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I was finding it a bit difficult at first (Normal) but I think thats because Ive never played it. Anyway I think about 30 minutes in or so and its starting to get better.


Stabbing people is a bit shit though...you stab them like 5 times in their chest, then they knock you down and shoot you. Its cool though.

The end of Act 2 = wow! Who else thinks Drebin is an awesome character?


Drebin is awesome.


Just finished Act 2.


The bit when Raiden starts windmilling on the floor and is swinging the gekkos round with his legs is so absurdly cool I watched it with my jaw to the floor.


Also the Laughing Octopus boss was so cool! I had my headphones on really loud, scared the shit out of me when she jumped out of nowhere or chased me down in a ball. I loved how she kept hiding. At one point she hid in a box on a shelf. So cool.



I'm playing it on normal, and I usually play MGS games on very easy, and I finding the difficulty perfect. Completely spot on perfect. Not annoyingly hard but still entertainingly challenging.


Anyone know if there is a movie viewer like in MGS3?


Onto Act 2 on Normal now, (It's a harder Normal you unlock i think).


Enjoying it much more, i should have played it on this to begin with. Now that i understand how Drebin Points work and have got used to the controls the second play through is even more fun than the first.


Im having a hell of a time trying to get a refund off play.com for my LE copy. After Daft directed me to where the soundtrack was I checked and it only had a shoddy 16 songs on it when the original soundtrack has 47! I phoned them up and complained, was kept on hold for ages and now im waiting for a call back. The woman said that if there is another soundtrack out there then in theory they would have to offer it to those who paid for the LE.


EDIT: Well apparently the 47 song soundtrack is only for the US and JAPAN but with play.com not stating which one was with their boxset they have kindly offered me a refund aswell as picking the item back up, which was nice of them. :)


I've been playing this most of today. I've completed Act 1, and I'm part way through Act 2. This game is seriously epic! hard to get used to at first, as it plays really differently to the other MGS games, but now I'm used to it, it's awesome! ^^


Unlockable: Inheritence


You carry over your Drebin points, weapons, ammunition, items, and special items from a previous game upon game clear. However, Snake will need to encounter Metal Gear II in the first stage to get his stuff back.


Be sure to save your cleared data upon game completion to track your items. Load the cleared data to reap your benefits.


Unlockable: New Difficulty


Earn the final level of difficulty "Big Boss Extreme" by completing the single-player mode once (and saving the cleared data). Load the cleared data to reap your benefits.


Unlockable: Combat Vests


Clear the single-player game once to unlock new combat vests for Snake.


Unlockable: iPod Tunes


Snake's iPod can download specific tunes throughout the course of the game. Some songs have an additional "secret" effect when it is played in the game.


Beyond the Bounds - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Tank Hangar. After power is restored, backtrack to the upper catwalk and explore all rooms. When played, this tune increases stun damage done by Snake from non-lethal weapons.


Big Boss - Earn the Big Boss emblem (see another code on this page for the criteria). This tune will increase stun damage (as above) and increases Snake's accuracy when played.


Bio-hazard - Stage 3 Europe, Midtown. Hold-up a resistance soldier and perform a body search. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror.


Destiny's Call - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item. Naturally, the faction should be allied or neutral, or they will not reciprocate. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged.


Flowing Destiny - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Canyon. Before leaving the canyon area, examine the rocky walls for a hole hiding this item. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl.


The Fury - Stage 2 South America, Cove Valley Village. Inside the fire ravaged house. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged.


MGS 4 Love Theme / Action - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item. Naturally, the faction should be allied or neutral, or they will not reciprocate. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl.


Opening - Old L.A. 2040 - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 78925 into Otacon's lab computer. This tune will increase Snake's accuracy.


Policenaughts Ending - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 13462 into Otacon's lab computer. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to fall asleep on touch.


Rock Me - Stage 2 South America, Confinement Facility. Island in the south-eastern quadrant. This tune increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means.


Sailor - Stage 2 South America, Vista Mansion. Between the east wall and a cargo container. This tune increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means.


Show Time - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item. Naturally, the faction should be allied or neutral, or they will not reciprocate. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror.


Snake Eater - Unlocked by earning all 40 game clear emblems. This tune will increase the life recovery rate of Snake through items and other actions.


Subsistence - Play at least one game of Metal Gear Online. You must start the match with at least two players (and not simply wander around alone or on the Training Servers). This tune will increase Snake's accuracy.


Unlockable: Bonus Weapons


World War I Pistol - Earn the Hound emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no more than 3 alerts (the third alert means failure); kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Naked Normal difficulty (or higher) under 6 hours and 30 minutes.


Desert Eagle, Long Barrel - Earn the Fox emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no more than 5 alerts (the fifth alert means failure); kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Naked Normal difficulty (or higher) under 6 hours.


Thor 45-70 - Earn the Fox Hound emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no more than 3 alerts (the third alert means failure); kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Big Boss Hard difficulty (or higher) under 5 hours and 30 minutes.


Patriot Future Assault Weapon - Earn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no alerts; kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Big Boss Extreme difficulty under 5 hours.


Race (Ricochet) Gun - Clear the single-player game once.


Solar Gun - Collect the five statues (those of the four Battle Beauties and the Frog Soldier/Haven Troopers in stage 1) using non-lethal means on their respective idols.

Frog Statue - Stage 1 Middle East, Advent Palace garage, atop the Nomad vehicle.

Octopus Statue - Stage 2 South America, Research Lab boss room, upper right room.

Raven Statue - Stage 3 Europe, top floor of the human phase of the boss fight.

Wolf Statue - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, behind Snake's starting spot in the human phase of the boss fight.

Mantis Statue - Stage 5 Outer Heaven, near the northern most door during the human phase of the fight.


Scanning Plug S - Log more than 10 hours of Metal Gear Online play time on the same profile as your Metal Gear 4 game. You purchase this from Drebin.


Digital Camera - In the Nomad vehicle during the mission intermission; you can unlock a special photo by picking up this item in stage 4 instead of earlier.


Stealth Item - Complete a single-player session without instigating a single alert (caution is okay, but not alert). You can do this on any difficulty.


Bandanna - Complete a single-player session without killing anyone (including bosses). You can do this on any difficulty.


Unlockable: Facepaint


FaceCamo - Defeat the Battle Beauty Laughing Octopus (the overall battle, no specifics involved).


Laughing Octopus - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Laughing Octopus by non-lethal means.


Raging Raven - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Raging Raven by non-lethal means.


Crying Wolf - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Crying Wolf by non-lethal means.


Screaming Mantis - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Screaming Mantis by non-lethal means.


Roy Campbell - Shock Colonel Campbell using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Otacon - Shock Dr. Emmerich using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Raiden Mask A - Shock Sunny using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Raiden Mask B - Shock Dr. Naomi Hunter using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Drebin - Purchase and keep more than 60 different weapons.


Big Boss - Earn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no alerts; kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Big Boss Extreme difficulty under 5 hours.


Unlockable: Costumes / Skins


Business Suit - Clear single-player mode once.


Altair's Rags - Earn the Assassin's emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: kill or stun 50 or more enemies; CQC hold 50 or more enemies; and be discovered fewer than 25 times.


No More Camo

Shake the Sixaxis controller to return Snake's Octocamo to its neutral (black and blue) pigmentation.


Online Stealth Tips

When playing as Snake in the online sneaking mode, you should avoid lit areas so your shadow will not be as apparent. Also, in stages where characters emit frosty breath, have Snake play dead while prone to make Snake's breath disappear.


Beauty shows her beauty mode

Avoid attacking the beauty for six mins in human form.






Japan Sales


- 100% sell-thru for normal version, 90% for special version

- Complete sell-out for steel-colored special hardware bundles, 2 left for Sony's own hardware bundles

- Not too outstanding normal PS3 pushes compared with the sales of hardware bundles

- The total sales of MGS4 in the launch day alone already exceeded the LTDs of MNG5, DMC4 and RGG3, and just a little bit behind the LTD of Musou 5, the best-selling PS3 game in his shop.

Guest Stefkov

Started playing it at 1 ish then was out for 4/5 hours at 2 o'clock so Act 1 took me 6 hours to complete.

Visually the game is fantastic, I look forward to watching the cutscenes. I wish Metal Gear was just a movie, each game in the MGS series being a movie which I can just watch.


The graphics in one of the cutscenes later on, in Act 3 I think, are f*cking amazing.


I'm so glad I played MGS3 otherwise half of this would be going over my head.


I want to keep playing but I don't want to finish it...damn it.


I think thats all for today.


When they are wandering towards you after you defeat them does it make a difference if you tranq them to lose all their stamina or just kill them? I've been tranqing them.


The graphics in one of the cutscenes later on, in Act 3 I think, are f*cking amazing.


I'm so glad I played MGS3 otherwise half of this would be going over my head.


I want to keep playing but I don't want to finish it...damn it.


I think thats all for today.


When they are wandering towards you after you defeat them does it make a difference if you tranq them to lose all their stamina or just kill them? I've been tranqing them.



FaceCamo ie you get head camo (the overall battle, no specifics involved).


Laughing Octopus - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Laughing Octopus by non-lethal means.


Raging Raven - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Raging Raven by non-lethal means.


Crying Wolf - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Crying Wolf by non-lethal means.


Screaming Mantis - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Screaming Mantis by non-lethal means.


Roy Campbell - Shock Colonel Campbell using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Otacon - Shock Dr. Emmerich using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Raiden Mask A - Shock Sunny using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Raiden Mask B - Shock Dr. Naomi Hunter using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Drebin - Purchase and keep more than 60 different weapons.


Big Boss - Earn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no alerts; kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Big Boss Extreme difficulty under 5 hours.




If anyone can do that last one..............



....I don't even know what to say....



What do you press to shock with it in the intermission? I haven't actually used it yet.



Cheers Dante!


So is it necessary for me to play Snake Eater because I really want to play this seeing as it's out and everyone is talking about it?

I only have a 40bg, but there is a ps2 if I can be bothered to set it up.


I don't know what everyone else thinks but Act 3 is REALLY MGS3 reference heavy. It just wouldn't have the same impact without.


MGS3 is an awesome game anyway, you should just play it.

I personally didn't like MGS3 :/


What didn't you like?


I preferred playing MGS2 but I thought the story with The Boss, Naked Snake and Eva was just awesome. And the last section was just so cool. Best boss fights ever...well until I played MGS4. Laughing Octopus now has that crown.


Loving this game but... is there anywhere where I can watch the cutscenes online? cos twice now I've had to *god forbid* skip / turn off in the middle of a cutscene cos of having to go to work. :/

Guest Stefkov
I don't know what everyone else thinks but Act 3 is REALLY MGS3 reference heavy. It just wouldn't have the same impact without.


MGS3 is an awesome game anyway, you should just play it.


There's nothing I can do now, I'll just have to go off what Gametrailers videos have told me.

Also in Act 2

When you're speaking to Naomi, before you get all tested and whatnot. When she was explaining the whole aging I remember her saying 'It's like it was a game' or on those lines. It showed a list of the MGS games then had a few more pictures underneath it saying 'Under Construction'. I just thought this was maybe a hint.



There is a new Octocamo and Audio track to download.


I really hope the 2.4 update allows you to play custom soundtracks through the iPod. T'would be awesome.



There's nothing I can do now, I'll just have to go off what Gametrailers videos have told me.


It isn't confusing or anything, if you haven't played MGS3, I just think it'll lose a lot of impact.


Also in Act 2
When you're speaking to Naomi, before you get all tested and whatnot. When she was explaining the whole aging I remember her saying 'It's like it was a game' or on those lines. It showed a list of the MGS games then had a few more pictures underneath it saying 'Under Construction'. I just thought this was maybe a hint.


Haha! Yeah I thought that.

Guest Stefkov
It isn't confusing or anything, if you haven't played MGS3, I just think it'll lose a lot of impact.

Ah good.

Just finished Act 2

Raiden owns. I wasn't keen on im in MGS2 but in this, with his getup and ninja skills, he's awesome. Shame if he is dead dead now.

His fight with Vamp was pretty swish aswell.


Act 3 and onwards can wait till the weekend now.

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