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£5 off a £35 at Gameplay - enter hv9vjvytk in the Promotions tab.



Awesome thanks! I'm going to pre order all the big games for 2010 and save quite a lot hopefully!


Edit: Damn you can only use it once :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, somebody please tell me - how does shopto actually manage to keep going with those prices? Surely that means they sell every single game more than 1 month old at a loss...?


Truly mad prices, but I won't complain. :heh:


Bash Party's well worth it at that price, it's brimming with goodies. I think I'll take the plunge and get Dead Space too. :)

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Huh!! Is it worth it? Tempted. But if it's poo then I'd rather not as I have insane amounts of games ot get through.


It has a great story, and really good graphics for Wii. Some of the controls work well (eg. tank, plane), others don't.


However a warning - the game is very buggy. Have had lots of times when sound effects keep looping indefinitely, things don't show up or trigger, then you walk away, walk back and suddenly it works, etc. Also having checkpoints at the beginning of unskippable cutscenes is just plain cruel.


If you're interested in a decent story with good graphics, with Fate Of Atlantis thrown in as a bonus, it's worth it if you find it at a good price.


Currently £11.97 on Amazon Jersey:


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