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America Is Doomed!


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the only times i hear people claiming their right to freedom of speech is when they've argued themselves into a corner they're not clever enough to reasonably argue out of... they're saying "i should be free to say whatever unfounded poppycock i want and YOU should let me do so without question because i have the right to free speech"


and that lady was talking cock of the poppiest variety. :indeed:

its kind of a shame she cant argue her point properly - it'd be interesting to see what makes maniacs like that tick...

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the only times i hear people claiming their right to freedom of speech is when they've argued themselves into a corner they're not clever enough to reasonably argue out of... they're saying "i should be free to say whatever unfounded poppycock i want and YOU should let me do so without question because i have the right to free speech"


and that lady was talking cock of the poppiest variety. :indeed:

its kind of a shame she cant argue her point properly - it'd be interesting to see what makes maniacs like that tick...


Im not saying she isnt talking drivel. Just that you cant say its disgusting that she can.

Its like people say the BNP should be banned. Now i dont agree with what they have to say. But i dont think they shoudnt be allowed to say it.

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Are you kidding me? Future tense? America has been riddled with people like this since the country was founded.


Actually, the founding fathers were all secularist Christians or atheists. Someone should remind the current population of that, I feel...


Back on topic, I personally find the Phelps hilarious - how sad, to go through life being miserable. Screw 'em.

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Im not saying she isnt talking drivel. Just that you cant say its disgusting that she can.

Its like people say the BNP should be banned. Now i dont agree with what they have to say. But i dont think they shoudnt be allowed to say it.

The line between a right sided political view and picketing funerals as a form of protest with vulgar hate speech is not fine.

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Spreading hatred around the world is never a good thing. Yes everyone is allowed their freedom of speech but when its down right fucking disgusting, then someone should step in an stop it happening. If someone took these kind of extreme views but applied it to race, then they would be banned from doing this. Yet make it about religion and it seems no one can do anything. If only I had a death note.

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Fred Phelps did an entire sermon on my University. He's a ****. Yes C U N T.


check out http://www.godhatesireland.com


It's one of his websites.


He really is. I was just reading about him on wikipedia, he's certainly had a long and hate-filled life. I don't wish this on many people, but the sooner he dies the better, stupid old bigot. Apparently he frequently pickets funerals, including Al Gore's father's.. What a disgusting thing to do.

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Im not saying she isnt talking drivel. Just that you cant say its disgusting that she can.

Its like people say the BNP should be banned. Now i dont agree with what they have to say. But i dont think they shoudnt be allowed to say it.


sorry.. but was that an intentional example of irony?

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People like her and the adults in her family are the scum of the earth.


I saw the Louis Theroux doc on them last year, and it's so sad that the children are joining in with them, but they don't even know what they're picketing or why.


Religion gone to hell (no pun intended).

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People like that should be shot from a cannon into a pit into a pit of spikes (free speach aside maybe its time to thin out the idiots a little ;) ).


I thought being a Christian was about helping the less fortunate. It is wrong on so many levels to 'protest' at a mans funeral as he played someone gay in film (for 'christ's sake!) and that is obvious to all but the most warped individuals.

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If they lived in the UK they'd so badly be arrested for perversion of peace (or whatever it's technically called).


Breach of the peace.


One thing is certain - Fred Phelps is only doing this to make up the fact he has a tiny penis.


Yeah, I went there. :indeed:

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Those whackos in the cult crack me the fuck up. Gay rights is a stupid concept anyway. People's rights should just apply to every one, gay or not, no need for silly things like that. I love anal sex, and what they say about me going to hell makes me laugh. :D


If they lived in the UK they'd so badly be arrested for perversion of peace (or whatever it's technically called).


Another reason why UK > USA.


Really? I'd say being arrested for saying what you want is fucking stupid.

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Those whackos in the cult crack me the fuck up. Gay rights is a stupid concept anyway. People's rights should just apply to every one, gay or not, no need for silly things like that. I love anal sex, and what they say about me going to hell makes me laugh. :D




Really? I'd say being arrested for saying what you want is fucking stupid.


Err, the reason it's called gay rights is because the group that didn't have equality was the homosexuals...



I agree you can say what you want for the most part. However, when you start telling others that a certain group who are specified due to an entirely natural difference are "bad", then you are a very potent danger to the public's safety.

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Those whackos in the cult crack me the fuck up. Gay rights is a stupid concept anyway. People's rights should just apply to every one, gay or not, no need for silly things like that. I love anal sex, and what they say about me going to hell makes me laugh. :D


What Fish said.



Really? I'd say being arrested for saying what you want is fucking stupid.


Erm, so if I picket your funeral, and shout abusive things at your family etc then I shouldn't be arrested?

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Erm, so if I picket your funeral, and shout abusive things at your family etc then I shouldn't be arrested?


Abuse + disruptive and disorderly + breach of the peace + discrimination + threatening behavior + inciting others to commit crime.


Yeah, they'd be nicked here.

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Err, the reason it's called gay rights is because the group that didn't have equality was the homosexuals...



I agree you can say what you want for the most part. However, when you start telling others that a certain group who are specified due to an entirely natural difference are "bad", then you are a very potent danger to the public's safety.



What laws did straight people have which didn't apply to homosexuals?


Erm, so if I picket your funeral, and shout abusive things at your family etc then I shouldn't be arrested?


Defintely not. Opinions shouldn't get you in trouble.

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