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Your N-E Agony Aunt


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I have one!


Me and a few other guys in my class feel as though out teacher is absolute crap and is making every lesson as utterly boring as possible by giving us exams and making up copy out of textbooks because she can't be arsed to teach up properly. She was already told off by the head of department for giving us head-achingly boring work to do, and noq she's got worse we feel as though if she keeps teaching us like this we're going to fail the AS.


Should we go and see the head of department, leave it, or talk to out teacher?

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Talk to the head of department.


My school had a terrible english teacher, they talked to the head of department and made a little petition and he left at the end of the semester. I felt bad for him but if you're a bad teacher than you deserve it.

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No, to all, accept maybe leave it, copying out of textbooks, unless its a creative course, is a very good way to learn as it contains all the right things needed to pass the exams. What you do is, copy out of the textbooks, go home, read up on it, make some more notes. AS is the whole independant working jazz and my teachers at school do it too, i'm sitting here learning of ways to fund a business, i know it all, but i still do it again so i know it more.


Failing being Indie, talk to HoD

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Head of Department! It's a teachers job to teach you, not to make you copy out of textbooks. If the teacher isn't doing their job then the HoD should have something to say about it. Is this a really old teacher by any chance?


She's about 45 I think. She's just so utterly boring, I mean, I know some lessons have to be boring, but every single one? No. Our other teacher for the subject at least makes some of it fun. We did an exam 2 lessons ago and we all failed. She moaned at us, and then said "Oh! I gave you the wrong one..You can do the actual one next lesson" (today)


I think you/Sanchez are right, I'll go with a few other guys to see HoD tomorrow. Thanks!

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I'm getting a "talk" with the Head of English tomorrow because I wrote an essay so good the teacher thinks I stole it off the net. I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered - I wrote a damn good essay but apparently I'm not good enough to have done it myself!

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Ask her to take a different teaching approach for a few lessons, to see how it helps you learn. Copying from text books is one of the best ways to learn, unless you are a kinesthetic learner in this case then too much is a bad thing.


Also, ask questions about what your writing. Its as much your responsibility to ask and learn, than it is for her to teach.


Also, ask how she could be so careless to not have the knowledge or common sense to check exams before she gives you them.

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Wow what a bitch. I'd be furious that they even thought that to be honest. Especially when it must have taken alot of time and effort.


Exactly. I have to rewrite it in exam conditions on Monday, it was written as preperation and for the teacher to give us hints on how to get it better. The only thing she wrote on mine? "Is this really your own work? Try not to copy this on Monday".


I felt like slapping her, but at the same time was well chuffed that I was apparently that good. I always considered English to be a weaker subject of mine.


Have they looked for the essay on the net.


Apparently she Googled for it and didn't find anything but she still doesn't believe me. I was talking to people on MSN asking them for advice on how to word sentences and everything and they backed me up in class but still nothing.

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No, to all, accept maybe leave it, copying out of textbooks, unless its a creative course, is a very good way to learn as it contains all the right things needed to pass the exams. What you do is, copy out of the textbooks, go home, read up on it, make some more notes. AS is the whole independant working jazz and my teachers at school do it too, i'm sitting here learning of ways to fund a business, i know it all, but i still do it again so i know it more.


Failing being Indie, talk to HoD

This is true to some extent -- reading text books and making notes certainly helped with my early revision for a-levels, but in a class-room environment you expect to be taught in a stimulating way. That's what teachers are for. If all we needed were text books then why do we go to college?

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Ask her to take a different teaching approach for a few lessons, to see how it helps you learn. Copying from text books is one of the best ways to learn, unless you are a kinesthetic learner in this case then too much is a bad thing.


Also, ask questions about what your writing. Its as much your responsibility to ask and learn, than it is for her to teach.


Also, ask how she could be so careless to not have the knowledge or common sense to check exams before she gives you them.


I agree, I was quite lazy at school and it wasn't until my GCSE's came up and i kinda though "oh shit i know fuck all" i so i went though books copying loads of stuff, it was boring yes, but i learnt so much! I think your teacher is a bit old school, now its all about keeping the pupils entertained. She should be teaching you in the lessions and leave the note taking for homework. You could get her to spice up the lessons a bit though! Just ask.


I'm getting a "talk" with the Head of English tomorrow because I wrote an essay so good the teacher thinks I stole it off the net. I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered - I wrote a damn good essay but apparently I'm not good enough to have done it myself!



I'd be going over her head, and getting mother and farther involved! I'd be going nuts! This kinda happend to me once but I did base my work on a article that my teacher knew, I didn't think I did anything wrong but I was annoyed how he said it was word for word and I had just copied and paste of the computer, which i did NOT do!

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I'm getting a "talk" with the Head of English tomorrow because I wrote an essay so good the teacher thinks I stole it off the net. I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered - I wrote a damn good essay but apparently I'm not good enough to have done it myself!


I had the Exact same thing happen to me for an english peice of coursework. I was flattered yet pissed that my own teacher thought I wasn't clever enough. Just take it as a compliment/make a complaint about the teacher.

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The meeting didn't happen today. Dunno why.


Another little snippet though - my friend (who is in a different English class) saw the teacher come in with a test paper and say "You know the one with that essay? He got 30/30 too".


So now I think that they think that I've been cheating, if they were talking about me there. Although I'm not sure about it, I don't think I did very well in that test but then again I thought my essay was rubbish too.

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You didn't cheat, therefore you've nothing to worry about. Her accusations have no real basis, so if anything you'll be coming out of this with top marks and an apology.


Having said that, teachers can be rather blinkered at times. My English teacher marked me down for using the word 'laconic' because she hadn't come across it before. You could build a small fort with the number of dictionaries in the classroom, but God forbid she might look it up.

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waaa! i think i'm the patron saint of WEIRDO's... u____u

i was just at the post office, and this strange guy who i served in blockbusters the other day was behind me in the queue... i felt him looking at me and as much as i tried to look busy on my mobile he bloody POKED me to get my attention and say hi.. then proceeded to ask me some really awkward questions, very loudly... like asking me why i'd just been to the doctors.. or

"have you found any boys?"

....wtf?! i dont even know this guy...


this kind of stuff happens to me ALL the time... it's like i'm wearing a big sign that says ' i :heart: social rejects '

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Having said that, teachers can be rather blinkered at times. My English teacher marked me down for using the word 'laconic' because she hadn't come across it before. You could build a small fort with the number of dictionaries in the classroom, but God forbid she might look it up.

Wow, What a monumentally stupid thing for a teacher to do, not something I would complain about unless it happened regularly.

i :heart: social rejects '

Let me tell you about myself, I have no friends except for on WoW and my facebook is full of WoW avatars I plan to move out of my...

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Wow, What a monumentally stupid thing for a teacher to do, not something I would complain about unless it happened regularly.

Well, she was rather... self-assured. She was also my Philosophy teacher, which was fun: "This is how this is interpreted!"


I didn't complain about it, just gave her a bemused look. I'm not very academic, so marks and grades have never really meant much to me — were I a good student I'm sure I'd have been more annoyed.

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Hey aunty...I need some advice.


Basically, Last weekend I took the number of a lady I recently started to work with and we have gelled rather well, we've been speaking at midnight etc and give each other sensual hugs - we're at that stage.


Problem (or 'problem'): Through random conversation I realise that she ended a relationship just before christmas that lasted for a year and prior to that she had a 3 year relationship apparently with a dude who was also a friend of her family. She called her last relationship a "mistake" by how she 'rushed' into it. But it looks like she is doing the same thing this year with me. The question orbiting around my head is why she is interested in me...We had a text conversation last night with me saying that perhaps she should reconsider and think about going into another relationship so soon after the so-called 'mistake' because I can only be in a relationship that is full of pure open love...Nothing less.


I',m in complete agony this evening...:(...Part of me is guilty for concerning myself with her private life but the other side is happy that I came out with it. *sigh*...What do my N-Europe brothers and sisters think? What should I do? Should I not care and just go with the flow? or am i right to ask her to repose?


Thanks for any advise.

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