.


Did you get all the symbols and Intel? Some of those are bastards to find, but i got them all :)


I've heard of people whinging about the previous boss fight too. I mean, whats going on with the anti-bosses? I love bosses, they're the best part of a game.


I like bosses, and all the bosses before that where good.

I did like the part when you finally fight him, but when you first arrive and you have to try damage him while he hides and runs and it spawns an endless amount of enemies was the part that I hated.



I didn't find a lot of symbols or Intel either. So there's no doubt ther's a lot in the game that will let you enjoy it over 10-15 hours. But I see no motivation to do so. I had to force my self to want to play through the game basicly. Some levels where top notch :) but a lot of them where getting from A-B with endless amount of enemies.


I'm not a fan of fps bosses, personally. I prefered the way BLACK ended where you get in to a really climatic, epic battle with loads of enemies. It's more dramatic and fits the rest of the game better.


I loved the last stage in BLACK. I always thought that game was ahead if it's time. I hope we see a BLACK2 soon.

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Yeah me too. The only problem with black is that it's heavy reliance on scripting and stuff means that it's not aged amazingly. If they can make a sequel where the explosive action comes from something a little more unpredictable (Farcry 2 says hello!) they might have something really amazing on their hands.

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I'm planning on buying a PS3 for RE 5 in particular, but if / when I do, this game's also a must-buy. (and also: "koopt Hollandsche waar":D)


Anyway, marketing is pretty spectacular for this game.. This is the first game I've seen a commercial for in a cinema! And I've seen it twice already (before Slumdog Millionaire and before Gomorra). I though it was pretty cool.

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I like bosses, and all the bosses before that where good.

I did like the part when you finally fight him, but when you first arrive and you have to try damage him while he hides and runs and it spawns an endless amount of enemies was the part that I hated.



I didn't find a lot of symbols or Intel either. So there's no doubt ther's a lot in the game that will let you enjoy it over 10-15 hours. But I see no motivation to do so.


Well that initial part before the main fight has nothing to do with him. As the objective says its about fighting off his troops. Shooting him during that time is a waste of effort as it wont hurt him. I didn't even bother with him then as i knew it wouldn't help.



Not sure what the motivation is for getting the symbols and intel. Aparently when you sign in to the Killzone website you get something as a reward. Dont know what, i wasn't able to do it on the debug.

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Multiplayer has a ton of online stuff. was on beta.killzone.com but thats down now. All my stats are wiped as well as messages.


All i know is that stuff like making paper craft models instructions will be unlocked via single player.


So you unlock stuff from playing the game? As in actual tangible things?! pretty cool...

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Killzone.com update today: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2009/02/17/killzonecom-live-chat-tomorrow-at-noon-pst/


Its going to be great. Alot of attention going into the website. :smile:




Gametype examples. You can fully customise rounds. Its very flexible. Warzone is like R2 in that objectives change in realtime without restarting. It keeps the game flowing. e.g Team battle to Search and Destroy in the same round.

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Oh right that was maybe what confused me when I played the beta at someone's house - So one minute you're told to blow something up and the next you just have to kill anyone on the opposing team.


R2 was first for that idea supposedly but i got into the KZ2 beta first. :smile:


It keep everyone on their toes. Plus everyone is catered for if they have a favourite game type.


I'm always amazed so few games borrow the ruleset customisation from Halo. It's fraking amazing. Good to see somebody is paying attention definitely.


PS3 server games have these as standard. Warhawk and Resistance 1 & 2 for example. Killzone now also joins the list.



Not long now. Cant wait for you all to see why the beta players were so hyped. :smile:

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^ Well it doesn't really happen in R2. Skirmishes are great but there is only one primary target and they can be slected at any time even if they are just about to die. Is great fun protecting them, running away or purging them. I have a knack for eliminating.

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Good news regarding DLC.


"While this meant sacrificing split screen gameplay, there may be some co-operative modes on the horizon to keep the excitement going. "We're investigating [co-op] now for downloadable content," she smiles. "We're looking at what would be the nicest possible things for downloadable content. We've already started on maps... we're not allowed to talk about anything else unfortunately!"




Sounds like they are planning for the future. also they seem pretty open. Ofcourse new maps will come its necessary for multiplayer and this game will be very very active. Coop we will see and the other stuff who knows.


Regarding the clan i think we should just pick N-E Elites as the name?

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Good news regarding DLC.






Sounds like they are planning for the future. also they seem pretty open. Ofcourse new maps will come its necessary for multiplayer and this game will be very very active. Coop we will see and the other stuff who knows.


Regarding the clan i think we should just pick N-E Elites as the name?


Makes sense thats what I called the Resistance 2 one, makes sense to have some form of continuity.

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Not that the clan ever took off on R2... Thing is on K2 you can't create a clan straight away, you have to level up a bit first. So whoever gets there first (me) they can create it.


Yeah I know the R2 one didn't kick off...perhaps this one will and we can invite friends from other places who want to join...

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I saw an advert for the first time yesterday was during the break for Free Agents.


Dunno if anyone saw this news, I think its a pretty neat idea;


SCEA said today that it’s to release “Killzone in 4D,” a real-time version of a US Killzone 2 TV ad to “offer some insight” into the game’s technology.You can watch the ad in question after the break.“The Killzone 2 engine is phenomenally powerful,” said SCEA marketing boss Scott Steinberg, writing on the PS Blog.“To offer you some insight into the technology behind this game, we will release a playable version of this in-engine ad vignette on the PlayStation Network coming in March.“You’ll be able to control the camera and hear director commentary on how the production was completed using only the game’s technology. The project codename is ‘Killzone in 4-D’ – hope you can check it out.



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Yeah. I guess they realised people would be keen to dismiss the graphics as CG lol. Certainly alot of fanboys have been doing just that and with the history of the game and all.


What i like is that the coolest bits are from the online multiplayer. Cant wait.



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