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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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My dream last night involved being Merlin's new apprentice, after meeting him and getting a new sword in a Victorian style town, I had to fend off hundreds of zombies. One of them being my sister.


The town although victorian had restrictions like Assasins creed.


I have two notions:


1. I've been playing too much xbox

2. I blame jayseven for watching too many zombie things.

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A few nights ago I had a rather macabre dream. It simply involved me talking to one of my friends from school. We were talking outside some cafe, sitting down and talking about what we've done since we'd left school and getting along swimmingly. Then when I realised I had to be somewhere else, I said "Sayonara! I'll be seein' ya." to her, then I walked off. But then I went back, sneaked up behind her a la Solid Snake, and snapped her neck. She then slumped dead onto the table, her head a whole 180 degrees backward. Like an owl. :o


Woke up thinking "What the fucking fuck?"



Last night's dream wasn't dark at all, although it did involve me watching Naruto (dubbed) in the pitch black.

I don't know what was happening there. I hate Naruto. :wtf:

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I had a dream last night where I was on a school trip and we ended up in this concrete tower. Terminators locked us in and then we had to try and escape before all the Predators, some with Alien skulls on their fists, and Aliens were trying to get in and kill us. They got in and people were getting mullered left and right. I ran to a higher floor and everyone started following me. There was a man cannon, like in MGS4, and I knew it would only work once. I took it and got shot out of this tower and left everyone else to die and I parachuted some way off to safety...then a woke up.


Not really sure where that all came from....

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I remember a brief snippit of my dream from last night/this morning/this afternoon.


I was on one of our family holidays to Florida, but were always in the house, and though it was sunny, it wasn't bright in the house.


At one point, I realised my sister was packing things into her luggage case, so I went to my uncle (who kinda leads us when we're there, in terms of driving and organising things), "Are we leaving tomorrow?".


He replied, "yeah, we've been here for 5 days..."


I was extremely upset, as we'd done nothing but stay in the house. And usually our trips there are at least 3 weeks.


Notable was the abscene of my other aunt and cousin, which probably ties into the fact they're in the process of moving away to Orkney. (Our family is really close, both relationship wise and distance-wise, but we're all moving furthur and furthur away..)

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Had the damn right wierdest sexual dream I have ever had last night. There were no scary bits, but it was so fucking odd. I'm not going to write it out...because it's a little rude, but it really annoyed me to an extent. It seemed to go on for ages, and yet what I wanted to happen in the dream, never quite happened, if you catch my drift.

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Had the damn right wierdest sexual dream I have ever had last night. There were no scary bits, but it was so fucking odd. I'm not going to write it out...because it's a little rude, but it really annoyed me to an extent. It seemed to go on for ages, and yet what I wanted to happen in the dream, never quite happened, if you catch my drift.


Is this with the person (not Efron) that I think it is, you know, the real life one?

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I had the strangest dream last night. Everyone was singing like in a musical. It was too odd.


It was an illness that was spreading according to the people in my dream, lmao. Even the chavs were singing as they tried to rob me of my phone. The funny bit was at the end where everyone started singing their version of 'I'm fucking Matt Damon' but it sorta went like a link. Like one would say he's shagging someone and then that someone would be doing someone else...It was funny but odd.


It was like that musical episode of Buffy but crap.

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Is this with the person (not Efron) that I think it is, you know, the real life one?


Suprisingly, it wasn't. I would have expected it to be, but nope. It was just this random guy my mind had obviously made up, because I definitely didn't recognise him in the slightest.




d666, that sounds like an awesome dream! I neeeeeeed a musical dream. They sound so immense.

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Suprisingly, it wasn't. I would have expected it to be, but nope. It was just this random guy my mind had obviously made up, because I definitely didn't recognise him in the slightest.




d666, that sounds like an awesome dream! I neeeeeeed a musical dream. They sound so immense.


Try watching Hairspray and the Buffy musical on the same night, it might work, lol.

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Haha! Yeah Ramar, I love them both. I am a strange man.


Thanks for the tip d666 :D




PMSL! Just imagining Anya singing about rabbits :heh:


Nothing strange about that to me :confused:


Anyways, I'm a little confused. Why would watching them wanna make him commit suicide? Because it's a musical? lol. The guy wants a musical dream therefore he should fill his mind with musical shit before he sleeps, lmao. Plus, musicals ain't bad, they aight.

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PMSL! Just imagining Anya singing about rabbits :confused:


Anyways, I'm a little confused. Why would watching them wanna make him commit suicide? Because it's a musical? lol. The guy wants a musical dream therefore he should fill his mind with musical shit before he sleeps, lmao. Plus, musicals ain't bad, they aight.


Haha, agreed. YES! "BUNNIES! BUNNIES! IT MUST BE BUNNNNNNNIES!". Fucking love Anya to death.


If I don't get a musical dream tonight, I'm just going to speak to everyone in song tomorrow.

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From what I remember of last night;


Dream one:

I was in Japan at a Japanese school learning Japanese and, unsuprisingly, got confused. We were in a lesson and that was all fine and then we took a break. Afterwards I returned to the same room but it was empty and I think I realised, or someone told me, that the lesson had changed and I needed to be somewhere else but I was all confused as I couldn't read the signs or timetable or anything...plus my housemate was a cleaner there. She just won't leave me be :p


Dream two:

I walked into a random small room of a pub (one of the old style ones which seem to be a load of small connected rooms) and in it was my mother, one of her colleagues, and my two siblings as apparently Dick had just been released. I said something like "oh this is a great idea" (as Beaver hates him) and sure enough they ended up fighting and we had to seperate them and then I hugged my brother. I can't even remember the last time I hugged my little brother...

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I don't get enough sex and don't masturbate, so the wet dreams arrive frequently. Can't believe some of you guys have them so rarely. The semen factory inside me uses dreams as a waste pipe.


Well a lot of people will wank daily. I go for spells where I hardly ever wank and still don't get them that often. Once every 2-3 months maybe. I think if you don't wank at all then you have one every fortnight or something. Can't actually remember.

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I had the longest dream at least it felt like it was long.


I was in a large house not sure what house it was and then all of a sudden I start getting this cramps all over my body and later I can´t open my eyes.

So I think that getting a drink of water will fix all that so I stumble into a bathroom and manage to get a drink of water out of the sink.

After that I manage to open my eyes and I´m front of a mirror and see there´s blood around my mouth and I start puking my guts out all over the sink ( The puke was very white) which made me come the conclusion that I had been poisoned.

What little more I remember was just something about waiting for an ambulance.


That all felt like so very long in my mind.

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