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Shitty Intynet Speedys


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Speedtest says 190kbps down, i say lol. It's supposed to be 2Mb broadband FFS!


I'd noticed it's been slow lately but this is taking the biscuit! Done a few tests and most of them have been around 250kbps up and downstream, an 8th of what the downstream should be under ideal conditions. Any advice peeps? Gonna give my ISP a ring, but i know they'll just fob me off :(

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That website is a bit confusing.... 2Mb should give you a download speed of 250KB a second right?


They have given me a score of 314kbps for my 2Mb connection and thats simply wrong or does kb mean kilobytes instead of kilobits? I get 250KB when I'm downloading something from a website and thats a lot more than 314 kilobits... I've never managed to download at a speed of 314KB a second though.


EDIT: I selected a different server and got 1975kbps instead of 314kbps... Have you tried pinging a different one from the one you tried? Ping the London one instead of the Maidenhead one.. The Maidenhead one gave me 314kbps.


EDIT: I tried the Maidenhead one for a 2nd time and it gave me 826kbps. That website is totally hopeless...

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If your on a 2MB connection then you should be getting between 1000 and 2000kb on the connection speed.


I am on a 8MB and I get:



You should definitely ring up and ask what is happening, it could turn out that your speed has been capped (you may have been downloading buckets loads of data previously but its unlikely). If they don't improve your speed ask for your MAC code so that you can change to another provider. (I hear O2 is very good)

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If you download a lot CPW might have throttled your internet.


Thats what im thinking, although they aren't allowed to do that. We're on an old AOL contract from way back when their unlimited broadband was actually unlimited.




London server is pretty much the same, and my game pings are just as crappy no matter where in the world the server is.

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Im on a 2 meg connection, so is that good?

It's not bad, it depends on your distance from the exchange and the quality of the wiring. It's kinda normal for 2MB. Worth trying a different server if you want to see which gives best results though.
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