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I have nothing to fear...


except fear itself!


Fear just happens to come in all sorts of shapes and sizes :p


I'm afraid of BIG HAIRY SPIDERS WITH 52 LEGS AND MAN EATING CLAWS, (small spiders :heh:)


and much more stupider things. I don't fear as much as I used to such as I never used to ride the bus because I thought I was going to get killed....

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I'm afraid of not having a "safety crutch".


Like, I'm in no way afraid of heights, when I'm in a plane, or when I do those HUUUUUGE rides that shoot you up alongside a tower in Florida and such. But I actually thought I was going to die when I had to climb up hills on a school trip. At one point I was clinging to the grass cause I couldn't stand up...I was sure I'd teeter back to my death.


I actualy like heights, otherwise.

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I hate mice. Hamsters, I can deal with. But, mice, noooo. I mean, the way they move, they're just fast! They can go in really small spaces, and it just freaks me the fuck out.


I remember I was on MSN to Haden and Platty, last year, whilst I was in my old house, and I saw a mouse. They both pissed themselves laughing (mainly Haden, prick) because I was so scared. :(


In short: I really fucking don't like mice, man.

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Flying. I only do it once a year to go back to England for Christmas from now on. Last year I flew three separate journeys and twice the year before. I had my eye closed for most of the experience.


Oh, and dying alone, like my mother did.

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as for flying, its safer then driving.


Statistic wise, but the thought of a car breaking down usually is a simple call to the AA or RAC. A plane breaking down mid flight could result in a much worse fate.


After todays events in Madrid I think I'll leave it at that.

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dying alone isnt so bad, even if you fall in love, you hve a 50:50 chance of it. worse to die without being morned. still even, if you do, your dead, and unable top care.


Cool. Can I tie you to a table in the middle of nowhere and let you bleed to death? Would you be down with that? You know, couple of days, life slowly ebbing away, no one coming to comfort you, feel the end is near but not quite sure when?


as for flying, its safer then driving.


At long last, I agree with Ramar! This is a special day!


People who say that flying is safer than driving are forgetting that there are far more cars on the roads than planes in the sky. Therefore it is far more likely in a mathematical sense that people will have car accidents. And the inverse of that is plane accidents are far more likely to result in fatalities. Tell those people who just died in Madrid that flying is safe.

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i know they can't hurt me so i guess i just don't like spiders... the way they scuttle makes me feel all wiggley >__<


right now i'm afraid that i'm not very strong emotionally. but i think i might have just had a few bad days and not very much to eat... i think i just need to get back into the swing of things...

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Cool. Can I tie you to a table in the middle of nowhere and let you bleed to death? Would you be down with that? You know, couple of days, life slowly ebbing away, no one coming to comfort you, feel the end is near but not quite sure when?

id not be cool with that but i can think of worse ways to go, i imagine the dropping blood presure would mean i wasnt awake for most of it.


thats kinda besides the point mind, when you said dying alone, i took it to mean without a spouse.





Tell those people who just died in Madrid that flying is safe.


yeah? tell the 3300 people a year who die in uk road accidents the driving is safe. not conuting the 150 who just died in spain, there have only been 46 fatalities in spanish aviation in the past 10 years. even added together, 200 deaths in 10 years, with the large number of people on the plane, and the huge number of planes taking off and landing in spain, a top tourist destination, is a very low number of deaths indeed.


as for the higher liklihood of dying in a air accident, im not so sure thats true. though it would seem like common sense that somthing travling that fast and that high would be more likly to kill you, i seem to recall learening that the vast majority of accident occur during take off and landing (like the madrid case) but even catestrophic events like engine fires rarly end in fatalities.

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I have a phobia of small talk. Seriously, i'll avoid anyone i know by any means on the street. As Larry David once said, "i dont do stop-n-chats!". Though i dont suppose its actually a fear, just a loathing.


I'm quite afraid of any flying insect though as they have that advantage over you and it freaks me out.

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Just scared of Wasps and Crabs mainly because both friggin hurt if they attact you. Crabs are the worst, the pincers clamp on and don't let go. Wasps i am alergic to so swell up in the place they sting badly.


And i think i'd jump if i saw a huge spider like the ones in the pictures above, but as long as you know how to pick them up safely then you be fine.

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