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Wii R in Control have managed to nab a monster interview with HVS. Here's part 1, but be sure to check out all of it because there's pure gold there.


Not only is The Conduit II pretty much confirmed, but they give a low down on what exact features they want to incorporate, as well as an update on what stage they're up to in The Conduit, and what they plan to have done for certain times.


Must read.


That's a fairly good read, I'm getting more and more hyped for this game!

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you don't actually abidde by the ratinsg system do you?


I think as gamers, we need to. With a robust rating system, enforced by legislation, society can be assured that 'nasties' are played by only suitable ages. The problem we have, what causes the media to single out gaming in the way that it has is that youngsters do have access to adult games, there is a lack of understanding from parents, and gamers, and this needs to be addressed with legislation. Its help the film/video industry, and will help the games industry.

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Now they're saying Q2 09.


I personally don't abide by the ratings. The problem is. My parents do. They don't care that a game isn't really that violent and that its only "M" because there's a bit of blood. All they care about is that it says "you should be 17 before you play this"

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Now they're saying Q2 09.


I personally don't abide by the ratings. The problem is. My parents do. They don't care that a game isn't really that violent and that its only "M" because there's a bit of blood. All they care about is that it says "you should be 17 before you play this"


Wow, my parents never really cared for stuff like that, although saying that it was in the days of the SNES when my parents made those kind of decisions for me!

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I wonder how SEGA are gonna market this? In a way its good Nintendo didnt publish it, they didnt exactly go all out with Metroid Prime Corruption did they.


No need to market this! Oone Year of talking smack about the looks and engine plus screenshots over the internet is good enough.

Gorilla marketing. :yay:

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hahaha! I think the Conduit will sell really well of it's own back and the internet hype.Plus the developers have been really open with the mags and the internet sites which has created one hell of a buzz already.


I don't have faith that this is enough. Look at Zack and Wiki, that had HUGE hype over the internet and magazines and didn't sell all too well. Really a big push in advertising from SEGA will be needed for this to sell well.

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I don't have faith that this is enough. Look at Zack and Wiki, that had HUGE hype over the internet and magazines and didn't sell all too well. Really a big push in advertising from SEGA will be needed for this to sell well.


I agree. Even with internet hype alone, it won't translate into as many sales as you think.

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I don't have faith that this is enough. Look at Zack and Wiki, that had HUGE hype over the internet and magazines and didn't sell all too well. Really a big push in advertising from SEGA will be needed for this to sell well.


Yeah but like Disaster, Zack and Wiki had zero advertising behind it.... see the pattern. I swear Nintendo are like their own worst enemy sometimes.

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I don't have faith that this is enough. Look at Zack and Wiki, that had HUGE hype over the internet and magazines and didn't sell all too well. Really a big push in advertising from SEGA will be needed for this to sell well.


Games like this don't just sell to gamers. For games to sell really well there needs to be marketing aimed at Chavs and Fadders.


Both correct, I was wrong. I still think it would sell, but you are correct it needs major hype to the random guy who just picks something up he saw on a TV ad. Gears of War sold so well off the heavy promotion. This deserves the major hype too.

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Hardcore games dont need advertisement.


They don't if the company only wants to sell it to hardcore gamers. But to sell it to any other tier they need major promotion. Hardcore and Casual aren't the only tiers. There are lots of people who treat games like casual gamers though would, however play what you might consider hardcore games. We call them Fadders and Chavs, they only play what will make them look good and make them fit in with the rest of them. They buy games that look cool regardless of how good they are and generally just buy whatever everyone else does, this is why Halo did so well, it appealed to the "tastes" of the Chavs and Fadders.

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I don't have faith that this is enough. Look at Zack and Wiki, that had HUGE hype over the internet and magazines and didn't sell all too well. Really a big push in advertising from SEGA will be needed for this to sell well.


Yeah, it's probably not enough, but to be fair you have to admit a sci-fi FPS will sell more than a cartoony adventure game to the random guy who looks at boxes on shelves. No?


I mean, some guy passes by the Nintendo shelf and sees Zack & Wiki, what does he think? More kiddy stuff from Nintendo, that's what he thinks just by seeing the cover and the back pictures.

Now the same guy sees The Conduit, a sci-fi FPS where you shoot alien ass, do you reckon he'll have the same thoughts as he did towards Z&W?


The game still needs advertising, of course, I'm just saying you can't really compare the mass appeal that a generic FPS has to something as niche as Z&W, which only the informed gamer will have a correct opinion of.

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