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It wasn't when he posted it. Must've been a typo


I don't dispute that, just wanted to save people being disappointed like I was.



Almost I was devastated since I recently invested in a subscription. Hopefully the free Other M they'll give me with it will find a nice price somewhere.

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I haven't seen this mentioned on this section of the forum anywhere so far but GAME and Gamestation are having a massive firesale. Go in store and there are crazy deals, Wii games for £2, hardware discounts.


Take advantage of the sicking ship!

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Picked up Zelda: Skyward Sword for £24.99 yesterday. There were LOADS of fantastic deals. Pre-owned 360 S 250GB for £119! It's ironic that the only time Game offer good value is when they've already totally fucked themselves over. If they had prices like this that changed weekly or monthly on a wide range of titles (new and old) they wouldn't be where they are now!

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Right so I've been shopping today and picke up the following:


-Basic white Wii

-Second controller

-Second Nunchuck

-Wii Motion Plus

-Smash Bros Brawl

-Epic Mickey

-Skyward Sword


All for £105. This is how I like to shop.

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