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PES 2009 Pro Evolution Soccer


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ffs sake youtube , oh well


anyway do u think we will be able to edit kits ect then copy the save files onto sd card so we can trade option files with mates ?


I was hoping that would be the case but after thinking about it, the save file will contain the players online record so I doubt it.

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..yeh, you couldn't copy the save file from PES 2008 onto SD card so I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case again (though there is no reason why the online information couldn't be kept in a separate file..)


I was hoping to hear some information in the Nintendo Voice Chat but there was nothing on it unfortunately.. may check it out in ONM when the magazine is out in the next few days..

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I'm not too sure why this has gone up on their site today (especially considering they have a Review in the latest issue of ONM which is out today I think..) but it certainly seems to suggest that the problems with PES 2008 have been fixed :yay:


In early pictures and videos, I got the impression that the defending was quite similar to how it was before but that you could move the defender closing in on the attacker in a limited way (I felt the videos made it look like it was almost strafing..) but the ONM Preview says you have complete control of the closest defender. I hope that is true as having analogue control over your defender was one thing I felt was needed- it should increase the difficulty of game considerably.. there were too many goal fests in PES 2008!

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I just got ONM there for the first time in ages with the PES 2009 Review being one of the main reasons for me picking it up.. and it is a pathetic review! I'll stick with the internet from now on :hmm:


It didn't really go into much detail and basically just said that the niggles from 2008 were fixed (which we all new anyway, really..)


There weren't very many pictures (and those that were there were very poor quality..) ..and I'm guessing they didn't get to test online because they just said it had online but didn't mention any details about it (like if there are less problems with the connection or about how you can now use pre-defined messages to communicate now..)


All I really noticed that I didn't know before is that there was a power bar in one of the screens (though it's not clear if this will apply to just Classic Controller play or when you point to shoot.. or even if u shake the nunchuk harder! ONM went into no detail, and there was plenty of room to across 2 pages!) and that you could play with Mii heads on the standard players..


I'm looking forward to getting it for myself to discover all the improvements myself.. but I was looking forward to reading about them in the review and was left disappointed..


And stuwii.. I'll see you online...........

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I'm really tempted for this. I think I may be in need of a new footie game, and I already bought the Fifa before last, so I'd like to give this a try.


The defending is something that I've heard is a bit of an issue in 2008, so how exactly does it work in this one?

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..aw man, get it : peace:


The review mentioned about having full control of your defender with the analogue stick.. my guess is you can click the defender to have the nearest man close him down or drag a defender onto the attacker (both like in 2008) but that now, the defender closing down can be manipulated with the analogue stick (where before it wasn't possible..)


The lack of detail in the review meant that this information wasn't gone into in depth so I can't really answer you completely I'm afraid :hmm:


Actually.. just found this video on YouTube.



It doesn't really show much of the actual game but I hope it's not the final build as there's a bit where Aguero is running and basically goes straight through the defender.. twice..

Edited by nekunando
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Review




One of the most complicated games of footie ever put to disc is also one of the best.




I'm looking forward to getting hold of the game next week.. though the lack of any sort of detail in any of the reviews I have read so far has me thinking that maybe not an awful lot has changed :hmm: ..but I've seen more than enough to suggest an upgrade is worth it : peace:

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Just read the IGN review and was a little pissed off with their coverage of the game. Their review didn't go into whether there was online leagues or tables or rankings. It didn't really go into the classic control options and there was no video review. I'm happy with the score, but a little more info wouldn't go a miss!

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Yeh.. It seems pretty clear that it's definitely not a worse game than 2008.. and with all the new modes, enhancements and control options Konami have pretty much answered most complaints from last year :smile:


I don't expect online league tables (we'll have to keep track of our own on N-E.. in fact, it might soon be time to see who is interested in a bit of competition :heh:) but a video did show that you can now select from a list of phrases to communicate with opponents online.


I hope that players who disconnect online are punished this year too as last year there was no penalty for switching off during a game (infuriating.. why can't they just accept defeat!)


I'm pretty annoyed with all reviews so far as they all seem to glance over a few details but not the ones that are of particular interest. IGN seemed to leave a heck of a lot out and scored it lower than last year for whatever reason.. hmm.. and the comments below the review seem to agree about the quality of the review..


Actually, one of the comments has the following information that I was unaware of..


You get the choice to rematch online opponents and add them to your Rivals list as well, without the need for FCs, you can even send pre-set messages. You get the choice of standard play or champion's league online, where you take the team you built up from champion's road and take them to compete against other players built up teams.


I just found this and I am about to watch it..



It looks great :smile: ..from the symbols I get the impression you can load your team settings so that you don't have to manually configure everything each time (and now I can confirm that as it was hovered over very briefly in the video and 'Load Team Settings' was displayed) ..but I'm still watching so I'll edit my post if I see other things to note :smile:


The only thing that I find disappointing is that it won't feel new this year.. I was so excited to try out the new control style last year but it's not gonna be a whole new experience any more.. but I can't wait to get it anyway :yay:

Edited by nekunando
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Looks like you've dug up more information for us than any review has offered, / nando /. :hehe: The added online options sound pretty class, I was hoping to take my custom team online (whether its Champs Road or Master League) so its good to hear they've managed to make it happen. With them brushing up the controls and cramming in more options and modes for us its sounding like THE footy game to own.


Now what can they add for next year... :heh:

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Yeh.. It seems pretty clear that it's definitely not a worse game than 2008.. and with all the new modes, enhancements and control options Konami have pretty much answered most complaints from last year :smile:


I don't expect online league tables (we'll have to keep track of our own on N-E.. in fact, it might soon be time to see who is interested in a bit of competition :heh:) but a video did show that you can now select from a list of phrases to communicate with opponents online.


I hope that players who disconnect online are punished this year too as last year there was no penalty for switching off during a game (infuriating.. why can't they just accept defeat!)


I'm pretty annoyed with all reviews so far as they all seem to glance over a few details but not the ones that are of particular interest. IGN seemed to leave a heck of a lot out and scored it lower than last year for whatever reason.. hmm.. and the comments below the review seem to agree about the quality of the review..


Actually, one of the comments has the following information that I was unaware of..




I just found this and I am about to watch it..



It looks great :smile: ..from the symbols I get the impression you can load your team settings so that you don't have to manually configure everything each time (and now I can confirm that as it was hovered over very briefly in the video and 'Load Team Settings' was displayed) ..but I'm still watching so I'll edit my post if I see other things to note :smile:


The only thing that I find disappointing is that it won't feel new this year.. I was so excited to try out the new control style last year but it's not gonna be a whole new experience any more.. but I can't wait to get it anyway :yay:


Definite buy! The IGN review stated that the commentary doesn't say the names of the players... Yet it does. Everything looks good here. I just hope nunchuk controls don't have unfair advantages over classic control.

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That IGN review says a lot of things that don't sound right to me. As though the reviewer has only had a passing relationship with the previous game.


I cannot wait for this. My appreciation of the original game has skyrocketed of late, as I've been playing FIFA 09 with a regular controller on the PC. It might have better graphics, but boy does it feel like half a game next to PES on the Wii. The pointer controls are absolutely revolutionary for me, and are sublime in their execution. Positioning of players becomes a real art form in PES Wii. I do hope though, that they have taken a little of that burden off the player with some improved AI. Then again, after a year of the current game I might feel a little annoyed if they take that deeper player control away from me! I also would have liked a new commentary. The current one is years old, and it's time for a less stiff sounding update methinks.


Either way, I'm seriously looking forward to this. Hope Amazon don't let me down with the pre-order!

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A lot of IGN's reviews have been very rushed as of late. I know there are a bazillion Wii games coming out every month but it's no secret they were clearly caught short in the staffing stakes on the Nintendo channel there. And I think that their reviews have taken a hit. Obviously just my opinion.


They probably just see this as some 'soccer' game too...

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Great video and written review over at http://www.winningelevenblog.com. Highly recommend watching it. I'm glad the reviews are popping up now, hoping GameCentral do so too.


This video review is pretty appalling to be honest. I'd just turn the sound down and watch the video itself, because the guy 'reviewing' this game simply commentates what he is doing, then when he lets in a goal says 'don't let this put you off, guys, I know I just let in a goal but that was just my inexperience with the game. It's still a fantastic game and I would really recommend it.' If you're that inexperienced, how can you accurately review it? Also he constantly says 'this is a really fantastic/great game'... over and over and over... It's not a review, more a jizz fest from a football fan.


The video shows gameplay is pretty similar to last years, and the changes that have been made aren't mentioned by the 'reviewer' and aren't hugely visible. The first part of the vid is interesting, and shows the menus/modes, but once the game starts I lost interest.


Aaaaaanyway, I had PES 08 and I love it, it provides a football experience that I have never had from a game before. I don't know whether I'll invest in this just yet or wait to prices to drop as they did with PES 08, but the new modes and editing options are looking really impressive.

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Fair enough really. I never got or had a try of PES 2008 Wii's version which is probably why I found the review informative about the game. I hope there's no lag online + also that people are punished for quitting the game midway through the match.

Edited by Rowan
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