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Red Steel 2 (£4.95 @Zavvi)


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lol. It'd explain his fascination with Killzone 2. Oh no he didn't

Hehe. Killzone. :)


Its just slightly enchanced looking Red Steel 2 in the trailer. Jaggies cleaned up etc. More inportant is how it all comes together. If they get the feel right this will go places.

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Was wondering why you'd taken long to reply :heh: I'll admit, Killzone 2 wasn't a bad game, just not to my liking. Had too many other things to play (Halo Wars was bought on the same day, had Chrono Trigger and a bunch of other stuff on the go as well) so perhaps I'll get it again some day. Perhaps.

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Was wondering why you'd taken long to reply :heh: I'll admit, Killzone 2 wasn't a bad game, just not to my liking. Had too many other things to play (Halo Wars was bought on the same day, had Chrono Trigger and a bunch of other stuff on the go as well) so perhaps I'll get it again some day. Perhaps.


Well at the very least join us(N-E Elites) online sometime. Hopefully we restart clan matches and tournaments again.


We still have not seen full demonstration of motion plus to its fullest so e3 should be good for that. The trailer suggests its going to be good. The sword in particular.

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hows that great?

I don't even think the other one had gore.. whats less than nothing.. instead of sword fighting they throw flowers and confetti at each other?


Not a big deal.


Abit wary of the trailer now. After the leaked Beyond Good and evil 2 video. Its obvious Ubisoft are using CG for thier promos. They seem to do this for all thier games first showings.

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Not a big deal.


Abit wary of the trailer now. After the leaked Beyond Good and evil 2 video. Its obvious Ubisoft are using CG for thier promos. They seem to do this for all thier games first showings.


Ironically didn't Sony/Guerilla games do that for KZ2? Mind you, I liked how they set that barometer though and then did their best to match it (and actually best it in places.)


Looking forward to seeing Ubi at E3 - Just hope they aint sharing the stage with Nintendo (in my eyes it will dilute Ninty's own showings.)

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^ Red Steel 2 is a big title for the Wii and I'm sure Nintendo will want to remind gamers that there will be big titles on the Wii outside of their own offerings so I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft popped up with it during Nintendo's conference. As long as Cammie doesn't do the talking about it, it should be fine.

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new info:


- correct angle and force of a swing are important

- you can enter an options menu that allows you to change the force necessary to perform powerful swings

- flick Wiimote to pull out sword

- quick on-the-fly weapon switching, no inventory

- quick-time event for enemy parry, when the situation comes up

- once you fire a shot, enemies will charge you

- yellow indicator is always present on screen

- there are different weapons, such as a shotgun

- seems that weapons will be upgradeable somehow

- block bullets with your sword

- Cannot cheat the game

- Can’t just sit down, waggle Wiimote with short/sharp motions

- When you quickly waggle the Wiimote, that will translate to a quick slice in-game

- Need to actually try to deal out big damage

- Sword also used for defense (thus better than a gun during combat)

- There will be instances where you will have to deal with multiple enemies

- Still use B button + pointer to shoot

- Reconfirmed that you can pull off sword + gun combos

- Passing through near-future desert town (Aldera)

- Architect is a mix of East and West

- Hero is mysterious at the beginning

- Hero is a take on Clint Eastwood character in the Dollars movies

- Nameless, faceless, friendless at the start

- Pretty powerful from the beginning of the game

- There will be plenty of variety in missions

- Need greater thought/skill against bosses

- Objectives connected to the hero

- Different levels of blocking as you progress

- if you start the game without the MotionPlus accessory, the screen will stay black and the game won’t progress

- Setting: eastern influences mixed with wild-west america set in the near-future

- other areas in the game will also show Asian influence

- art direct flew to Japan and took about 6,000 pics in order to get a good feel for the design approach

- main character is the only one able to accomplish the task of saving the world

- a warlord is the main villain

- more that 15 different enemy types

- no one from the first game returns

- some enemies will have heavier armor and bulletproof vests

- at least 5 bosses

- story development came last, gameplay was first

- 30% linear, 70% free-roaming within massive levels

- 70% huge free-roaming levels in which you receive new missions via radio

- choose the missions you want

- destroy barriers with Katana moves you learn later

- 6 enemies maximum at once

- as of right now, the game has 10+ hours of content

Edited by Dante
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new info:


- correct angle and force of a swing are important

- you can enter an options menu that allows you to change the force necessary to perform powerful swings

- flick Wiimote to pull out sword

- quick on-the-fly weapon switching, no inventory

- quick-time event for enemy parry, when the situation comes up

- once you fire a shot, enemies will charge you

- yellow indicator is always present on screen

- there are different weapons, such as a shotgun

- seems that weapons will be upgradeable somehow

- block bullets with your sword

- Cannot cheat the game

- Can’t just sit down, waggle Wiimote with short/sharp motions

- When you quickly waggle the Wiimote, that will translate to a quick slice in-game

- Need to actually try to deal out big damage

- Sword also used for defense (thus better than a gun during combat)

- There will be instances where you will have to deal with multiple enemies

- Still use B button + pointer to shoot

- Reconfirmed that you can pull off sword + gun combos

- Passing through near-future desert town (Aldera)

- Architect is a mix of East and West

- Hero is mysterious at the beginning

- Hero is a take on Clint Eastwood character in the Dollars movies

- Nameless, faceless, friendless at the start

- Pretty powerful from the beginning of the game

- There will be plenty of variety in missions

- Need greater thought/skill against bosses

- Objectives connected to the hero

- Different levels of blocking as you progress

- if you start the game without the MotionPlus accessory, the screen will stay black and the game won’t progress

- Setting: eastern influences mixed with wild-west america set in the near-future

- other areas in the game will also show Asian influence

- art direct flew to Japan and took about 6,000 pics in order to get a good feel for the design approach

- main character is the only one able to accomplish the task of saving the world

- a warlord is the main villain

- more that 15 different enemy types

- no one from the first game returns

- some enemies will have heavier armor and bulletproof vests

- at least 5 bosses

- story development came last, gameplay was first

- 30% linear, 70% free-roaming within massive levels

- 70% huge free-roaming levels in which you receive new missions via radio

- choose the missions you want

- destroy barriers with Katana moves you learn later

- 6 enemies maximum at once

- as of right now, the game has 10+ hours of content


Nothing too surprising here but still sounding ever so sweet. :D

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if the game looks any like the teaser trailer, im in. But what do they mean by:

- Cannot cheat the game

- Can’t just sit down, waggle Wiimote with short/sharp motions


Hopefully you can play while im sitting on my bed (small room), also the game wont start unless the motion plus is connected to your wiimote wich makes it an instant wii motion plus exclusive (really hope for ubi that they can bundle it with motion plus)

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"- as of right now, the game has 10+ hours of content"


That's a bit low for a single player only experience.


Sounds like MGS4 - They should emulate it and have 10hrs of cut scenes to flesh it out too :heh:


I like the sound of this more and more, it's just hard to be excited by a Ubi Wii project (unfortunately)! Nicely though it feels like launch day all over again with Red Steel looking fabuloso.

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Like others have said, it does sound very promising. I bet Ubisoft will be aware that expectations were high for the first game, and perhaps it didn't quite live up to its potential, so they need to be really careful when giving our information of this game. Sure, hype it, but I'd think twice before hailing it as the next messiah. Not just Ubisoft, but other gaming websites and publications should be careful.

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So, anyone else reckon that the mention of free-roaming excludes the possibility of this being on-rails?


"Ten hours as of right now" isn't too bad methinks, they've got until Yuletide to build upon that stat.

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  • 3 weeks later...
the conduit boxart is just a little bit.. colourful for the type of game.. But the massive gun stands out..I think it;s not a half bad boxart... better than the metroid prime 3 mess :D


this could go on all day


I believe they're directing negativity towards the EU boxart - not the UK/US one.

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