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Think it is likely I will buy a new PS3 soon. After thinking about it, I have doubts that my current one will survive Tales of Xillia, Saints Row IV, Assassin's Creed IV and the loading screen of GTAV. The fan seems to go on overdrive as soon as the PS3 is powered on and not just in disc based games, but Netflix or just simply being on. And I know it's been making noise since before AC3. Don't think it's wise to gamble all my saves. If I transfer the saves from PS3 to PS3 I also get to transfer copy righted saves too right?


A 500GB PS3 is pretty cheap now, it's cheaper than what I paid for my 120GB slim four years ago. Also I'm not likely to buy the PS4 at launch anyway, some of the(most?) launch games are also for the PS3 and in retrospect buying the PS3 two years after launch was a good decision. Cheaper, superior model and more games to choose from.

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I don't get it with people when PS+ doesn't have what they would could consider a stella month...you have all the stuff that came before...I still have so many games sat waiting to be downloaded or ready to play right away Kingdoms of Amalur, Strangers Wrath, Sleeping Dogs (playing now) the list is huge!

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Personally the wait for the next PS+ games is kinda fun, I look forward to what's coming next and it doesn't really matter when I'll get around to playing it, I get hyped for the beginning of the month and start the downloads straight away and revel in the fact I've just got some great free games. Now couple that with the idea we thought we were getting DmC, which is just about the perfect game for PS+ (a good fun romp but not made as well as its predecessors) then yeah, it's a little disappointing compared to what could've been. Why is that not ok? :p It's not as though I'm affecting the games and if you're happy, you're happy so stuff it and move on!

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Meh. I will enjoy NFS, but I could tell from the demo it was no Burnout Paradise. Mafia 2 is great but I played that when it came out. I still can't wrap my head around the idea that people think Spec Ops is any more than an immensely generic shooter dressed up in a contrived storyline that somehow people are convinced is great. Lego LotR for Vita has a score of 54 on metacritic compared to the 80+ on every other platform and When Vikings Attack has similar feedback.


It's made far more disappointing though when compared to the rumoured titles, DmC and LKS (which I've never played, but heard great things about).


In fact I might just pick up the latter and dust off the Wii...


Still, never as disappointing as free Assassin's Creed 2, right? They're still blowing cobwebs off those discs at GAME.

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Personally the wait for the next PS+ games is kinda fun, I look forward to what's coming next and it doesn't really matter when I'll get around to playing it, I get hyped for the beginning of the month and start the downloads straight away and revel in the fact I've just got some great free games. Now couple that with the idea we thought we were getting DmC, which is just about the perfect game for PS+ (a good fun romp but not made as well as its predecessors) then yeah, it's a little disappointing compared to what could've been. Why is that not ok? :p It's not as though I'm affecting the games and if you're happy, you're happy so stuff it and move on!


Haha! I do this as well. I also share your disappointment with the lack of DmC. I've been wanting to play it for a few months now and getting it on PS+ would have been a sweet deal. I still think it may pop up in another month though, I mean that list that was leaked was spot on until August.

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Still, never as disappointing as free Assassin's Creed 2, right? They're still blowing cobwebs off those discs at GAME.


Ha, I know you think I'm an Xbox fanboy, but I haven't renewed XBL Gold for 2 months or played anything but Borderlands 2 on local co-op. It's been all Vita, 3DS, retro and PS+ games for me for some time now! And as long as P5 is on PS4, that'll be my console of choice next generation. I may come across like I'm attacking Sony/defending MS, but most of the time I'm just trying to play devil's advocate since most discussions on this forum are just a tidal wave of the same opinion :p

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So I think I changed my mind(I do that a lot) about buying a new PS3, at least for now. Just found out I can save all my saves to cloud storage without having to do it manually one by one. Just started an automated upload of all my 350 saves counting over 660 MB(most retail games have several saves each, also Skyrim's mega saves is to blame for half of it :p). Will do it again for the sd card tomorrow. So if the PS3 breaks I don't think I should have any problem. If I'm lucky it lasts until PS4.


What is the best way to clean the fan/ps3 for someone without technical expertise? Opening it is a big no no.

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Open it...seriously. It's the thermal paste that needs replacing, that's what causes the fans to go mental and that's what will YLOD your PS3.


Plus there is no way to clean it out unless you open it. See my link to the guide further up.

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The page clearly states one should not follow the tips if one feel uncomfortable with opening and servicing one's own PS3. Check. Sorry, you may think negatively of this, but it's really not an option for me. I rather chicken out than breaking it(myself).

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Then (no offence, but) it's going to break. Sony's thermal paste wears out after a couple of years, after which the temperature of the GPU remains high and eventually overheats. The PS3 fan will work hard to try prevent this but it will fail. There's no amount of superficial cleaning that will go any way to prevent this. Plus I would say it's really worth it as the amount of crap I cleaned out of my PS3 by opening it up was unbelievable.


As a general note, I had no idea how to open up a PS3, I just followed the pretty much fool proof YouTube guide.

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The only way to clean your fans a bit without opening the PS3 would be to use the nozzle/brush attachment attachment from your vacuum.


Disclaimer: Follow the steps on here including unplugging your PS3 and using a cloth if you dont have a low-power vacuum http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110313191718AA14wBO


It's not going to do much though.

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Well all I can say is, I really hope the PS4 is better constructed than the PS3, I always assumed that I'd be able to enjoy playing my PS3 for many years to come but going by what has been said in this thread and in those repair guides, I'd be lucky if my console lasts the year as it already makes quite load fan noises while it's turned on.


What I don't understand is why would it be too late to repair it when it gets the 'YLOD' ? if you can repair it before it gets to that stage then surely you can repair it after it reaches that point...


I'd rather not open up my NTSC launch model PS3 unless I have to. :/

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Ah, that's a shame :( in that case I'll risk it for a while longer, try and play the fuck out of the games I really want to complete and then look into trying to repair it in a couple of months when I have more time.

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Aren't the newer models supposed to be more reliable? I have a super slim and I don't know what it is, but it just seems very compact and durable and something that won't let me down. I've cursed it now, of course.

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Aren't the newer models supposed to be more reliable? I have a super slim and I don't know what it is, but it just seems very compact and durable and something that won't let me down. I've cursed it now, of course.


Yes, it's only the fat models that really have this problem. The thermal paste they used in the fat systems was not the best, which led to a loss of paste over time. The paste's job is to dissipate heat, so when it starts to be lost it results in overheating.


The YLOD essentially occurs when overheating causes the solder balls connected to the underneath of the graphics and processor chips to either crack or melt, resulting in a short circuit. Hence, once the YLOD has happened you can't just repair it by replacing the thermal paste. It's usually the graphics chip balls to blame.


Really though, it hasn't happened to me in 7 years of constant use (since launch), so you'll probably be fine if you have an older model @S\.C\.G.

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My 40Gb fat PS3 is also making loud fan noises pretty much all the time. I think I'm going to open it up in a few days and apply some of that thermal paste. Will report how it goes and comment on the difficulty of doing this if people are interested?


Thanks for the above link, Sheikah. Out of interest, how did you clean the dust from the inside of your console? Compressed air?


A vacuum cleaner on a low setting, lol. Got it all out.


I recommend a decent thermal compound like Arctic Silver or the stuff made by coolermaster.

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