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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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I enjoyed it :D I like the direction they're going in with their new start, although I'm a bit disappointed some of them didn't put up more of a fight....

"Nerfed", that's what they'd call it if Heroes was an RPG :heh: I didn't pick up on that being the case but I guess that would explain why he didn't fly at the end. Has it supposed to have changed, or have they just retcon'd him to make it less of a plot breaker?


Nerfed! :D thanks also Retcon'd I couldn't think of either!


I think it is meant to have changed. He lost his powers to Papa Petrelli but then did he not get the serum again? If so it probably gave him a slightly different power!


And also the writers probably thought it best if they did that as it does get a bit ridiculous!


Also Peter do not hug your family... you've been fooled twice now! :p

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Are ya sure he can only have one power at a time now? (Though I too wondered why he didn't just fly at the end. But if he was limited to one power... wouldn't we have seen him "re-obtain" Mohinders Strength at the end?


I do like however that he now needs to touch people to gain their power... makes things less random than just being near someone.... however he did fly without touching Nathan right after injecting the serum at the end of Vol. 3


Matt, seems weird... I can understand going from mind reader to mind-manipulation... but then to go to Future Painter? How is that related? Least when he did it in Vol. 3 it was explained a bit by "Mufasa's" (can never remember his name so this is what I call him) funky food... unless their gonna say eating that stuff gives you future seeing powers forever..... which would mean Hiro could have also kept it, had he not been depowered?

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Did anyone else spot a Fallout 3 reference in there with the music and the cartoon character on the door, or was it just me (associating the music with the game).


Also the continuity with awesome African dude - surely deliberate? It was too painfully obvious, it has to have been deliberate.

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Are ya sure he can only have one power at a time now? (Though I too wondered why he didn't just fly at the end. But if he was limited to one power... wouldn't we have seen him "re-obtain" Mohinders Strength at the end?


I do like however that he now needs to touch people to gain their power... makes things less random than just being near someone.... however he did fly without touching Nathan right after injecting the serum at the end of Vol. 3


Matt, seems weird... I can understand going from mind reader to mind-manipulation... but then to go to Future Painter? How is that related? Least when he did it in Vol. 3 it was explained a bit by "Mufasa's" (can never remember his name so this is what I call him) funky food... unless their gonna say eating that stuff gives you future seeing powers forever..... which would mean Hiro could have also kept it, had he not been depowered?


Hmmm.. It is just a thought I had so it may not be right! :) But I thought he did touch Nathan before he Flew? I honestly don't remember though!


Ooh I don't remember the ending if He retouched mohinder and he doesn't gain the power my theory goes out the window! (or the writers don't know what they are doing! :p)


But yes I defiantely think it it through Touch now as they seemed to emphasis that through out the episode!


About the African Issac/painting thing. I agree with you and I feel that they are unsure where to take Matt at the moment and so gave him the power to keep him more central.

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Just watched ep 15, enjoyed it a lot, things are moving at a steady pace now, but a few things.


WHHHHYYYYY? Daphne, WTF? Why did they go kill her off, bloody hell, first Adam/Kensai, then Matts Dad, now Daphne, I mean come on, stop doing that.

I was hoping they'd take the cop out and have Claires blood heal her somehow, at first was hoping Claire would fall on top of Daphne and her blood got on her before she healed.... or that HRG might have set up a transfusion or something to show Claire he is still in some part a "good guy".



And Sylar finding himself a side kick... strange but could be interesting... I give the kid at most 4 eps before Sylar takes his power.


Peter being reduced to one ability confirmed also... k, kinda makes sense, stops him from becoming too powerful, here's a question though... what happens if he ever got close enough to Slyar to touch him? Cuz you know eventually their gonna have to run into each other.


Wonder who was texting Claire at the end too... it's gonna be one of two people... one Matt for obvious pissed off like crazy reasons and thinking Claire being related to both HRG and Nathan would be of good use. Or since using the phones could comprimise Matt who could potentially use phones and not be tracked? Then I remembered Micha? He wasn't round much in the 1st half but there was a file on him that Nathan gave to the President at the end of the 1st half before the break. So he could be returning?


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Just watched ep 15, enjoyed it a lot, things are moving at a steady pace now, but a few things.


WHHHHYYYYY? Daphne, WTF? Why did they go kill her off, bloody hell, first Adam/Kensai, then Matts Dad, now Daphne, I mean come on, stop doing that.

I was hoping they'd take the cop out and have Claires blood heal her somehow, at first was hoping Claire would fall on top of Daphne and her blood got on her before she healed.... or that HRG might have set up a transfusion or something to show Claire he is still in some part a "good guy".



And Sylar finding himself a side kick... strange but could be interesting... I give the kid at most 4 eps before Sylar takes his power.


Peter being reduced to one ability confirmed also... k, kinda makes sense, stops him from becoming too powerful, here's a question though... what happens if he ever got close enough to Slyar to touch him? Cuz you know eventually their gonna have to run into each other.


Wonder who was texting Claire at the end too... it's gonna be one of two people... one Matt for obvious pissed off like crazy reasons and thinking Claire being related to both HRG and Nathan would be of good use. Or since using the phones could comprimise Matt who could potentially use phones and not be tracked? Then I remembered Micha? He wasn't round much in the 1st half but there was a file on him that Nathan gave to the President at the end of the 1st half before the break. So he could be returning?


This is a bit about Daphne, dunno if you want to read it or not so i'll tag it.

I'm sure she's in later episodes. I think I read it when some photos of a future episode got put up.



As for Peter, I had that thought about Sylar and I got a few theories on Peter. I wondered since he can have 1 ability, he could take Sylar's 'empathic mimicry' as his one ability and use that to get more powers. I also thought that Peter's power just an early manifistation of his power that is yet to grow and yet to properly manifest. And another theory would be that Ando will super charge his mimcry.


As for the mobile phone, it won't be Matt, I doubt it would be Micha since they've only seen a glimpse of each other at the Kirbi Plazza and know nothing about each other. It would need to be someone she properly knows and someone she's met I think cause they need to get her number somehow. I can't help but think it'll be the puppet master.


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As for the mobile phone, it won't be Matt, I doubt it would be Micha since they've only seen a glimpse of each other at the Kirbi Plazza and know nothing about each other. It would need to be someone she properly knows and someone she's met I think cause they need to get her number somehow. I can't help but think it'll be the puppet master.


... but didn't Sylar like, kill the Puppet Master guy at the end of Vol. 3?


Claire and Micha may have only met briefly in person, but given Michas power, would it not be possible he's been hacking Nathan's/Government files and learned a fair bit on who's who?


Other possibility would be flying boy Wes... but my god I never wanna see him again:mad:



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... but didn't Sylar like, kill the Puppet Master guy at the end of Vol. 3?


Claire and Micha may have only met briefly in person, but given Michas power, would it not be possible he's been hacking Nathan's/Government files and learned a fair bit on who's who?


Other possibility would be flying boy Wes... but my god I never wanna see him again:mad:



I think he only got knocked unconcious when he tried to control Sylar but got over powered, but he was still alive and Sylar didn't kill him and went for Meredith.


You could be right Micha actually, though the only thing against that really is if he knew what the government was doing. I doubt he'd just go and check by chance if the government was going after folk :p


Oh god don't be West...


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I think he only got knocked unconcious when he tried to control Sylar but got over powered, but he was still alive and Sylar didn't kill him and went for Meredith.


You could be right Micha actually, though the only thing against that really is if he knew what the government was doing. I doubt he'd just go and check by chance if the government was going after folk :p


Oh god don't be West...


So your saying if you had the power to talk to machines you would resist the temptation to go messing around in top secret government computers, even though you knew you could be in and out with zero traceability?


Afterall, both his parents are dead, he's just found out his mother has at least a twin (don't know if he knows about the 3rd one) who obviously hasn't taken up on any Aunty duties....kids bound to rebel sooner or later.


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So your saying if you had the power to talk to machines you would resist the temptation to go messing around in top secret government computers, even though you knew you could be in and out with zero traceability?


Afterall, both his parents are dead, he's just found out his mother has at least a twin (don't know if he knows about the 3rd one) who obviously hasn't taken up on any Aunty duties....kids bound to rebel sooner or later.


Hmm, he could look in the government, but this is also secret to the government since very few people know so I just wondered if the files would really be among the other 'top secret missions' since if they were, they would be more pron to be found. Just think it might be a bit hard to find since the only normal humans that know about this is the President, Bennet and The Hunter and his squad. Though he probably could find a way with his ability and the logic of the Heroes world.


Saying that, he could just search for his aunt and the file could pop up about the mission :p


I'll stick with the puppet man since I can see him being more rebellious and 'bad' enough to go through with it. I know Micha said they could be heroes, but I don't see him being serious/confident enough for him to go against the government unless he has a mini army. In heroes anything can happen nowadays.


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Why is Sylar still around. Twitching your eye brows does not make you mennacing.


And Noah just accept the fact that you're an awful father who likes to pretend as if he has some grand scheme going on.



at least Daphne isn't actually dead.


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The last episode was really turd. I don't know why, but I feel that Heroes is losing the plot now. They've gimped Hiro, the main reason to watch the show. He's just sort of floundering around at the moment...


I really hate what they're doing with Nathan. It seems really out of character.


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So all in all how many episodes will those of us who stick to BBC be? I am thinking of perhaps watching it via other means for the first time...


OMG....just saw advert for it...not much to it, mohinder running in slow mo and voice over saying "the chase is on...heroes become fugitives coming soon "

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Mhm me and my housemate watched it and kinda went "that was okay" and then as we were cleaning up ripped it apart;


So the Heroes are wanted by the government and Hiro and Ando managed to get to India and everyone else got from Arkansas to California without being noticed while Claire goes to the comic book shop and is spotted. Riiiiight.


Why on earth would Tracey freeze that person when the woman who said she'd shut it down is stood right there. I'm sure she'd understand having someone by the throat like that given her situation. Furthermore "ZOMG THIS IS TERRIBLE. THIS IS TORTUE. I'M SHUTTING YOU DOWN!!!!....but wait here Tracey while I do this" Really?


Hiro stopped the Indian wedding. I'm SO glad. I've been waiting for this for years. -_-


Hiro is in charge of a huge Japanese company, which Ando also works for. Peter was a paramedic. Are people not going "....where are they?"


Sylar has loads of powers, including advanced hearing, yet never uses them. Could have come in handy tonight.


Why didn't kid (Luke?) melt the tires of Sylar's car as he got away? Would have shown the bastard.


So Sylar is off taking a road trip to find his daddy...who cares?


And basically I realised that they just keep retelling season one but getting worse and worse. "Some evil group is trying to stop people with powers and the empowered people themselves keep switching sides and Noah is always working for the baddies "but for you Claire Bear" and Claire "like totally hates" him...then loves him...then hates him." Urgh





Rant over

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Mhm me and my housemate watched it and kinda went "that was okay" and then as we were cleaning up ripped it apart;


So the Heroes are wanted by the government and Hiro and Ando managed to get to India and everyone else got from Arkansas to California without being noticed while Claire goes to the comic book shop and is spotted. Riiiiight.


Why on earth would Tracey freeze that person when the woman who said she'd shut it down is stood right there. I'm sure she'd understand having someone by the throat like that given her situation. Furthermore "ZOMG THIS IS TERRIBLE. THIS IS TORTUE. I'M SHUTTING YOU DOWN!!!!....but wait here Tracey while I do this" Really?


Hiro stopped the Indian wedding. I'm SO glad. I've been waiting for this for years. -_-


Hiro is in charge of a huge Japanese company, which Ando also works for. Peter was a paramedic. Are people not going "....where are they?"


Sylar has loads of powers, including advanced hearing, yet never uses them. Could have come in handy tonight.


Why didn't kid (Luke?) melt the tires of Sylar's car as he got away? Would have shown the bastard.


So Sylar is off taking a road trip to find his daddy...who cares?


And basically I realised that they just keep retelling season one but getting worse and worse. "Some evil group is trying to stop people with powers and the empowered people themselves keep switching sides and Noah is always working for the baddies "but for you Claire Bear" and Claire "like totally hates" him...then loves him...then hates him." Urgh





Rant over


I havn't even read the spoilers yuou've posted but it doesn't sound good.

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