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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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Im gonna put my reply in spoiler tag just incase


I hope Elle is still alive but they were already far on their way to ruining her character.


I liked her when she would flirt electrically with Peter, I liked her when you could see the issues with her dad coming through, I liked her when she started that weird friendship with Claire.


Then of couse she gets thrown together with Sylar and her character just becomes stupid.


Plus why did HRG have them in his sights while they were kissing but wait until they had sex to take the shot???

I completely agree with you about Elle; they are the exact same moments I like.

I also really liked her at the start of Season 3, the nievity she had when she confronted Sylar and let the prisoners out of Level 5; and when Angela dismissed her I felt for her.


I'm finding it hard to enjoy the show because so much of the time they are doing the exact opposite with each character for where I'd like to see that character go! But nooooo, they have to keep putting in stupid twists and mixing it up ALL the time.


The thing with HRG, Sylar and Elle... it's Heroes, it's stupid, that is all!

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@ Happenstance -

HRG wanted to tell Sylar that Arthur and Angela aren't his parents. He wanted to cause a rift to disrupt what Sylar and Elle were doing. That's how it looked. And we saw HRG tell Sylar as such. Anyway, I don't think that Elle is dead. I don't think Sylar would do it. When he had is powers prior to the eclipse and Elle was shocking the hell out of him, he eulegised with her and forgave her. I think he'll have done the same there. I still think it's strange that Peter still hasn't got his powers back. I thought that perhaps the eclipse would return his ability to absorb powers. But then we didn't see anything much about Peter after the eclipse so perhaps he has got his power back.

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@ Happenstance -
HRG wanted to tell Sylar that Arthur and Angela aren't his parents. He wanted to cause a rift to disrupt what Sylar and Elle were doing. That's how it looked. And we saw HRG tell Sylar as such. Anyway, I don't think that Elle is dead. I don't think Sylar would do it. When he had is powers prior to the eclipse and Elle was shocking the hell out of him, he eulegised with her and forgave her. I think he'll have done the same there. I still think it's strange that Peter still hasn't got his powers back. I thought that perhaps the eclipse would return his ability to absorb powers. But then we didn't see anything much about Peter after the eclipse so perhaps he has got his power back.

Don't think Peter does have his power back because otherwise he's have absorbed the Haitians power as well as Nathans and been able to fly after the loser!
Don't eclipses last only a few minutes, and happen in localized areas?
The 'total' eclipse part is short yeah, it certainly wouldn't last most of the day. The eclipse in Season 1 was really short, and didn't blackout the whole episode.
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Don't think Peter does have his power back because otherwise he's have absorbed the Haitians power as well as Nathans and been able to fly after the loser!



The 'total' eclipse part is short yeah, it certainly wouldn't last most of the day. The eclipse in Season 1 was really short, and didn't blackout the whole episode.


He could have his powers back without him realising yet. He would have thought the same as you and we only saw him for a few minutes after the eclipse finished.



And yeah that must be the first eclipse in history to last for about six hours.

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What did we learn from this power-stealing eclipse that we couldn't have found out some other, possibly more interesting way? As Arthur Petrelli explained, the eclipse showed us who these people really are: desperate, angry and weak. But didn't we already know that? This entire series is based on the idea of ordinary people suddenly having extraordinary powers. The episodes were going for some deep, philosophical undertones, but it was all lost in a jumble of action and multiple stories. If a reboot of this series is coming, I hope it comes soon.


I counted about six different storylines being bounced around throughout this episode. It's a problem that's plagued Heroes since its inception. There are often too many characters and plotlines filling an episode for there to be enough time to tell a complete and meaningful story. Take Daphne and Parkman's tale in this episode. We found out that Daphne has cerebral palsy. This was represented by leg braces and crutches. Neither Daphne, who, for all she knows, will never be able to run again, nor Matt seemed altogether phased by this. Where was the gut-wrenching emotion? There was just no time. Just like there was no time to ever fully explain Daphne's troublesome history with her father. Just throw a wordless hug in there to show that everything is now okay and let's move on.


Meanwhile, Sylar and Elle continued their rollercoaster, eh… romance? With their powers gone, it was time to hook up. (Oh, and did we all notice that Mr. Bennet had the pair in his gun sight as they were making out, but didn't fire until after they had done the deed? So, should we assume he was just watching them the entire time?) The pair's relationship has never really made a lot of sense. This week, Sylar did everything he could to save the wounded Elle, even sacrificing himself, but when his powers returned, and he realized he's never going to change, he apparently killed Elle himself. Wait? Never going to change? Dude has changed more in this season than I've changed my pants this week. Because of all this back and forth, this sudden change of heart had little emotional impact.


Sort of like seeing Claire and her mother in the hospital. Tears were shed on screen, but I was far from moved. It's not like anyone was sitting on the edge of his or her seat hoping Claire was going to somehow survive her gunshot. Of course she was going to survive. There's really no story there. A better story would have been seeing how Claire, declared dead by the many doctors and nurses who worked on her, and her mother, under the watchful eye of law enforcement, would ever get out of the hospital without having to do a lot of explaining. But the episode skipped that part.


"The Eclipse - Part 2" did try to dig a little deeper into Claire's relationship with her adoptive father, but even that was cut short by the sudden arrival of Sylar and Elle. Again, instead of having time to connect with Claire's heartache of being abandoned by her father, we are quickly moved on to a new idea. Hiro removed Claire from that story to somehow help him get his adult memory back. So we're already on to the next thing.


This episode also included the highly predictable storyline of Mohinder trying to reconnect with Maya, just as his hideous, self-induced powers reemerged. This might have been heartbreaking, if only the series had done a better job of establishing any sort of real connection between the two characters. Finally, there were the events that transpired in Haiti. Nathan's experience as a prisoner and seeing the horrors of forced prostitution firsthand turned his thinking towards agreeing with his father's plan to give powers to everyone. This fit the frustrating mold of Heroes, where a character can change their motivation at the drop of a hat. And from the looks of things, the writers have countless hats hanging by very looses threads.



"Pushing Daisies" creator/executive producer Bryan Fuller is close to a two-year overall deal with Universal Media Studios.


Under the seven-figure pact, Fuller will rejoin the UMS-produced drama "Heroes," which he left after the first season to launch ABC/WBTV's "Daisies," and will develop new projects for the studio.


Fuller, who is wrapping postproduction on the final episodes of "Daisies' " 13-episode second-season order, is expected to officially come on board "Heroes" starting with Episode 20.


His exact role on the sci-fi drama has not been determined, but he is expected to play a key role in the writers room alongside "Heroes" creator/executive producer/showrunner Tim Kring.


After the end of the season, Fuller might continue on "Heroes" or join another UMS-produced series while also developing his own projects.



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I'm not sure whether I'm enjoying this anymore! :)



Haha, Perverted Noah, I love it. He was clearly in it for Sylar though. :heh:


The whole Eclipse was pointless and all the characters keep switching around which is annoying, such as Nathan who suddenly likes Pinehurst. I'm generally confused. Still had some awesome bits in it like Hiro teleporting Elle and Sylar away. That is like the greatest thing he has ever done. :D Also the Haitian was brilliant.


They should make it the HRG and Haitian show then it would be perfect. : peace:


Also poor Elle. :(


Over all I was entertained but at the start it was a bit of a struggle to get into.


Also I feel I'm getting older/nerdier as usually I'd just say awesome! :awesome: but now I feel like complaining a bit. :p


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Bryan Fuller has created nothing but whimsically wonderful shows but I wish Pushing Daisies would be given (aptly) a second shot at life.


Also. Everytime the show gets criticised the stars say (and im not saying its wrong to defend your job of course) "oh the next chapter is awesome. They do so many great things. Its awesome." Every time.

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Don't think Peter does have his power back because otherwise he's have absorbed the Haitians power as well as Nathans and been able to fly after the loser!


I was actually expecting Peter to have absorbed the Hatians brothers powers and have invunerable skin, finding out when they tried to shoot him but of course that wasnt the case.


Also you would have though we would have seen the Hatians brothers powers at least once properly not just him being thrown against a car.


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Did the Haitian really just push his head. I mean really. Ooh scary and powerful. What the fuck was up with that?


They need to define his powers a bit better I think. I mean the head pushing was a bit pointless without knowing what he was actually doing. Wiping his memory until there was nothing left, actually killing him somehow in possibly the most boring way ever?


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Basically, if you think about it he has similar powers to Arthur in that he can take away people's powers, wipe their memories, etc. So basically when the Haitian was doing the 'pushing' thing on his brother's head, he was effectively killing him, and if not killing him removing any trace to the power. Not sure if that's exactly it but seems to be the most plausible idea.

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Did the Haitian really just push his head. I mean really. Ooh scary and powerful. What the fuck was up with that?


Doesn't he always put his hand on someones head when taking their memory... the excessive pushing was probably cause he was wiping his brothers head clean and to the point that he because a comatose vegetable?


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Well.... that was a hell of an episode. Just finished watching the new one on BBC3 and hot damn it ended well.


Personally, I don't see Arthur being dead. He can regenerate although if the bullet is still lodged in the head then he will be dead. As long as no one removes it. That glow leaving Arthur at the end though was interesting. Presumably his powers. But did they just evaporate or did Peter taken them in?


Now with the formula done it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. I don't think Nathan is all too convinced with the 'give everyone powers' idea.


And finally... how crappy was that that to leave Hiro out of the story for awhile, they took his powers away. Seem to be destroying all of the good characters now, what with Elle now officially dead which sucks big time.


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Well.... that was a hell of an episode. Just finished watching the new one on BBC3 and hot damn it ended well.


Personally, I don't see Arthur being dead. He can regenerate although if the bullet is still lodged in the head then he will be dead. As long as no one removes it. That glow leaving Arthur at the end though was interesting. Presumably his powers. But did they just evaporate or did Peter taken them in?


Now with the formula done it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. I don't think Nathan is all too convinced with the 'give everyone powers' idea.


And finally... how crappy was that that to leave Hiro out of the story for awhile, they took his powers away. Seem to be destroying all of the good characters now, what with Elle now officially dead which sucks big time.


Yeah I thought that aswell about Arthur, the bullet went through his head, so he can just heal like Claire and Sylar during the eclipse. I assumed the glow was the catalyst leaving the host since it died, but I also kind of hoped it was his powers leaving him and going back to the hosts so Peter would have them back, but i'm doubting that.


Yeah that does suck about Hiro, but I figure that the past Hiro will learn to use his powers soon by present Hiro so he can get back to his own timeline. Sucks Elle died, I was sure I read that she wasn't going to die.


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