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13 time weaker than the xbox360?


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just did some quick maths, and I found the revolution will be about 13 times smaller in volume than the xbox 360.

at face value that could suggest the revolution will be 13 times weaker than the 360.

however, it could alternatively suggest the revolution is 13 times more efficient in using its space (look at the cube vs the xbox), or more likely a mixture of the two.



a machine twice the power would need 4 times the size, so that would reduce the 360 to just over 3 times as powerful as the revolution.

this is assuming the more powerful processor would need correspondingly more powerful cooling system, which would take more room.

the 4 times the size figure may be significantly smaller, or significantly larger, it was plucked out of the air to suggest a point.

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LOL. Worst speculation ever. I am sorry this "equation" is from a technical base completly wrong.


Assuming that why is the PS3 not much bigger than the 360 but has 8 cores? Why is the PSP more powerfully than the DS even though they are about the same size. The PS2 has a fan and the PSP doesn't....

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A sports car has less power than a lorry, but it's also smaller, so therefore it's performance is greater, and it's faster. It's not the power that counts, it's how you use it. I really don't care about specs as long as the games can rival the competition graphically. If Nintendo choose to reveal just screenshots and videos and no specs, I'll be happy, because specs just annoy me. Gamecube was technically less powerful then the xbox in terms of specs, but in terms of engineering, it was just as good. You only need to look at games like Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime to see.

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for the xbox 360 to be 13x more powerful than the rev is a ridiculous theory to start off with... i doubt that the 360 is more than 5 times more powerful than the cube... so in order for it to be 13x more powerful than the rev would mean that the rev is actually about as powerful as the n64. lol dont think so. besides we have already heard that there will be no significant difference between the rev and the 360. so u can chill out for awhile.

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for the xbox 360 to be 13x more powerful than the rev is a ridiculous theory to start off with... i doubt that the 360 is more than 5 times more powerful than the cube... so in order for it to be 13x more powerful than the rev would mean that the rev is actually about as powerful as the n64. lol dont think so. besides we have already heard that there will be no significant difference between the rev and the 360. so u can chill out for awhile.


thats kinda the point I was trying badly to make.

I was thinking about the people pointing out how much bigger the 360 is compared to the revolution, and saying that shows how much more powerful it is.

I compared actual sizes, 360 is just under 8 times bigger than the revolution, possibly more. 3.2 Ghz/ 8 = 400Mhz. thats less than the cubes power.

Out of interest, how big is the PS3? from what I've found on the net its slightly smaller than the 360 (under 6 times bigger than the revolution)

PS3 about 6.1 cubic metres (142% PS2 size)

XBOX360 about 8.3 cubic metres (107% xbox size)

revolution about 1.1 cubic metres. (41% cube size)


for comparison, cube is around 2.7 cubic metres, xbox 7.7 cubic metres and the PS2 (original) 4.3 cubic metres.


by the way, my maths sucks, I know

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By your calculations a oooold computer from the beginning of mankind would dwarf the hell outta the for example: Ps3 or Xbox360, or even some of the supercomputers! ^^


You, my lad, are stupidness itself.


yes, because super computers used the same level of technology as the next gen consoles have available.

a more logical mock would be saying blue gene is obviously less powerful than the 360 and PS3 and revolution will be.

except (unless you believe sony) blue gene being a super computer kinda implies it may be more powerful than a games console.

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It's not true, the power of all the machines is the same (of course not exactly the same, but the difference shouldn't be that big) according to Next Gen developers. And even if the Revolution isn't as powerfull as the Xbox360 or the PS3, I don't care about it. The Revo is gonna OWN! No matter the specs.

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13 times smaller, are you kidding me? There's no way that's true. The Rev will have an external power supply and will 99% sure use the 65 nm manufacturing process for a big part of its components (including CPU and GPU) so it'll all fit in a much smaller box. The main reason for the size of the Xbox 360 and PS3 to be so big is their too powerful CPUs, which need MUCH cooling. The Revolution CPU will probably be clocked at more conventional clockspeeds for a PowerPC and they might even cool it without a fan.

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sooo if you say is correct then my sega saturn is more powerfull then the GC?

hey that must mean the computer is more powerful than all of the next-gen because it´s bigger!


Think before you write......


if I had said that the xbox was 7 times bigger than the revolution, therefore the revolution was going to be 7 times weaker than the xbox, you'd have yourself a point. I didn't. you don't.

take your own advice.

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