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Wii pricecut coming?


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Well, considering most of the best-sellers are from nintendo, it makes sense for them to not let the sales drop and keep the buzz. A smash bros bundle might've been better though, mario kart will proably be a multimillion seller in europe anyway.

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I read that its rumoured to be soon, and I think, like everyone else, its still too soon because the Wii is still selling like hotcakes at its current price. Maybe at Christmas a price cut would be good... but probably next Christmas as I'd say the Wii will be in high demand once again this year.


Offering different bundles would be cool, but sure most places offer their own variety of bundles anyway so its not really a priority, is it?

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People seeing a Wii and Wii Fit costing £249.98 will defintley be put off purchasing ,but if this pricecut happened, a Wii and Wii Fit could be available for £189.99, a price similar to a 360 with GTA4, thus people may think twice about which console they'd like to purchase.

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People seeing a Wii and Wii Fit costing £249.98 will defintley be put off purchasing ,but if this pricecut happened, a Wii and Wii Fit could be available for £189.99, a price similar to a 360 with GTA4, thus people may think twice about which console they'd like to purchase.


That sounds plausible. A Wii + WiiFit bundle would be a smart thing to do for Nintendo, since the current WiiFit price is quite steep. Unless they market it right, which i think they will, and make sure everyone and the ladies in particular, get the message that WiiFit will do your body, shape or weight a lot of good.


As for Wii + WiiSports selling for € 149 euro? No way that's gonna happen. It's been in high demand since it launched. It's still selling out everywhere. Dropping the price would be foolish.


Something to counter 360+GTA4/PS3+GTA4? Perhaps. But I think the Mario Kart + WiiFit combo is more than enough get the attention. Plus, they're not really competing for the same gaming money IMO.

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Regarding another site Nintendo said no regarding any price drops (however, if I remember correctly other manufacturers have said so before shortly before a price drop).

Though I don't think there will be a price drop and if, it sure won't be 100 €.

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Nintendo would be absolutely crazy to do any sort of price drop at the moment. The machine is outselling everything out there by a long long way at the moment. As far as I can tell the stock issue still isn't completely resolved either. I will be shocked if anything goes on price-wise.

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