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I can't believe they let the Wii slip so far so fast


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I can only take so many shooting games. The Wii gives me variety and fun, and pretty much everyone will probably disagree with me and flame me but I just prefer Wii/DS games to what the competition has to offer, and I'm rapidly losing faith in the 360.


That's why it's great to have both. When I'm bored of the high-octane shooting of Cod4 for example, I kick back and enjoy some Galaxy. It's a great era for games IMO.


As for losing faith in the 360, it has tons of promise next year!

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I got my Wii at launch and it was good for about a month or 2. I then stopped playing it for a while untill a game i wanted was released (Metroid 3, Super paper mario) Thinking back i was only playing these new games for about a week, then i would hardly play them again.


IMO the wii has been a dissapointment which forced me to buy a PS3, i know the PS3 isn't perfect, but it suites me alot better than the wii. I am now looking to sell the Wii.

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Look at it this way:





Developers have been making games for the PS3 and 360 for 20+ years.


They have been making Wii games for 1yr or less.



Lay off the Wii. Is it any wonder it has outsold pretty much everything since release?! No, it's NEW and shatters a thousand illusions about "games" in general.


Develop me a quality first person shooter offering both "glamorous" Wii graphics and motion controls in less than a year and I will say Wii is a failure.


And it seems many gamers will only buy a title that scores over 80+%...


Who is to blame...The developers or the stubborn gamers?

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What in god's name is wrong with GRAW2, R6V, GoW, or Forza 2?


If you have a way of squeezing the experience (and sharp controls) of The Orange Box and CoD4 onto a Wii, please tell Valve and Infinity Ward now. CoD4 and TOB work so well because they feel so amazing, and high-res textures, sharp controls, high frame rates, and very good physics (more obvious in TOB, more unessential-but-handy for CoD4).


Actually, Halflife 2 was ported to the original Xbox. Maybe with slightly downgraded graphics, but hey, the Wii version could be even better.

CoD 4 would be a different matter. You'd have to decrease the ammount of detail a lot, and then you'd have to use the old duplication technology from the Gamecube CoD's...

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Developers have been making games for the PS3 and 360 for 20+ years.


They have been making Wii games for 1yr or less.




You also need to remember that the 360 has been out longer so developers have had more time to develop for it specifically.

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I think the main problem is 3rd parties alianating the core crowd with their efforts. The lack of decent racers,FPSs and fighters is dissapointing to say the least. Tbh like many have said a Wii really needs to be supplemented with a 360 or a PS3, which I find very sad but true.


However, I hardly have time to game at all these days anyway with stupid A levels.

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Did you ever play it? The frame rate made me ponder the use of Powerpoint in it's development...
The Wii runs Mario Galaxy at 60 fps. It can handle Half-Life 2 and the Source engine. It'll maximize the console, something we really need.
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Guest Stefkov
Look at it this way:





Developers have been making games for the PS3 and 360 for 20+ years.


They have been making Wii games for 1yr or less.

I remember reading the Wii was just the Gamecube with added extras. You telling me no-one ever made games on the Gamecube?

I find that hard to believe.

As for 20+ years of the PS3. You having a joke? There's been loads of troubles with games running fine on the PS3. Compare Madden on 360 and PS3 and the 360 version is better. EA even said if I remember, that this was because they have been working on the 360 a year longer. There are troubles with Orange Box and Assassins Creed.

Before anyone comes back and says you've proved a point, all the games are having troubles. Smash bros I read has a bug. It can be updated but it's still a bug, this is Nintendo aswell. There shouldn't be any bugs in their games [/fanboy]

People saying there are only Shooters on the 360 need to get out of their hole.

Naruto, Kameo, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, Guitar Hero, FIFA, Pro Evo, Assassins Creed, skate, DiRT, Virtua Tennis, Dead Rising, Forza, Tony Hawks, Fight Night, TMNT, King Kong, PGR series, Viva Pinata, Rockstars Table Tennis, Oblivion. That's all the none shooters on my played list. Then you add the Live Arcade games which arent shooters.

Cloning Clyde, Street Fighter II HF, Sonic, Carcassone, Hexic HD, Uno, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage 2, Track and Field, TMNT 1989 arcade, Marble blast Ultra, Bomberman, Tecans Hold em, Totemball, Prince of Persia, Boom Boom rocket, Lumines, Pacman, frogger.

Tell me the 360 only has shooters. If you all complain about it having shooters then start complaining to all the companies who make them. Shooters make for some great stories, great online play, great co-op. No wonder I became less and less a nintendo fanboy.

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People saying there are only Shooters on the 360 need to get out of their hole.

Obviously, the 360 does have more to offer than just shooters. But it is easily the 360's most saturated and, I'd argue, best marketed genre. It wouldn't surprise me if there were ten or more of them for every game you listed!

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I remember reading the Wii was just the Gamecube with added extras. You telling me no-one ever made games on the Gamecube?

I find that hard to believe.

Tapedeck's point is actually referring to the lack of originality in games, the reason why this topic was actually started, before it went "Lack of Games" thread #213. You can't just make a GameCube game a Wii game, that's the whole point here.
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Tapedeck's point is actually referring to the lack of originality in games, the reason why this topic was actually started, before it went "Lack of Games" thread #213. You can't just make a GameCube game a Wii game, that's the whole point here.



Sure you can, look no further than Fire Emblem, DK Barrel Blast, and Super Paper Mario.

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Its no suprise the 360 has a lot of FPS as game development is high and FPS are flavour of the month people.


I love my 360 and I was very happy I purchased it over the Wii when I first got it. I did eventually buy the Wii but like some other people I have hardly used it. SMG was great and was my favourite game last year. suppose I been unlucky as Metroid Prime still not been released in Japan!


There is not much else that I really want to buy over the normal 360 titles I buy. Its strange as I purchased GC titles way more regular than Wii software.

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Sure you can, look no further than Fire Emblem, DK Barrel Blast, and Super Paper Mario.
Well, you can, but you shouldn't. Not to say that FE and SPM (or SSBB for that matter) aren't good games, but the Wii should provide is with more innovation than that.


I mean, hell, FE doesn't even use the pointer, makes no sense whatsoever.(right?)

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On the other hand can I just point out that bar Smash Bros, I've been very unexcited by Wii news recently. Yep No More Heores has finally come to fruition, Zak n Wiki is great, we get Master System titles (was going to happen cos Sega need the money) but apart from that very little seems to be happening.


Maybe I'm just uninspired by whats on offer but when the only thread worth really looking at is the Smash Bros one then I'm a bit lacklustre. Surely something bigish must be coming right?

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On the other hand can I just point out that bar Smash Bros, I've been very unexcited by Wii news recently. Yep No More Heores has finally come to fruition, Zak n Wiki is great, we get Master System titles (was going to happen cos Sega need the money) but apart from that very little seems to be happening.


Maybe I'm just uninspired by whats on offer but when the only thread worth really looking at is the Smash Bros one then I'm a bit lacklustre. Surely something bigish must be coming right?


Obviously nintendo is developing something besides Mario Kart. (As Brawl is 2nd party)

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Obviously nintendo is developing something besides Mario Kart. (As Brawl is 2nd party)


Problem is that there's a disturbing chance of these being Mario spin-off games. I'm expecting Mario Tennis and Mario Party fairly soon, certainly the latter. Can't wait until some of expos to come up.

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You can't just make a GameCube game a Wii game, that's the whole point here.


I actually think quite the opposite and that developers need to realise you can make a "normal" console game for the Wii. I applaud things like Fire Emblem, I don't want too much innovation in that franchise - sure pointer controls would be nice but it would still, essentially, be a cube game. I want variety and a few traditional titles is part of that in my eyes.

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Problem is that there's a disturbing chance of these being Mario spin-off games. I'm expecting Mario Tennis and Mario Party fairly soon, certainly the latter. Can't wait until some of expos to come up.
Mario Party 9 is definetely a game that'll be made by Hudson Soft, and if we get Mario Tennis Wii, it'll be a great game, and it'll most likely be made by Camelot Software Planning, all 2nd/3rd parties. The point is that Nintendo EAD Kyoto is HUGE studio capable of developing eight big games at the time, and the only thing we know they're working on for certain is Mario Kart - there have got to be working on stuff behind the scenes. Also, Nintendo EAD Tokyo (SMG), Intelligent Systems (also really big studio), AlphaDream (Mario & Luigi), HAL Labs (Kirby, SSBM), NST (1080, MP: Hunters) and aforementioned Camelot (Golden Sun) have been quiet lately and some have even be quiet for the last two years. There are some big first/second party announcements coming.


@DazzeL: I strongly disagree. The Wii's aim is the exact opposite - I don't see how you could be so conservative.

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Mario Party 9 is definetely a game that'll be made by Hudson Soft, and if we get Mario Tennis Wii, it'll be a great game, and it'll most likely be made by Camelot Software Planning, all 2nd/3rd parties. The point is that Nintendo EAD Kyoto is HUGE studio capable of developing eight big games at the time, and the only thing we know they're working on for certain is Mario Kart - there have got to be working on stuff behind the scenes. Also, Nintendo EAD Tokyo (SMG), Intelligent Systems (also really big studio), AlphaDream (Mario & Luigi), HAL Labs (Kirby, SSBM), NST (1080, MP: Hunters) and aforementioned Camelot (Golden Sun) have been quiet lately and some have even be quiet for the last two years. There are some big first/second party announcements coming.


@DazzeL: I strongly disagree. The Wii's aim is the exact opposite - I don't see how you could be so conservative.


Also a couple more that they're working on, not sure which team or even if they're 2nd party.


Super Mario Stadium Family Baseball

Wii Music


And maybe these as they keep apearing on official japanese lists


Animal Crossing



As I said no idea which teams are working on these, but it still leaves room for some new games.

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Super Mario Stadium Family Baseball

Wii Music


And maybe these as they keep apearing on official japanese lists


Animal Crossing



As I said no idea which teams are working on these, but it still leaves room for some new games.

Mario Stadium is probably outsourced to a small Nintendo second party, and Wii Music is being handled by a small subteam of Nintendo EAD Kyoto, probably the same team that did Wii Sports. Nothing substantially taxing their development rescources though.


And yeah, EAD Kyoto is likely working on Animal Crossing as well, but we are yet to see confirmation. Should be a mind blowing game though.


Kirby, most likely in de development by HAL Laboratory, is wishful thinking as its development was specifically denied last year. I really hope it's coming though, as

video of the supposed GameCube version is awesome. The music makes me happy.
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From what you are all suggesting then we are looking at quite a depressing line of sequels. Mario Tennis and Animal Crossing are the only ones that will really benefit by being on the Wii compared to its predecessor.


This is why I want new IP. They given us the staples, now its time to mix it up. But as DCK says, there are a lot of studios who are working on "something" we just dont know what it is yet.

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