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Your Funeral - Burial? Or cremation?


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Excuse the morbid subject... but how would you like your funeral to be?

Burial or Cremation? And why?

And if it's burial... grave, tomb or mausoleum?


I can't stand the thought of Burial, just rotting away in a box... I demand to be cremated! Plus there's always the possiblity I'll be buried alive, wich is one of my biggest fears. :(


The only way I'd accept to be buried, is if it were without a coffin or clothes, just a buried body in a grave.

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meh... i'd be dead - so i wouldnt really care too much... but i guess for whoever i leave behind i'd like to be cremated and scattered somewhere.. i dont wanna take up unnecessary space ^__^

.....i'm dead considerate, me.


i had to.. i couldnt stop myself.. i really tried.

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I don't really know, the thought of rotting away in a box under tonnes of earth/mud sends a chill through my spine. So does the thought of being ash in an urn. But as i will be dead (hopefully) when this happens, i wouldn't care too much.


Anyway, at the current way things are going there will most likely be no coffin burial plots left as they are filling up fast around my area, but cremation urn burial plots are plentiful.

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I quite like the idea of the burning floatilla thing. I like the idea of quitely leaving the shore and peacefully leaving everyone behind.


...while on FIYAH!!

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Cremated; I don't want my dead body to take up any space. Plus the ground around the coffin actually gets toxics in it from the coffin (and the materials used in it) and the body.

But then again there's also toxic involved with cremation.


I actually read about a new way of burial/cremation not too long ago. Forgot what it's called, but basically you're put in some weird coffin (not the normal one), then the thing gets frozen (like really really cold) and then shaken so it falls apart into tiny pieces, which can be put in an urn. Basically with this there's no pollution. =3


*might want that, if she can find out what it is, and if the price isn't ridiculously high when she dies*

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Good thread, I had the conversation with my mum a few months ago, in a light hearted tone though. I'd like to be cremated tbh, burial takes up space and effort, cremating reduces me to a tiny pot of ashes. I'd like to be buried to 'give back to the earth', and I don't mind the idea of maggots and creepy crawlies eating at me(my mum does), but I just think cremation is much more space saving. Also, if I was scattered, I'd feel like I was more...freed like? I dunno if people get my point, but ashes flying in the wind, settling in the open air, whatever, as opposed to be boxed in under the ground?

As for where I'd like to be scattered if I was, I'm not sure, near my parents maybe(hoping and assuming they both die before myself, in a most unselfish way). I can't think of anywhere else really, other than somewhere near this house, or the local park where I went as a kid, or my dad's allotment or...I dunno! Somewhere nice though, and somewhere free.

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Why the fuck would I want to be cremated? I'd much rather be buried, preferably naked, so I could give something back to the earth I've been pillaging all my life, instead of polluting it further. Cremation = phail.


I think you might be over estimating the value of your corpse, especially if you consider the consumption over a normal life time.

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